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New Revell 1/25 2013 Camaro ZL-1 (pre-painted)

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I'm not a troll. I don't live under a bridge. I know Tim has been around this hobby for a while. Good for him. Whenever I read his reviews, they are always on the positive side for revell. Always defending them. He is accountable for his own integrity.

And now you want Harry to punish me for not breaking a rule? You seem to be all upset because I'm just posting what I see. You're mad because my opinion differs from your own.

As much as I dislike how revell is operating anymore, I will still give an unbiased review of their kits. I have already pointed out this kits flaws, but was already blasted for that.

Edited by blubaja
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It's model cars we're talking about here. Even if Tim was a corporate shill (and I don't think he is) what harm does it do? Not like he's shilling for tobacco or harmful drugs... To take this so far as to call people you don't even know idiots for releasing a model that's been on the market all of a week is a bit premature if you ask me. These could end up being a big success for Revell and (heavens forbid) get some new modelers into the hobby. So many people have railed against the model companies for not doing enough to attract new modelers to the hobby them one goes and does something new and they're idiots for it? A little unfair if you ask me. Might as well go ahead and put me into the corporate shill category too, because I pretty much agree with everything Tim has said.

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Actually, Frank, I am critical of errors, lately Revell, but it's not personal, nor confined to them. Stupid stuff is inexcusable.

I don't want you punished, but you came off as a jerk. I can too, but just because Revell is frustrating doesn't mean Tim or anyone else is a stooge. I suspect Tim had a LOT to do with the 15 Mustang, and that it was more Ford's effort than Revell brain trust. Ford knows how to market these days.

I've already attempted points about Forza/NFS tie-ins, and getting kits to market sooner (NEW!! 5-year old Raptor, with all old body!! AND NEW!! Crown Vic, with multiple previous molds, but it's NEW!! to us, and you schleps won't know difference, trust us!!)

Try some decaf, and realize that as infuriating/stupid/poor business planning/arrogant as some of it seems, they are getting some things right. Which makes it ALL the more annoying when there is a turd in the punch bowl.

Not my job to defend Tim, Brett, or anyone else, but there are some good things. AND the paint on the pre-paint is better than the 1:1, but that's another rant.

Jack said it best :D



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Sorry, I need to say something here on the topic of Tim Boyd. I've never met the man personally. But, I have friends who know him and have spent time with him. And these are friends I know well and trust. They have always talked about what a nice and decent guy Tim is. He's a great model builder, with the right amount of humility from what they've said. Also as noted, Tim has been around this hobby a long time. I've have been seeing and reading his stuff for years. I have found that anything Tim Boyd says about models, I can take to the bank. He knows his stuff. I've never caught him passing on wrong or mistaken information about anything. He doesn't seem to work off of half truths or rumours. And I've never heard him take mean shots or make unsubstantiated comments about others. I'm getting very tried of different donkeys out there shotting their mouths off over things they don't know. But, Mr. Boyd does seem to know. So, back off.

Am I making Tim out to be some kind of "saint"? Yes. In my opinion, from what I've seen, in the model world he is a saint. Art Anderson is right up there too. I rarely need to question information I get from either one of them. Others I do.

Thanks you for letting me say my piece. Blowing off a little steam. And by the way Tim and Art are not the only people blogging here who I think are great. And there is a lot of good, and fun information to be found here, put out by other people (my self included from time to time).


Edited by unclescott58
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From Wikipedia:

The tall poppy syndrome (TPS) is a pejorative term primarily used in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other Anglosphere nations to describe a social phenomenon in which people of genuine merit are resented, attacked, cut down, or criticised because their talents or achievements elevate them above or distinguish them from their peers.

Feel like that certainly applies in this case. I've seen it happen with Art on this board too. Guess folks think that's how to make a name for themselves by attacking respected figures in the hobby...

Edited by Brett Barrow
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Sorry, I need to say something here on the topic of Tim Boyd. I've never met the man personally. But, I have friends who know him and have spent time with him. And these are friends I know well and trust. They have always talked about what a nice and decent guy Tim is. He's a great model builder, with the right amount of humility from what they've said. Also as noted, Tim has been around this hobby a long time. I've have been seeing and reading his stuff for years. I have found that anything Tim Boyd says about models, I can take to the bank. He knows his stuff. I've never caught him passing on wrong or mistaken information about anything. He doesn't seem to work off of half truths or rumours. And I've never heard him take mean shots or make unsubstantiated comments about others. I'm getting very tried of different donkeys out there shotting their mouths off over things they don't know. But, Mr. Boyd does seem to know. So, back off.

Am I making Tim out to be some kind of "saint"? Yes. In my opinion, from what I've seen, in the model world he is a saint. Art Anderson is right up there too. I rarely need to question information I get from either one of them. Others I do.

Thanks you for letting me say my piece. Blowing off a little steam. And by the way Tim and Art are not the only people blogging here who I think are great. And there is a lot of good, and fun information to be found here, put out by other people (my self included from time to time).


Amen! Solid observations well stated.

Tim's a true pro and far more a gentleman than the detractor posse. Quite pathetic that a half-baked heckler with zero evidence can make wild accusations that cause someone of Tim's stature to be reluctant to share his outlook freely in the future.

Edited by Danno
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Ok guys... no more comments about Art or Tim or anyone else. This topic concerns a specific model kit, not the integrity of certain members here.

Whatever any of you think of Art or Tim or anyone else is your business and doesn't need to be posted here publicly.

Art and Tim are well known within the hobby, but as far as this forum goes, there are no "saints" here... every member is equal, doesn't matter if you've spent your life in the hobby or just got here yesterday. Everyone has the same standing as far as their membership here. Everyone deserves the same level of respect, icon or not. I believe both Tim and Art would agree with that point.

