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Henry J Twin Turbo - Didn't see that coming..........


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Good morning,  I'll address each of you personally,

Chris - Man if that's what it takes, I'll make and post some more soon.  I know I speak for many in that we hope you can find the time and motivation to complete your Funny soon.  Just a small step or piece would be a great beginning............and hopefully the flood gates open.   Cheers

Clayton - Appreciated sir.

Bob - your comment about the scale and my attempt at accuracy mean a lot as I put a lot of effort into that. It's a model and I know it's NOT perfect by any measure, but I'm doing my best to make it as different but true to it's theme as I can. 

Joe- (pictured smoke filled room with smoke filling the room and Joe the stand-up comic is on stage delivering his "bomb")   BaDaBUM goes the drum after it's delivery.  And the room goes silent.  Okay, a bit harsh I know Joe but you're right, how can a shock sensor be funny right?!?!    But thanks for trying.   

Scott- Appreciated as well and always.       More pics today or tomorrow, had some bench time last night but that part didn't turn out the way I wanted, gonna do it again.

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Started to replace the chassis pinion yoke hoop that I had put on the chassis originally.  Didn't care for it and saw a design I did like.  As you'll see from the one pic I made quite the mess trying to figure out how to make it.  But its done.  Not sure whether I'll plate it, dye or paint it just yet.  The shape is oblong so that it fits nicely between the frame rails. Cheers

Henry J Twin Turbo Pinion Yoke Can 015

Henry J Twin Turbo Pinion Yoke Can 030

Here's a pic with the driveshaft RPM sensor on the side.  Everything is temporarily in place for these pics. 

Henry J Twin Turbo Pinion Yoke Can 003

And here's the big ol' mess I made while figuring how to get it made.   It'll take as long to clean up my mess as it took to make the part.  :)


Henry J Twin Turbo Pinion Yoke Can 001



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.....and I thought I was thinking out of the box as I bought 6 pin vises to avoid changing bits so often. Then there's you. Three Dremels !!!!!!!!! I bow to you sir.

Actually, your whole bench rocks. Trust me when I say that I know a thing or five about disorganized organisation. 


Oh yeah, nice, um, work, uh, stuff, there. You know. On the model. The one you showed the pictures of.

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Tim... now you are just showing off with the RPM sensor. :P :lol:. You are really wamting me.back at the bench on my funny car I see...lol.  I really admire your attention to detail in every little part you are making. You continue to raise that bar every update. Love what you are doing my friend.

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Joe - If you look closely, you'll see a cord hanging off a stand on the left side.....yup, dremel number 4, just out of sight though.   A man can never have enough dremels right?   Took me almost 40 minutes to clean my mess....what you can't see were two other work benches (arranged in a triangle shape) where I drill and solder on one and assemble on the 3rd.   They weren't quite as bad though.  btw, nice progress on your wheel stander.  its fun watching this friendly "competition". 

Chris, really hope to see you back at it soon.  I miss Art Laski, Ray & Randy D's efforts among others as well.  I know it's summer and all but still........throw us a bone.    :D

Cheers everyone


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Tim.... I am really hoping to get some bench time this weekend. Now the only problem is I dont know which build to work on... lol. I sure have been missing the bench. Now I just need to focus and get my house chores done tonight and tomorrow. I Can't wait to see what you suprise us with on your next update.

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Joe - If you look closely, you'll see a cord hanging off a stand on the left side.....yup, dremel number 4, just out of sight though.   A man can never have enough dremels right?   Took me almost 40 minutes to clean my mess....what you can't see were two other work benches (arranged in a triangle shape) where I drill and solder on one and assemble on the 3rd.   They weren't quite as bad though.  btw, nice progress on your wheel stander.  its fun watching this friendly "competition".

Chris, really hope to see you back at it soon.  I miss Art Laski, Ray & Randy D's efforts among others as well.  I know it's summer and all but still........throw us a bone.    :D

Cheers everyone



Thanks so much for the call out. I'm getting a little done on the F5000 in the Workbench section. I'm starting to get some color on it, which is why I wanted to do it in the first place. I thought I would get to that point a lot sooner, though! Once it's done, back to the midget...

And... this work is continuing to amaze. What is lost in the pics is just how small this really is. I hope to see this build in person some day, then it will really hit home how incredible this build is. Plus I realyl appreciate the lessons we all can get from this WIP.


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Sorry i didn't respond earlier guys.  Chris, Art, Dave, Dave Willy and Dr. Kerry, thank you gentlemen for the positive feedback and comments.  Yesterday I began the process (and it's a process I assure you, I've got almost 8 hours into what you see in today's pics I'm posting) of doing a mock-up of the car to date.  I decided to put everything fabricated to date on the car.  I'm estimating that I'm 1/3rd of the way there.  I'm excited about the car so far after looking at all of the parts yet to go on.  We'll see as I'm sure I'll have to tweek some things along the way as keeping putting it together.  Cheers, Tim

Henry J Twin Turbo Start of Mock-Up 020

Henry J Twin Turbo Start of Mock-Up 027

Henry J Twin Turbo Start of Mock-Up 045

I'm hoping to have it all together and posted sometime over the Labor Day weekend. 

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Thanks to each and everyone of you for your comments once again. They're very encouraging as I'm, going through this step.  I'll need it.  The 2 pics you see this morning are the result of getting the anti-roll bar ONLY in place.  I was planning on have the locating bars and x-brace on as well, but it just didn't happen.  I figure another couple hours to get that done and then move on to the shocks/sensors and wheelie bars.  Then puke tank, wing and anything else I've forgotten.  Anyways, I'm learning and taking notes as I go so the next time it will move along in a more timely fashion.  Again, big thanks for your very positive feedback.  Cheers, Tim

Oh, and Joe, the only plastic is the wing and it's spill plates, steering wheel rim and the seat so far. Hadn't thought about that till you mentioned it.  hmmmmm 

Henry J Twin Turbo Mock-Up Step 2 001

Henry J Twin Turbo Mock-Up Step 2 009

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John T once complimented me on my posts in my topics because they were composed so well.:wub::rolleyes: Then he asked me how long it takes to do a post. I told him a half hour or so.

Tim, I spend that much time looking at your pics in awe, trying to put into words the awesomeness that is swelling my brain pan. You haven't missed a single detail (cappuccino maker) on this entire project. AND THERE"S MORE?????

I'm looking forward to the brakes (cappuccino maker) and the linkages (cappuccino maker) and the myriad of details (cappuccino maker) yet to come. Not to mention the body and the (cappuccino maker) paint.

Don't ask me where I got such a whacked out idea, but have you considered Starbuck's as a sponsor?

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Thank you Joe, quite the accolade.  Once you see these pics, I think we're going to have to re-think the whole cappuccino maker thing.  (I'm more of a Dunkin' Donuts kind of guy btw)  I've still got the puke tank, brakes, shocks and sensors and the wing to put on.  This morning was still a productive one and I'm really learning what to do and NOT to do on the assembly process. It's lining up well so far.  Cheers, Tim

Henry J Twin Turbo Mock-Up Step 3 018

Henry J Twin Turbo Mock-Up Step 3 022

Henry J Twin Turbo Mock-Up Step 3 064

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Tim..... I gotta admit that I like you even more knowing that you are a Dunkin Donuts kind of guy. I love their coffee way better than Starbucks...  Holy Smokes on this mock up... I am speechless at this. I know all too well how much time it takes to mock everything up. Just absolutely Beautiful craftsmanship on this thing.  I makes me think I really need to consider Packing all of my stuff up and starting a new hobby....lol This is one Bad A$$ Build!! 

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