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Lets all donate a dollar

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Like the title says, we should all donate one dollar to Gregg, why?, as a way to say thanks for providing us with this great forum and putting up with us :lol: .

In all seriousness, if say 50 of us donate a $1, well should get the chat back, I dont really care if the chat room is here, but sometimes I do use it, and it would be nice to have it back. I know there are the members that do use it all the time and I am sure you guys would like to have it back.

What do you guys think, you on broad for donating one dollar?

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That's funny, I was thinking something along those lines as well, when the chat thread came up... Not to get the chat back, but just to show Gregg our appreciation for what he has set up here for all of us to enjoy.

I wanted to make it a surprise, though, and racked my brain for a bit to figure out a way to get the message out to everyone without him knowing. And then, who would hold all of the money?.. etc... Maybe get him a really cool gift or something if we got enough bucks together...

But, anyway, since that cat kinda just "tore through the bag", I want to say: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Gregg!!! Your forum definitely is very much appreciated by me, and certainly MANY other members as well! Thanks again, Gregg! You're one heck of a guy!!!

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This was tried already, and it's not going to work.

Yes, PayPal takes their fees, no matter what, and then what someone brought up, say Keoni Kalakaua donates $10, then gets into an argument with Terry Temptress, and then they start yelling on the forum.

They both get banned, but then, since Keoni has sent in his "donation", he feels that he should not be subject to a ban, or other such restriction, since he is now an "owner" of the forum.

See where this could be a problem?

I didn't get it at first, then it made sense.

So, for now, it's concentrating on the mag and online content that is here on the forum, and making sure that everything works seamlessly.

And of course, keeping the fighting down to ZERO.

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That was kind of the idea, to say thank you, and everyone has a $1 they can donate, it does not matter how you donate. Sorry to take your idea from you .

And I think closing the forum down for a week would get the message across, but why should the ones that dont cause trouble have to be punished , its not fair to us.

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You pay cover to get into a nightclub, get in a fight, and get tossed out, you don't "own" part of the club, and you don't get to stay in for breaking the rules just because you paid to get in.

Your hypothetical tiff isn't an issue when you have equal and consistent enforcement of a known set of rules.

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This was tried already, and it's not going to work.

Yes, PayPal takes their fees, no matter what, and then what someone brought up, say Keoni Kalakaua donates $10, then gets into an argument with Terry Temptress, and then they start yelling on the forum.

They both get banned, but then, since Keoni has sent in his "donation", he feels that he should not be subject to a ban, or other such restriction, since he is now an "owner" of the forum.

See where this could be a problem?

I didn't get it at first, then it made sense.

So, for now, it's concentrating on the mag and online content that is here on the forum, and making sure that everything works seamlessly.

And of course, keeping the fighting down to ZERO.

Gregg, Just trying to come up with a way to say thanks for everything, and to see if people want to help out, i am sure you are right and it wont work, but maybe, just maybe, it might, but it will take the members on here remembering why we are all here, because we love models. I think that's has been lost for awhile around here, you know the whole point of this hobby.

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if "gift" payment is made, then there is no fee taken out. instead of a donation, it should be a gift. i see this forum as a gift to the hobby and just like a real gift, a lot of folks take it for granted and whine about it.

i would gladly give a buck, heck, i'd give 5 bucks. i dont use the chat, but if it helps, then it helps.

i was wondering about the "forum jump" feature. :lol:

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Really? PayPal with no fee? I wasn't aware of that feature. So where do we send our gifts and can the "gift" be for the whole forum and not just the chat room?

if "gift" payment is made, then there is no fee taken out. instead of a donation, it should be a gift. i see this forum as a gift to the hobby and just like a real gift, a lot of folks take it for granted and whine about it.

i would gladly give a buck, heck, i'd give 5 bucks. i dont use the chat, but if it helps, then it helps.

i was wondering about the "forum jump" feature. :lol:

yes jim, as i said it and another member mentioned it. if you send it as a "gift" payment, it doesn't take out fee's. :D

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Gregg asked for donations a few weeks ago to keep the forum going. This was after the switch to the new server. I told Gregg then that I don't have an issue sending money but I wanted some answers. He did answer them in a way. I still don't have an issue sending some money to help keep this forum alive. I get up in the morning, turn on the computer, go have breakfast, and get to the forum. It's become part of my daily life and I don't want to see it disappear.

So where do I send a PayPal GIFT?

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Let's drop the whole money thing. The forum as it is right now is fine. And besides, donations and/or gifts would help out right now, but when the next round or month comes, it would be "Play it again Sam" time all over again. It is a monthly issue, that I will deal with.

With the forum plugging away now as it is it's fine.

The server is running good, the main site is getting better, David's helping out when he can, and there will be a bigger and better site along the way soon.

Just consider it growing pains, and get back to building.

I still see great new topics and threads being posted every time I get on the board, and that's the way it should be.

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