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About slantasaurus

  • Birthday 12/15/1968

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  • Full Name
    Ron Wagonrod

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. I emailed Casey a few nights ago with an update of what is going on. The Torino should be finished this weekend, just a few parts left to go on it and then decals. I did notice that somewhere along the way the wiper motor seems to have gotten lost, I used one from my parts box to fill the space. I've also added some details and tried something new with this build, I think it finishes it off nicely but I don't want to give it away just yet but I know everyone is gonna be asking how I did it. Also, next weekend there is a contest near me so I'm going to enter the Torino and see if we can get some hardware to show for all the effort everybody has put into this build, several forum members will be at the show and will be able to see it in person. As of this week I have had the Torino for 1 year, not bad considering I had to take several months away from building after my accident (and still 3 months less than another member who has called me out several times took with his part of the build). As to the fate of the Torino, I vote to auction it off and give the money to a boys/ girls club or buy a few kits with the money and donate them to the club. I've heard mixed things about the Model Builders Museum, it seems like they are more interested in vintage items.
  2. Rumors of the death of the Torino build have been greatly exaggerated.
  3. Why is she floating above the pavement ???
  4. If you really want your head to spin just ask them about "the contrails, man"...
  5. "The policeman isn't there to create disorder. The policeman is there to preserve disorder" I'll bet Harry knows this one...
  6. I started my first account about 10 years ago and have never lost any images I have uploaded.
  7. Your pics will stay. I've filled up 2 accounts and am working on my third though it doesn't seem like they give you as much space as they used to. One of these days I might have to upgrade to an unlimited account since I'm running out of email addys to link them too....LOL
  8. Yeah, I have plenty of Hemis' in the parts box, finding a correct A-990 hood scoop is the tough part unless a resin caster steps up.
  9. Not quite, according to sources it will NOT have a crossram Hemi engine and there is no hood scoop. Mobius is phoning this one in...
  10. Nope, that's a real Auburn....well at least what was left of an original. James Hatfield from Metalica had that car built from a total wreck of a car he found in a swamp in Florida. From what I understand there wasn't much of a car left to start with.
  11. I wasn't sure when the Monogram Packards were released I know the Duseys and Cord came out in the mid 60s, the Mercedes Monogram did I'm pretty sure came out after the JoHan.
  12. I would guess it was probably canceled when Monogram released their Packard kit.
  13. No, that would be a couple cases of Old Style...
  14. The Cubs winning the World Series ???........That movie is pure fantasy !!!
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