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(MORE!) Weight Loss


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John Agugliaro's Barracuda build turned into an interesting discussion about weight loss. Those of you that have known me for some time know that I was a BIG BOY!! I hit an all time high weight of 330 lbs sometime around springtime of '09 and that's when I had a number of health scares that made me really take notice of how I looked, and more importantly, how I was feeling.


One of those health scares was a recurring numbness in the left side of my left foot. Now, diabetes runs rampant on BOTH side of my family, and one that had me worried as didn't want to fall into the trap of taking insulin, worrying about worsening foot troubles with possible amputation of toes, limbs, etc.


Not to mention, I was always having headaches, backaches, knee troubles, high blood pressure, and the list goes on.


Well, I clamped down and made first and foremost a complete change in what I was eating. No more fried stuff everyday, cut waaaaaay back on the dairy (I was drinking a gallon of milk every couple days), cut way back on the starches, and started eating strictly single ingredient foods, and shunned (still do) packaged and boxed stuff.


I do have a weekly "cheat day" which for the better part of the day before nightfall, I'll have pretty much anything I want within reason. I might have pancakes for breakfast, chocolate chip cookies for a snack, fried chicken for dinner with a baked potato, and for dessert maybe a slice of cheesecake with ice cream. Yesterday was the cheat day, so today it's back to normal-------and I don't want to see any of that stuff until the next cheat day which is usually Saturday's.


At 330 lbs and 6' 2" I was wearing a size 50 in pants and 3X shirts, and was busting out of those! I'm now down to 238-240, and wearing size 38-40 pants and a regular large shirt (XL's are too big).


OK, here's some pics for you............enjoy!


Here I am at the October '08 Toledo show........I don't remember the name of the fellow I was talking to. Needless to say, I would NEVER come outside shirtless! :o




A couple more pics from that show.....................





And here's how I am today...................





Please excuse the messy model room.........also I'm a nice guy so excuse the scowl as I have to take off the glasses to minimize the glare------I don't see well without them! :lol:







.............And yes, I do wear shorts in the house despite it being super cold outside! :)


BTW, I'm 52 years old, and it's never too late to do something about your health! It CAN be done------just find what works for you and keep at it! For me, this will be a life long battle among other things. I have to watch whenever I go grocery shopping, and I am an avid label reader! If there's certain ingredients that are on those labels.........back on the shelf it goes.


I'm a big believer also in the all natural approach to weight lifting/dieting. No drugs, pills, injections or any of that stuff. I think it does more harm than good in the long run.


Thanks for looking------comments and questions are most welcome!

Edited by MrObsessive
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Good for you!! I know from experience that it's not easy losing weight, and it's even harder keeping it off. I've been on that weightloss merry-go-around more times than I'd like to admit... (I'm getting ready to take another ride on the diet train.) It's so much more fun to put it on than to take it off, isn't it?


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Yes, COGRATS are indeed in order Bill, man you look great and buff to boot, even got some pretty nice guns too!! Thanks for the inspiration I too have got to where you were at not quite as heavy 274 three months ago when I went for my check-up and of coarse my Dr. chewed on me for a few minutes. I actually got down to 190 about 5 yrs ago but I have gained it all back, but I am getting ready to go on a diet and excercise program, I'm 57 and I do have blood pressure and cholesterol issues which are under control, but I have 3 grandchildren and I would like to be around for a little while longer so can see them grow up!! Keep up the good work.. :)

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Bill, you look FANTASTIC!!!!! The last time I had seen you the dieting just started and the results were starting to show. Now? Wow…… Your transformation is just as dramatic as mine!

In my thread on my Quick Build Barracuda the topic came up and I started posting pictures. I too was over 330 lbs. but I'm only 5'9". I too had developing health concerns. When I peaked at 338 lbs. I was hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure, High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol levels. I was taking 5 pills a day for various weight and diet related issues. After being hospitalized I made an effort to do something. Like Bill, I cut back on the obvious: Sweets, Carbs, and Calories. Fast forward and after 10 years I lost over 150 lbs. that I joking refer that I almost gained it all back the day I got married (Amy hates that joke…..)

