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The Take-A-Turn Torino Project


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I agree that I've watched this build from the beginning and would like to see the conclusion. I do like model building as a spectator sport, and yes there is a good audience watching this one!   

I have no more skin in the game since I'm not one of the builders.  I didn't volunteer because I knew nobody would want my build style creeping into this project!   :P

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I have a dog in this fight-Ron is my friend , I called him Christmas night and found him in the hospital...again , besides loosing his pinky finger last summer , it also damaged his ring finger . Then there have been a few skin grafts . He's had hundreds of hours of physical therapy . To say Ron had a bad year is an understatement .

I know Ron is not a liar or a thief-but most important-I know he's not a quitter ! I have it on good authority that he wants to finish this project more than you guys want it done . To ask him to explain or to apologize is asking a lot .





is up to him ,

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I just spent some time reading through all 18 pages of this thread trying to figure out what has gone wrong and I'm coming up with nothing. No where have I ever seen anyone state that they were unable to complete their part of the build and there has never been any kind of allotted time limits anywhere. If there were any I think they had already been violated  by a few others before Slant. And for the life of me I'm still trying to figure out what Monte has to do with any of this, he was never one of the builders involved in this project, he just showed up with his pitchfork and torches to complain about something I guess. There seems to be a lot of that on these forums.

Slant has been part of this forum longer than most anyone else involved in this build and I doubt he's trying to take advantage of the situation or pull something over on you guys. The accident he had a few months ago probably has prevented him from building for a while. I can't imagine how long it would take me to get back to building after having an injury like that. Stay calm and build on, I'm sure it will all get resolved.


I guess I shouldn't expect much from someone who quoted two of my posts but still couldn't manage to spell my name correctly.

That probably explains how you managed to "read the entire thread" without seeing Casey's directives for how the build should go.  Since you missed them, I'll post the parts pertaining to time for you:  

1) Six people will participate, with each person having the model for slightly less than one month. This should help us finish the project in a year or so. 

2) The model will be shipped (and the tracking info posted) to the next participant the first business day of each new month via USPS Priority Mail with Tracking. I will send the model in a USPS supplied Priority Mail box, so we should be able re-use the box every time the project is shipped to the next participant. Each participant is responsible for paying the USPS Priority Mail shipping cost and ensuring the package is mailed on the first business day of each month. If you cannot abide by this rule, please don't volunteer to participate.

As for your question about how the delay affects me, a non-participant, it virtually assures that I'll never participate in one of these community builds because we've now seen at least two occasions where one person decided his dire circumstances gave him some special right to hang onto the kit until his life improved enough that he could finally complete his segment, no matter how long it took.  The problem is, I know I'm not the only member who will be deterred from joining group builds by this type of thing.   

Lastly, while I'm sure everyone's aware that you joined up here primarily to deflect criticism from your buddy, I made every effort not depreciate his circumstances. I did, however, suggest it was selfish of him to keep the kit till he was able to work on it again, and I stand by that.   

Edited by Monty
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I guess I shouldn't expect much from someone who quoted two of my posts but still couldn't manage to spell my name correctly.

That probably explains how you managed to "read the entire thread" without seeing Casey's directives for how the build should go.  Since you missed them, I'll post the parts pertaining to time for you:  

1) Six people will participate, with each person having the model for slightly less than one month. This should help us finish the project in a year or so. 

2) The model will be shipped (and the tracking info posted) to the next participant the first business day of each new month via USPS Priority Mail with Tracking. I will send the model in a USPS supplied Priority Mail box, so we should be able re-use the box every time the project is shipped to the next participant. Each participant is responsible for paying the USPS Priority Mail shipping cost and ensuring the package is mailed on the first business day of each month. If you cannot abide by this rule, please don't volunteer to participate.

As for your question about how the delay affects me, a non-participant, it virtually assures that I'll never participate in one of these community builds because we've now seen at least two occasions where one person decided his dire circumstances gave him some special right to hang onto the kit until his life improved enough that he could finally complete his segment, no matter how long it took.  The problem is, I know I'm not the only member who will be deterred from joining group builds by this type of thing.   

