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Henry J Twin Turbo - Didn't see that coming..........


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Michael...glad you like the finish, the photos don't do them justice. I think they actually look better than the pics.

Bob....I've given some thought on what I might build next even though I'm a long way from completing this car. 1/12th scale maybe. Thanks for compliment too.

Chris, I just checked out your build, sweetness man. And if you're going to take up doll collecting I'll swap some of my daughters for you Army car. :)

Dave, can't thank YOU enough for all of your support. Your comments mean a lot as your a master machinist and I'm such a newbie. I am lucky to have become acquainted and make a new friend. Everytime I start to do something new on the mill, I think of what you're making and doing with your 37' engine. Keeps my perspective on what I'm doing as I think to myself "if Dave can do THAT then surely I can make this." ;)

Joe, you're very very generous. I heard an instructor describing an accident to another instructor that a beginning racer had just had. When asked what happened, he simply said "he ran out of talent".....kinda stuck with me as it made the point about knowing ones limitations. Thanks again for following.

Gene, thank you as well and for your interest.

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Derrick, Randy, Scott and Martin.....appreciate the sentiments. Next pics I have will be of the anti-roll bar. I'll share a shot of the "goodies" that will comprise the rear suspension before I begin fabricating the entire thing. Couple of days yet. Cheers, Tim

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Got 1 of the anti-roll bar brackets done. It's 8.3mm long. 3.2mm at its widest point. I was pleased that I could machine the small "chamfer" (it's 2.4mm in length at a depth of .40mm) down the middle between the large hole you see and the mark for the small hole that I've yet to drill on the narrow end. Have to round the edges and drill for the bolt in the end that secures it to the actual bar. Oh, and make another one that matches. :wacko: Learned ALOT today in machining this little bugger. I had a great starting point with info that Dave shared with me again. When working this small though, I did have to make some small adjustments along the way. But I won't complain as I do like it. Comments welcome as always. Cheers, Tim




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Cool! Yeah, making duplicates is always one of the tricky aspects of this hobby, and especially so when it's not something like styrene that you can make one of, then double-stick tape it to material for it's counterpart and file/grind/sand 'til they match each other. This is phenomenal work and so small! Can't wait for your next update... :)

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Brad, I'm using 7075 and 6061. This part was 7075. I have learned that if your drawings are solid and the setup of your machine is accurate, then you can pull tolerances that simply amaze. And the more talent you have, the better (see Comp1839) . Oh, and Dave taught me how important it is to have your pen and tablet ready and to take down notes and calculations during the entire process. Thank goodness I did that when making this little guy, otherwise it would be next to impossible to make another. I'm fairly confident that I can get the 2nd one done fairly quickly and finish them both off with a few minor details and clean-up. Thank you for the compliment too!

Scott, you're correct about the duplication process and metal v. plastic. But the mill gives you the opportunity to make truly matching parts that you'll rarely ever achieve doing them by hand/eye alone. I'm enjoying the learning curve in machining as I can see for myself that the more you do it, the better it gets. When I look at Clay's engine blocks and heads or Dave's entire builds it is truly something to marvel at what they can achieve with a lathe and mill. Which is just about anything. And yes, it is tiny. Took me a few hours afterwards for my eyes to re-adjust. :blink:

Thank you Mike.

Tyrone, appreciate your following along and YOUR comments. Your builds are always cleanly executed and anyone can see your progression on each build as you get better and better. Painting doesn't go down quick and easy for me it seems and requires a bunch of polishing to get finishes like you got on the Camaro. Especially in black. Again, thanks.

Joe, I applied to Rolex but all they wanted me to make was sillly watches so I declined. :D

Allen, thank you as well.

Cheers fellas and I'll post a pic later today of the "twins" if all goes as planned. Tim

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Hey Art....big thanks for your comment. Greatly appreciated.

I got the anti-roll bar completed. Only took me 30 minutes to machine the twin. They match perfectly (to my eye anyways) Couple of bolts and they're done. The most time consuming part in completing them was slicing the ends for the RB Motion rod end to slide into so I can bolt them up using .5mm nuts/bolts. Cheers, Tim




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Tim... super Impressive work on thr machined parts. They are tiny once the penny is in the pic. I just admire tour work and talents. I hope I can get to that point of machining parts that nice one day. I first need to get the machines ro do the work...lol. looking forward to your next update already.

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Brad, no meaning on the 55' on the penny. I just like the old coins and the wheat stalks on the opposite of the coin. Silly huh?

Bob, thank you again.

Scott, I'll have to share that with my kids, they'll think you're nuts. :) Thanks much.

Michael, I agree, don't wear jewelry of any kind when machining right? !

Chris.....you gotta break down and raid the piggy bank and get a mill. You'll never look back. As always I appreciate your interest and kind words.

Cheers, Tim

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