If your 10 or a 110lbs. overweight, do something. My medication has been cut to a fraction of what it was. I too went from a 50 waist to a 33-36 depending on brand. Shirt size is Med, sometimes Large now. And I also find that I MUST wear my wedding ring if I go food shopping by myself, which I find flattering. Suddenly strangers want to start conversations with me. And they're mostly female….. :D

My before


My after


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Bill, you look great. I imagine your energy level is way up as well. Mine always is when I shed some excess poundage.

My own weight tends to creep up if I don't watch it because I just love food, and always tend to eat too much of something if I like it.

I've found an amazingly simple and effective weight-control secret. Eat a little less, and get a little more exercise. It works every single time.

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I just showed Amy your "after" pictures Bill. She's too says you look incredible and congratulates you! In that bottom picture you look absolutely Diesel….. Dude, you hitting the gym too? B)

But the one thing I find truly amazing is the incredible builds you knock out in that work area! :lol:

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I just showed Amy your "after" pictures Bill. She's too says you look incredible and congratulates you! In that bottom picture you look absolutely Diesel….. Dude, you hitting the gym too? B)

But the one thing I find truly amazing is the incredible builds you knock out in that work area! :lol:

John, tell Amy thanks for the compliment! Yeah, in fact I just got home from the gym! I workout on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. In between those days I might do some cardio. Cardio sessions are very brief (when I do them), but intense. It might involve some hard sprinting for several rounds on the treadmill, or very brief but intense runs on the Elliptical Machine.

Workouts are no longer than 30-40 minutes------TOPS! Any longer than that for me is counter-productive, and long cardio sessions more than 15 minutes leads to muscle loss.

Yeah, you can see the '59 Impala in pieces there to my right.............with the cold/bad weather heading our way, at least I can get some building time in. I fact, I went to the store after my workout to stock up on some things as freezing rain is apparently heading here followed by a really severe cold snap. :angry:

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Bill, you look great. I imagine your energy level is way up as well. Mine always is when I shed some excess poundage.

My own weight tends to creep up if I don't watch it because I just love food, and always tend to eat too much of something if I like it.

I've found an amazingly simple and effective weight-control secret. Eat a little less, and get a little more exercise. It works every single time.

Bill, I've had people ask me how can I go do a workout after a day's work..............aren't you tired? My reply is, if I didn't work out, I'd be that much MORE tired!

As far as weight gain, I've learned to pay attention to when the weight is creeping up just a little. For me, I start to put weight on right on my lower back, and under my arm pits. I've learned that this is hormonal, and it's telling me that I need to cut back on the sweets and starches and up my protein. It's letting me know as well that those things are spiking my blood sugar, which in turn is spiking my insulin levels.

Insulin is a hormone, and it wants to go wherever your body likes to store fat. For me, it's in those places I just described. ;)

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Very encouraging to read these stories. Gives me hope. I was recently told I have high blood pressure and type 2 Diebetes. I have also changed what I eat and drink and started walking every morning. My bp has inproved as well as my blood sugar numbers. I am on pills for both but have lost 10 pounds and may goal is to loose about 30 more. After so many years of doing and eating what I wanted I am paying the price now. Well done to you of thoses who have lost weight and got healthier. Time to go for a walk. : )

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Very encouraging to read these stories. Gives me hope. I was recently told I have high blood pressure and type 2 Diebetes. I have also changed what I eat and drink and started walking every morning. My bp has inproved as well as my blood sugar numbers. I am on pills for both but have lost 10 pounds and may goal is to loose about 30 more. After so many years of doing and eating what I wanted I am paying the price now. Well done to you of thoses who have lost weight and got healthier. Time to go for a walk. : )

Good for you Ray! I'm no Doctor and I can't guarantee this, but I've known of quite a number of cases when folks have lost the excess weight, they no longer need the meds.

As much as I hate to take pills, that was something I wanted to avoid.

Interesting side note: This morning when I was checking out at the grocery store, there were two clerks at the counter, and one of them noticed the big bag of raw cashews that I had, and said she'd love to get a bag of those. I told her that I don't really eat them raw, but I roast my own as I don't like the commercial brands and the type of oil they use to process them.

The one kid who didn't appear to be in bad shape said, "Well I don't have the time/patience to do all of that!"

