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Bench Rage! Have you ever lost it?

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Tonight I snapped and destroyed a model that was in the final stages of completion. Over two years ago I got the thing painted beautifully (see photo). I know these Heller 1/16 Citroens are challenging, but this one pushed me over the edge. I've been slowly working my way toward finishing it, painting this, trimming that, foil, detail paint, et cetera. During the last week or so everything was coming together. However, the closer I got, the greater the obstacles to completion. Seemed like every little thing decided to find a way to cause grief and consternation. I'm no mathematician or engineer, but I think there is an equation to describe the process: N (T x C)2 = A. Where N is the number of parts used, T is the quantity of time put in, C is the degree of completion, which yields the coefficient of aggravation.

In any event, has this ever happened to you? I feel better and I'll never look at those parts in the trash again. Goodbye, DS!

By the way, I have two more of these Heller kits (one sedan and one cabriolet) if anyone wishes to put themselves through the torment I'll let them go cheaply.


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I've come close, only time I have was once whem my sister mad me mad in HS and I destroyed a messed up AMT ZR1 with a maglight. That is the nice part about my R/C stuff or lifting weights, I can go out and thrash one of my R/C's or just go and lift to get rid of that aggrevation via trying to move weights around!

Edited by Joe Handley
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I've never destroyed one but I could have for sure. I'm usually at the bench working away and I'll start letting the cusswords flow like Regan in the Excorcist. My wife will be passing by and will stop and look down at me with eyes as big as golf balls and she'll ask why I don't find a hobby with less stress.........she just doesn't get it. :lol:

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It happened to me once, a couple years ago. I was working on my Tamiya Morris Mini Cooper, which is a beautiful kit. But, I just kept having repeated problems with the paint, and I had already stripped and repainted the body twice. My third paint job got damaged, and I calmly put away the Mini.

Then the stack of kits I put the Mini on fell over.

I then started grabbing models off my shelf that I never had been satisfied with, throwing them against the wall, and stomping on them with my boots, screaming unintelligibly the whole time. I took a hammer to an old toy that I planned to scavenge for greeblies for sci-fi builds. I only stopped long enough to reassure my wife that I wasn't hurt, and that I needed to do this.

After I was done, I felt much calmer, and much more in control of myself. I cleaned up the carnage, and haven't gone anywhere near that crazy since then.

Edited by bronxrumble5
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I've come close before.I don't blame anyone,but it can cause rage that comes out.its a good thing cause I sure wouldn't want a live person to be at the other end of the rage.I most of the time put it away for awhile and when I come back to it....everything is better.I often wonder if its not other stress that cause the death of a kit to happen.but either way its ok....its not real so everybody will be ok.take a breather think about something else.don't sell,trade any kits off till you have really thought about it.good luck,have a nice day,Thanks,Chris

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I am currently working on a secret project, building the nastiest kit I have EVER had the displeasure of working on. The mismatched seams are endless, nasty flash, poorest chrome I have seen in any kit. The word "fit" does not apply to over 50 % and that's just mock up prior to sub assemblies and paint. But you know what ?? Even though I have spent a week on parts clean up (6 to 7 hours a day), I refuse to let a model get the best of me.

I also have this build in progress and refuse to give up on it. Bride of Deora, as in Bride of Frankenstein due to all of the modifications I've had to make and delays that I and my Followers have had to endure.

Chin up !! There isn't a model that can't be salvaged in some way, shape or form. Consider it a challenge and get back on it after a reasonable cooling off time. You've already started the healing process by posting this.

Hang in there. If you need help smiling, try this:


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