Lastly, while I'm sure everyone's aware that you joined up here primarily to deflect criticism from your buddy, I made every effort not depreciate his circumstances. I did, however, suggest it was selfish of him to keep the kit till he was able to work on it again, and I stand by that.   

Yup, you got me Monte. I signed up on this forum 4 years ago just to defend Slant because I knew that this was going happen 2 years before this build ever started. I just can't put anything past you. ;)

As to the rules from Casey that you've quoted it seems that every builder has broken the first one. The shortest amount of time that anyone has had the Torino was Andrew who did the prepping of the parts. Others have had their parts of the build range from 6 months to 17 months. At that rate Slant has hardly had the Torino an unreasonable amount of time, especially considering he's been unable to work on it for part of that time. It could be argued that maybe after his accident he could have asked that someone else take over and finish the build for him but that is his call not mine or yours. Once Slant did receive the project he was making regular posts updating his progress right up until he had his accident.

I'm sure when he's ready he will post here and address all of this himself. Maybe part of the reason he hasn't taken the time to respond is because of what has been said in the last couple weeks. Let's just sit back and see how this plays out, I'm willing to wager that the ones raising a fuss over this are going to be sorely disappointed when they are proven wrong.


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I've been peeking in on this since the beginning and I have to say.




Perhaps you should only take participants of sound mind AND body? I built 30 models in this time period and most of them were money builds. I still built for myself and if you know how I build there were detail builds galore. 


I think Hunter S Thompson said it best. "Buy the ticket, Take the ride".


What's funny is I hold down a full time job, have a honey and play out 3 nights a week in a tribute band.


Weak as water......................





PS: Just read about the pinky thing... OMFG...........

Edited by Dragline
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  • 3 weeks later...

I will post an update when ready.

In the meantime, those who participated in the build, let's hear your suggestions regarding what you'd like to see happen to the model once it's complete.

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I would really like to see if the model museum wanted it with a write up of who and how it went together.  It's very rare that these make it to the finish line.  I mean come on, it's been in 2 countries!?



Option 2 would be to auction it off and give me money to the museum.  Either way would be fine with me. I'd like a crack at owning it?

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I emailed Casey a few nights ago with an update of what is going on. The Torino should be finished this weekend, just a few parts left to go on it and then decals. I did notice that somewhere along the way the wiper motor seems to have gotten lost, I used one from my parts box to fill the space. I've also added some details and tried something new with this build, I think it finishes it off nicely but I don't want to give it away just yet but I know everyone is gonna be asking how I did it. Also, next weekend there is a contest near me so I'm going to enter the Torino and see if we can get some hardware to show for all the effort everybody has put into this build, several forum members will be at the show and will be able to see it in person. As of this week I have had the Torino for 1 year, not bad considering I had to take several months away from building after my accident (and still 3 months less than another member who has called me out several times took with his part of the build).

As to the fate of the Torino, I vote to auction it off and give the money to a boys/ girls club or buy a few kits with the money and donate them to the club. I've heard mixed things about the Model Builders Museum, it seems like they are more interested in vintage items.

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I can go with the auction route and funds for kids.  I wasn't really aware of what the museum likes or does not like.  Lol.  Never been there.  I hope to someday.  As far as the timelines and "calling out". Yes, I had the engine for a long time.  Opposite of you I got sent to work away from home and you were laid up so I guess  it was a pot/kettle situation and I apologize for being a jerk if I was.  We were offered to do this as a group and I feel it was a great group. There have been some popping in and being jerks about how long it has taken to build it but I say let them say what they want.  We should be proud of ourselves for what we have done.  I would work with any one of you again as its a hobby and the timeline is not as important as having fun and turning out a beautiful product.   Can't wait to see what special touches you have added Ron and hope there are no hard feelings ?

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I'm very happy to see this one working out. Ron is a terrific modeler. I'm looking forward to seeing it.

Rob, did you see the T-a-T-T in person at a FL show, by chance? I recall either Ron or someone (might've been you?) mentioned the model would be at a FL show a few months ago.

Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything from Ron, even after sending him an e-mail very recently, so hopefully he's finished up with it and getting ready to mail it to me. :)

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