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Shop Pranks/Stories

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Teaching High School auto shop the pranks never ended. First up my adage: " Is that soda you're drinking? You know the rule." Student: " What? I gotta bring enough for the whole class?" " No. just one for me."

Well they got me on that one once( only takes one time). In shop, put MY soda down working with some students, got busy, got thirsty, turned around, grabbed MY soda and took a big swig, Pffffft. "YUCK!! What was that?"

"Water, Mr. Myers. We emptied your soda and cleaned out the can and filled it back up with WATER." :lol::D:P Gottcha.

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Of course, I probably started it. First day in shop we go over all the safety equipment and rules. The big industrial "Foot operated" sink being very important for cleaning dirt or possible acid spills. Of course there are always those fooling around in the back of the class that usually miss a few things. "Sink? Big deal , wash yer hands."

So a few days into shop a student comes up and tells me there's something wrong with the sink. It wont turn on. I walk over and watch as he shows me how, no mater how he turns the knobs on top of the soap dispenser, the water wont come out.

I walk up, reach over and turn the same soap dispenser "fill" knobs while at the same time stepping on the foot treadle , WATER. "You must be doing it wrong."

Of course other, wiser students, have gathered to watch as he tries a few more times with the mirth of the others. :D:P:lol:


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Back when I worked pizza delivery all the delivery cars (our own cars) were lined up out back usually with keys in them. Every so often the guys would take and hide a car, funny joke. I hadn't worked there in a while, but I stopped in one night to say hello to everyone. I parked my '56 Chevy in a space out front. One of the guys asked me to go for a delivery ride with him, and when I got back, my car was missing. Yea, funny joke guys. It took them a while to convince me that they hadn't touched my car... it actually had been stolen!

Years ago at work I was on a team that investigated accidents on the company property. Here's two that I remember that involved stupidity...

Guy used a ladder to go up on a one story roof. Two idiots thought it funny to remove the ladder. Guy on roof got upset and tried to jump down, breaking a leg.

The famous fork lift race... two idiots were racing back from lunch on fork lifts. One is watching the other one instead of in front of himself, and hits a metal post, which bends forward making a perfect launch device. The fork lift went up in the air and came down on it's side. Operator wasn't belted in as per SOP and decides to jump! Forklift comes down where he jumped and the safety cage top bar lands right across his legs. Two broken legs.

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A friend by the shop he is not a car guy and a bit gullible he wanted to help out I told him I needed a work table painted and I handed him the spray paint. I said it needs to be shook up. Which he asked "how long does it shaking?" I responsed "you'll know when you hear the ball stop rattling" and went back working on a car. Five minutes goes by when I get the question "how much longer before it will stop rattling?" I say back "never!!" And start laughing my butt off. I heard a lot of naughty words and had to dodge a spray can

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  • 3 weeks later...

This prank did not happen in a shop, and was pretty harmless. There was a guy in our local Buick club who owned a very nice '62 Electra 225. One of the features it had was a signal seeking radio. When his daughter was in the car, he would use the voice activated feature on the radio to change stations. His daughter was amazed that a car built in the 1960's had such a high tech feature. The only trouble is, it would never work when she asked for it to change channels! It worked for everybody else in the car, but never her. I don't know if they ever got around to telling her the truth about how the radio worked or not? Of course it wasn't voice activated. The driver had a remote button on the floor that activated the power tuning feature.


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I worked in construction for many years and used to pull pranks on construction jobs all of time. The best one I've ever done (I still laugh to this day about this one when I even think about it) was on a job in the middle of winter. It was muddy as all get out everywhere. The contractor got the great idea to lay cardboard around the perimeter of the building. So we had a good clean surface to walk on. There was a hole about two feet in diameter and around eighteen to twenty inches deep that stayed full of water. Of course, it was right in line with the rest of our cardboard "sidewalk". But, there was one piece pulled back so we could go around it. Every day, when I would go around that section of the building, I would slide that one piece of cardboard back over the hole. So, it looked right in place with the rest of the cardboard pieces. I nick named it the "booby trap". It caught many "booby's". I would laugh until I almost cried when I would see someone step on that cardboard with a hole of cold muddy water under it! One of the guys that worked for me stepped into it three different times even though he knew it was there! He would come around the building with a wet leg and boot and cuss at me saying, "I stepped into your stupid booby trap again!!" I laughed and said, "There's one thing about it, it always catches a booby." He said, "Yeah, but I'm getting tired of being the blanking booby!" Whenever we would hear someone cussing to the top of their lungs, I would say, "Hear that? Sounds like I caught another booby." Someone finally wised up and ruined it though and took a shovel and filled in the hole. I'm pretty sure it was the guy that worked for me. But, I got many good hard laughs out of while it lasted. It's still funny to me over eighteen years later.

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This prank did not happen in a shop, and was pretty harmless. There was a guy in our local Buick club who owned a very nice '62 Electra 225. One of the features it had was a signal seeking radio. When his daughter was in the car, he would use the voice activated feature on the radio to change stations. His daughter was amazed that a car built in the 1960's had such a high tech feature. The only trouble is, it would never work when she asked for it to change channels! It worked for everybody else in the car, but never her. I don't know if they ever got around to telling her the truth about how the radio worked or not? Of course it wasn't voice activated. The driver had a remote button on the floor that activated the power tuning feature.