So lay off the personal posts and stick to the topic at hand. This is the second time I've told you guys this. I really hate to play the "moderator card" and act like the stern schoolmaster... so don't make me do it. I really believe in a bit of self-policing here among you guys. We're all adults... time to start acting like it.

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I will get this kit and the other ones Revell will produce I have seen the two that are out as of now the Camaro and the challenger the only thing I seen was the mold lines in the bodies. I know if I bought one of these kits one of the three things would have been done. one I would have contacted revell about it and either send the body of that Challenger back to them or send them a pic to show them the Issues with it.How can revell do something about it if they are not told about it or have even seen it.Two strip the body if you know how to do it and paint it your own way it is a model after all. Three if you know how do do it and there is enough paint on the part try wet sanding it out and see how that works.I just can't belive how much this can get out of hand about a plastic model kit.I have always asked Tim questions here and there and he sounds like a stand up person and I myself have never seen him and he live not far from me well I said enough on this one.

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How can revell do something about it if they are not told about it or have even seen it.

Why would they not have seen it before it went out to market? THIS. This is exactly the quality control problems I am talking about.

These are aimed at kids. Again. If this was one of my first kits, I would want something to look better than the poor quality I would be barely capable of.

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Model companies should stop doing pre painted kits and just stick to plain color or molded in color.

I never had pre-painted snap kits as a kid, but I did use my dads spray cans he had in the garage! Had lots of FORD blue cars for a while! :lol:

Stop?!?! These are the first plastic prepaints in like 10 years! And they're the first to my knowledge to have a lower price point than regular unpainted kits. And under the paint they are also molded in color, so win-win, right?

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Model companies should stop doing pre painted kits and just stick to plain color or molded in color.

I never had pre-painted snap kits as a kid, but I did use my dads spray cans he had in the garage! Had lots of FORD blue cars for a while! :lol:

Stop? I love pre painted kits. My favorite part of model building is the assembly. Painting and foiling does not thrill me. I only paint because I have to. Using Bare Metal Foil, forget it. I hate the stuff. So I'm okay with pre painted or pre decorated cars. That said, I will not be buy this kit because of the subject. I have two very nice present generation Camaro proms. A yellow 2012 SS convertible. And a red 2012 SS coupe. Until a major redesign of the real car, that's enough for me.


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Why would they not have seen it before it went out to market? THIS. This is exactly the quality control problems I am talking about.

These are aimed at kids. Again. If this was one of my first kits, I would want something to look better than the poor quality I would be barely capable of.

If Revell, or any other company that produced pre-painted kits, were to offer PERFECTLY FINISHED bodies- no parting lines, mold or ejection marks, etc, in those kits, the cost would most likely be pushed above the reasonable limits for a kid's budget, be that from saving his or her own coin or as a "gimme" from the parents, relatives, etc. What quality finish would you prefer- that of, say, Donn Yost? Anthony Cairo, or Bob Downie or Vin LoBosco or Del Paone? Seriously...

As another member posted: When I started building, the model- whether it was a car, aircraft, ship, tank, submarine- remained the color in which the plastic was molded. Heck, I didn't even scrape the chrome for gluing! Then came brush paints, even paint-by-number oils. Then came very crude spray-can finishes. But I digress- when I was a beginner, it was cool. "Dad, did they have white Corsairs?" "Make believe it's winter camouflage". "OK". Zooooooooom, off I "flew" down the hall, looking for Zeros. I didn't care that it wasn't perfect - I built a model and I was having fun!!!

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>If Revell, or any other company that produced pre-painted kits, were to offer PERFECTLY FINISHED bodies

let me just butt in here to say whats been said before but evidently some amongst us are reading challenged: NO ONE IS ASKING FOR "perfectly finished" BODIES. NO ONE. they are asking for bodies that don't have paint running down the side of them like they were done by a 10 year old. THATS what people are asking for. and I do not see a problem with that. I also see NO REASON for those parting lines...if they wanted a quality product they could have tooled it without those being so obvious and I bet it would not have cost one red cent more.

its just either a totally failed attempt at appealing to actual modellers, or those things are just aimed at kids (and uncle scott, apparently). either way I don't think I have ever seen a prepainted model with a paint job I would keep. whoever picks the colors in most cases is design challenged and typically they have such garish "graphics" that any car that looked like that would get laughed at or worse in my neighborhood.


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Parting lines I expected, nobody actually cleans those up. It's poor paint quality, poor masking on the color separation on the ZL-1 on the rocker panels, the fact the stripes on the Challenger being uneven, not straight, and not equidistant. They start and end in random places, and are different lengths. The tampo printed wording logos being wildly out of registration is also a shame.

These are not impressions from "pictures I saw online", I held them each in my hands.

I believe that Revell also missed the boat with the lack of decals. I get the market of the kits, BUT and ESPECIALLY with the upcoming Corvette the market for the kits themselves far exceeds the target audience. How much would decals raise the price of the kit? 50¢?

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I hope they do follow through with molded in white version with decals. It's already got so much going for it over the AMT kit that would really put it over the top.

91% Alcohol seems to be doing the trick, the blackout on the hood came off in just a few minutes and the thin coat on the underside of the hood is already coming off with a little scrubbing. I'll let it soak for a day or two.

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Body emblems on the ZL1 are sharp enough to paint/foil. It doesn't absolutely need decals, but gauges and assorted whatnot would have been nice. Challenger might need decals, I really haven't looked at them I have no interest in that car.

Edited by Brett Barrow
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