The point I'm making is that in today's society, everyone wants things to be easy and fast. Well, look at the shape we've gotten ourselves into because of "easy and fast". Your health will go a long way when you take the time to actually prepare and cook your food, then to grab the nearest sandwich off the shelf at your local mini-mart.

Losing weight takes time--------I started I believe around June of '09, but by the end of the year, I was still in the 290-295 range. When I joined the local gym here and started to keep up a regular routine of working out, then the weight (fat loss) become easier to shed.

Keep it up Ray............you'll get there! ;)

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Looking good my friend!

It is true that great minds think alike.

Keep us motivated by posting updates!

At 58 I have been smoke free for two years, my drinking is minimal now and I have lost 35 pounds. I am 6'2" and got to 303lbs 2 years ago smoking a pack and a half a day.


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Impressive results, Bill!

The hardest part of losing weight is the self-discipline needed to not only lose it initially, but to change your eating habits over the long term, and stick to it, so the weight stays off. Looks like you have done exactly that... changed a lifetime of bad eating habits for healthy ones. That is not easy to do.

Also, I see that you're a believer in the natural way of losing weight. No pills, no miracle drugs, but the basics... eat healthy and exercise. That's the way to do it.

There's no magic or mystery to weight loss... it just takes the self-discipline to do it. Congratulations!

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Also... a lot of people gain weight as they get older because they continue to eat the way they ate when they were in their 20s and 30s... but as you age, the body's metabolism slows. It's completely normal, but the fact is, as you get older you literally don't need as many calories a day as you did when you were younger. So actually backing off a bit on the total food intake as you age is needed to keep from gaining weight.

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Congrats Bill on the loss. I had the same problems. Weighed in at 245 as a feshman in HS. At one time I was 385, but doing alot of manual labor so was somewhat fit. 9 years ago though I had the gastric bypass surgery, as dieting didn't work. Lost 198 lbs. I am currently back up to 205 which the doctor told me I would be eventually. Managing to keep it steady at that wieght. BTW I wore a size 5X shirt at one time.

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Also... a lot of people gain weight as they get older because they continue to eat the way they ate when they were in their 20s and 30s... but as you age, the body's metabolism slows. It's completely normal, but the fact is, as you get older you literally don't need as many calories a day as you did when you were younger. So actually backing off a bit on the total food intake as you age is needed to keep from gaining weight.

That's very true Harry!

In the early '80's when I was in my early 20's, I was just a tick over 300 lbs then. I managed to lose 100 lbs over the course of a year, and I was still able to eat all the sugary and starchy stuff. Now, that's not the case! Like you said, things change as you get older and I can't eat that way any longer. I have to for the most part stay away from all the high carb foods. When I do eat them it's first thing in the morning, so I have all day to get rid if it--------especially on days when I know I'll be in the gym.

Back in those days I wasn't schooled enough on how to KEEP the weight off.............now I know but it's still a battle nonetheless.

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Congratulations, Bill! You're losing the weight the RIGHT way. I dropped from 309 to about 215 over the course of two years through diet and exercise. I've kept the weight off (with minor fluctuations) for about a decade now. I can't even imagine myself at that weight again. Gym time is "me" time these days, and I'm proud to be able to bench press pretty close to my peak weight (285 lbs, 3 sets). The fact that you're conscious of what your trigger foods are and know how to manage your diet indicates that you're going to do just fine. Putting in the hours at the gym can be arduous at times, but the rewards speak for themselves. Keep it up!

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Thanks fellas for all of the nice words and encouragement! As I mentioned this is an ongoing battle but this time around, I'm better armed with info as to what my "trigger foods" (as Jason put it) are, and what those early weight gain signs are. Most importantly, I have my health to consider as I'm not getting any younger, and I have the aspect of diabetes running so rampant on both sides of my family.

Interesting enough, I have a good friend of mine who's a few years older that can't gain weight to save his life. He can eat all the starchy and sugary things all day long, and gain nary a pound. :o He told me that he wish he COULD gain weight which just goes to show you that each of us have our battles.........obviously very different ones from each other.

As far as keeping on the right track, there's an interesting saying written on the board at the gym where I work. It says............."If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!"

How true!

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