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Pool Repairs!  I have a Polaris 260 pool bottom vacuum.  In their defense, it comes apart and is very easy to work on. Which is a good thing because I'm always fixing something on it.

There's a part on the water line called the 'back up valve'. Simply put, if Polaris paints itself into a corner, this valve squirts water sending it backwards, and hopefully on it's way again.  It's shaped like an egg.  I noticed the Polaris was flailing about and sure enough this egg has a crack right down the middle.  It was only a year old, my pool guy charged me $75 for it and I saw it in the trash. I check the local Leslie's Pools and yup, they get $75 for this part.  Then I check eBay... I can buy one for $45 postpaid, great idea. Then I notice that you can buy the parts.... outer assembly, interior pump etc.  I order the outer assembly for $19 postpaid and when it arrives I find it's three pieces. Two egg halves and a ring that screws on in the middle.  I take my broken one and find out that it's just the ring that's broken.  So I use the new assembly and put the perfectly good egg halves in a box to use some other time.  Then I see I could've bought just the ring for $10.  So I now know that last year we threw out a perfectly good unit.  Argh.

I toss the thing back in the pool which was necessary since the bottom had a week's worth of junk in it.  In a short time I notice the thing is running in circles, and I see a wheel in the bottom of the pool.  I immediately see that the plastic wheel screw that held it on stressed out and broke.  I'm looking at this plastic screw and figure it can't be worth much. I check Leslie Pools catalog... they want $12 for the friggen screw!  And $8 for the plastic washer behind it.   Check eBay and I can buy the same name brand screw... 4 for $7 postpaid. Amazing!

Tom you sound like a Cheapskate Nothing wrong with that I am the same way money is hard to come by these Days 

Glad everything worked out for you ?

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Last week, the city was doing some work on a water main down the street..water was off several hours...came home from work, and there was a lot of air in the lines, strange colored water, and stinky water.   When I first flushed the toilets, the sound was wild..like something blew up in the wall...I called the city, they sent someone buy who took a water sample from the outside tap.   Said that the air in the lines, etc was because there is no hydrant for them to let it out or whatever.   After a while, the water ran clear from the taps and toilets.   

However, one of the toilets wouldn't stop running..flush it, it filled and kept running...hadn't had any problems with it before the outage.  Hmmm....   So I turned off the valve until the weekend....got a float valve replacement at Ace Hardware, and replaced it myself with a minimum of screaming and swearing...and the toilet flushes smoothly now w/ no excess running. I had to improvise on a chain clip (was missing from the kit, used a bent paper clip).  I'm no plumber, but it was fun to do a little bit of DIY on the holiday weekend..

Speaking of pool repairs, I've been having issues for months w/ my pool sweep (Barracuda G3, 2nd one I've had in 5 years)..it keeps getting confused and hung up under the ladder...my pool guy every week seems to adjust it's mapping so it doesn't hang up, but it seems to happen intermittently..

I've had that water supply problem more than once while living in Chandler, sometimes I felt like putting a filter in the toilet water supply lines so that the crud the city stirred up didn't cause the toilet valve to fail.

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I notice that you guys who want more winter all live in the desert.

Ask anyone in my neck of the woods if they want more winter and you'll get a look that says "are you nuts?"

Yeah, the desert climate messes w/ our heads.  I'm sure I'll complain about the winter when I move..

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I notice that you guys who want more winter all live in the desert.

Ask anyone in my neck of the woods if they want more winter and you'll get a look that says "are you nuts?"

That's one thing i don't miss about Illinois is snow. Cold doesn't bother me but winter here is mild hardly see snow...

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Oh hell no.

I moved to the desert to get away from winter.




It took two years here for the marrow in my bones to thaw out.  

I can look at pictures of snow and ice.  I don't have any need for or interest in shoveling it, chopping it, chipping it, plowing it, or slipping and sliding on it. Been there, done that.  No more.

The ONLY drawback is that we don't have any 'snow days' here.  I haven't been able to convince any employers to declare 'sun days.'



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Reports today say there we 6 incidents just today. I think they said 14 total so far. They are also thinking there may be a copycat.

so if I'm understanding correctly someone is shooting at passing motorists on the Interstate ?

Where is this taking place ? 

If so this is insane ??

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Crazy just Crazy watching the news Now and some Crazy holed up in a house firing off to what the Report is stated a AK-47 from the home ?? about 7-8 miles from my location knowing the Cops in this city he's a goner 

Must be the hot Temperatures today here in Sacramento,Ca 106deg record breaker don't know how you all can deal with such heat ?? in there parts of the country ?

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