I have a 1979 lincoln with the same feature. My girlfriend now wife thought that when she clapped the station changed. Took her three years to figure out I was messing with her.

Me and my buddy lifted up and slid our bosses ranger in between two signs about a foot father apart than the truck was long. The next morning there was only one sign.

We stole his keys from his pocket and moved his truck to another parking lot. He bought a belt clip for his key ring

We took a weber grill, a patio table, and two chairs and made lunch in the bed of the truck. A flying broom removed us just before the hot dogs were ready. He parked his truck in front of the office window going forward

I also made copies of the keys to the bay doors. There were six on each side of the building and he had the only set of keys for the lock, so he thought. I would reopen the doors as he closed them. He had no idea how we did it so he started watching back the camera tapes. My buddy shimmied up the pole on the back side of the camera and screamed into it as I unlocked the doors. We knew exactly when Rick got to that part of the video.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Years ago when I worked at a Lincoln Mercury dealership, we had a refridgerator that the employees would share. We had some guys that were fisherman and would bring in blue fish filets to share. Well, we also had a younger guy detailer working in the wash rack; he wasn't the brightest. One day there was some leftover fish in the fridge, so we had the bright idea to take the fish and lay it on top of his muffler. The next day we're all sitting around getting ready to eat lunch and we didn't want to mention the fish to him, but one of us comented how it was "Nation Fried Fish Week." Then the kid speaks up and said "That explains why I smelled fish frying every time I stop at a light!"

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I've been thinking about this incident ever since this thread got started. It's an example of how a seemingly harmless prank can go very wrong.

I had a friend I knew since high school. Even in our 40s we'd get together every Thursday evening. We most often would rent a movie and watch it over a few beers at his house since he was single. I've always had a busy work day so by evening I was tired. I'd often fall asleep watching the movie and this upset him, and he'd always be waking me up and pranking me by taking my picture with some stupid sign on me. Silly stuff.

One evening I had dozed off to wake up suddenly to a loud bang inches from my face. My first sight was him laughing like crazy holding a pistol. I had felt the blast near my face and I truly believed he had shot me in the face for several terrifying seconds as I waited for the pain to start. I really believed these were the last seconds of my life. I grabbed my face and held it and rolled off the couch onto the floor. He realized something went terribly wrong with his little prank and started calling my name and apologizing, telling me I was okay. I was hysterical, couldn't stop crying, my face was burned and hurt from the blast and my ears were ringing from the close proximity of the gunshot.

He had shot me with a starters pistol with a blank. Being an idiot, he had not thought through that there still would be a significant blast. I know that he didn't really want to hurt me, but I have never gotten past that incident. Our friendship dissipated and we lost touch that year. I just couldn't look at him without seeing that laughing face. I had dreams about it, I'd wake up thinking about it. Right now, my heart is pounding as I type this. The day I thought I had seconds to live.

And think about this when you go to do some stupid prank. People have been killed at the end of stupid pranks gone wrong. I actually feel lucky.

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I worked a swing shift at one of the tire manufactures in town and late into a night shift, probably 3:00am or so. I took a piss break and when I was leaving a looked back and noticed someone sitting on the pot, wearing the boots and jeans I had left in my locker. I couldn't believe anyone could do that! I checked my locker, and sure enough this guy was wearing my clothes and sitting on the head. Just then the foreman came in, he saw I was mifted and asked what was wrong. I showed him my boots and pants under the stall from the locker room.

He couldn't believe it either and was like, who could that be? Everyone else was still working. So he gets the other guys to see if anyone else had come into the shop recently? By now I'm getting really wound up and the guys are doing all they can to help with the mystery.

I finally have enough and kick the door in! And there it was, my boots perfectly place in front of the john and my pants perfectly draped over the lid and the cuffs pulled down over the boots! I was in shock! And couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the day. Just typing this story brings a smile to my face, those guys had me hook, line sinker and bait.

And that is what an innocent practical joke is, harmless, fun and laughs all around. Too bad some people don't understand it. Whether your on the giving or receiving side of a hurtful joke, you just don't get it. But be careful because you still might!

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Many a time, back when cars had ignition coils , plugs, and points....Would make up a coil wire, using the boots off a real one, and attach them to a piece of rubber hose , and replace the coil wire with it.....'Z'

Being a shop teacher, and having some smart ( ) students from time to time , I too, have used this prank, untill one day . . .

Me to another student:" You put the vacuum hose with the boots on the coil?"

Student: Looking in amazement, as was I, as the "Pranked" student drove off unaffected. "Yes."

Turned out the vacuum hose was dirty and thus the spark carbon tracked right through the hose allowing the car to run fine. ( well, for a students car) :o

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One thing I like to do to the new guy is while they are eating lunch i ask if they like their Doritos fritios ,chips if they say yes that is when I smash their big bag and say well you got more of them. Now The look on their faces is priceless

Edited by mnwildpunk
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