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What movies do you watch over and over?


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I have movies that I think are the greatest ever made, but they can be so intense or complicated that it takes me a long time to see them again. That would include:

Lawrence of Arabia

Schindler's List

The Searchers

Paths of Glory

and many more.

But there are movies that that are so fascinating to watch, for reasons that only a psychiatrist could explain, that I see them at least once or twice a year...

Grand Prix

The Magnificent Seven


The Vikings

The Third Man


The Great Escape

The Guns of Navarone

El Cid


How about you?

Edited by sjordan2
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I tend to be a "one and done" type. Once I've seen a movie and I know how it ends, watching it again is pointless (to me)... especially "whodunit" movies or any movie with a plot twist or surprise ending... (do you see dead people? :lol: )

The only movie I have watched repeatedly is The Wizard of Oz. It used to be on TV once a year when I was a kid, and I watched it every year. I've seen it maybe 20-25 times in my life. And yeah, I still get a kick out of it even though I have almost the whole script memorized at this point!

There are a very small handful of movies that I have specifically made an effort to see more than once, but very few.

Escape From Alcatraz (starring Clint Eastwood)

Road to Perdition (Tom Hanks, Paul Newman)

The Verdict (Paul Newman)

The Outlaw Josie Wales (Eastwood again)

The Blues Brothers

Titanic (because of the absolutely fantastic effects and attention to period detail in every way)

That's about it as far as me watching the same movie more than once.

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For me it's;


Toy Story 1,2 and 3

Madagascar 1, 2 and 3

This is mainly because my 3 year old grandson is here with me 2 or 3 days a week and this is what he loves. We have watched each one at least 20 times. I personally never get enough of Cars. He also loves Curious George movies and TV shows. I think I have seen them all!

I like;

American Graffiti about once a year

Vacation movies with Chevy Chase all 3

Steve Martin movies like The Jerk.

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The Wizard of Oz. It used to be on TV once a year when I was a kid, and I watched it every year. I've seen it maybe 20-25 times in my life. And yeah, I still get a kick out of it even though I have almost the whole script memorized at this point!

My top pick... and all time favorite movie The Wizard of Oz ....!

...and not necessarily in this order

  • Rain Man
  • original Gone in 60 Seconds
  • Catch Me if You Can
  • Days of Thunder
  • Armageddon
  • Rocky
  • Worlds Fastest Indian
  • Miracle on 34th Street
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For me the top ten are in no particular order.

My cousin vinny

thunderbolt and lightfoot

saving private Ryan

Full metal jacket

Road worrior

Run lola run

American hustle ( my current obsession)

The outlaw jose wales

Halloween (Jamie lee curtis version)

Mad max original

vanishing point

Any of these show up on the T.v. and I have to watch til the end no matter what my wife jokes that I own all of them on dvd but will sit and watch them on edited tv.

Oh and the hunt for red October

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I think coz they keep replaying them here in Australia over and over!

Back when cable was new in the US, both my parents and my inlaws got it before we did. It seemed every time I'd go to either house and turn on the TV, the movie "10" was on! They must've shown that day and night for years!

Me? I don't really get to watch movies often. In fact our main TV in the den isn't even connected to a DVD or VHS machine. My wife usually has command of that TV with rubbish shows like Dancing With The Stars and The Bachelor on ... I can hear Long Island Medium playing in the next room right now!

But to name one... "It's a Wonderful Life". My older daughter and I always sit down together to watch this one around Christmas time. My wife and younger daughter don't get it! One year I heard that they were playing it in an old restored 1920s movie theater and I thought it would be a treat for the family to see the movie like it was originally shown. The two whiners ruined that trip!

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