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1965 Pontiac Grand Prix, Grand Slam.


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On 9/11/2020 at 10:06 AM, doorsovdoon said:

Went to give the car a final coat of paint and got a massive paint reaction. I have no idea why it happened, it just did. The paint was actually fine, it didn't really need another coat but I was thinking when I polish the car I'll probably rub through in places like I always do, so best give it one more layer of paint I thought. There was cissing everywhere and it wrinkled up along all the high points. Aaaaaaaaaagghghghghghghhg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always at the last hurdle with me, story of my f*** ing life! 


Oh I feel ya ! I don’t know how many times I’ve gotten to What should be the last day of a build and then watch everything just blow up , man that sucks, good thing though they always look better the second time you paint em !!

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That's to bad alright. I feel your pain. Putting the final clear coat on a couple of parts this morning, and then dropped them back in the "Purple Pond" for the third time. I just no longer can trust Model Masters Ultra Gloss Clearcoat to play nice with their own paints. 

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Yeah, I think I'll be testing parts like the hood first from now on. Thing is, it wasn't the paint that was the issue, it was that flipping fly spray. Strict EU regulations reckon it's safer for me to empty an entire can of very weak fly spray for one fly instead of a squirt of the old proper stuff! I can't remember choking from a room filled with aerosol before they made 'safer' fly spray!

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On 9/11/2020 at 10:06 AM, doorsovdoon said:

Went to give the car a final coat of paint and got a massive paint reaction. I have no idea why it happened, it just did. The paint was actually fine, it didn't really need another coat but I was thinking when I polish the car I'll probably rub through in places like I always do, so best give it one more layer of paint I thought. There was cissing everywhere and it wrinkled up along all the high points. Aaaaaaaaaagghghghghghghhg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always at the last hurdle with me, story of my f*** ing life! 


I feel for you. Seems to be the story of my life too.

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ah well, there's some good to come out of the paint having to be done again. The custom front panel doesn't have wheels arch trims to follow the line of the cars trim, it just disappears where the original bumper should be. I didn't make the effort to fabricate those bits last time, so I'm using some body filler to make the EXTREMELY FINE line that is the wheel arch trim and some careful sanding.



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Paint arrived today, I wiped down the body with brake cleaner to get rid of any contaminants and give the car four coats of paint leaving a half hour break between coats. It's done, it looks good, AND I AIN'T TOUCHING IT for at least a few days before I do the foiling and polishing! Lol,


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13 hours ago, doorsovdoon said:

Paint arrived today, I wiped down the body with brake cleaner to get rid of any contaminants and give the car four coats of paint leaving a half hour break between coats. It's done, it looks good, AND I AIN'T TOUCHING IT for at least a few days before I do the foiling and polishing! Lol,


Good plan.

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On 9/12/2020 at 11:02 AM, espo said:

That's to bad alright. I feel your pain. Putting the final clear coat on a couple of parts this morning, and then dropped them back in the "Purple Pond" for the third time. I just no longer can trust Model Masters Ultra Gloss Clearcoat to play nice with their own paints. 

I used to swear by this clear, now I won't touch it. I assume they changed the formula(?)

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Yep, that's the plan with all my builds from now on, if it looks good enough, it's good enough, haha! I've only ever used clear once and that was on my '67 Impala. The paint, being metallic should have shined like mad, but was drying to a flat finish for some reason so I used clear. It's Halfords brand, both paint and clear. I don't know what the equivalent to Halfords in the States is but it's very good quality paint. 

67 Impala.jpg

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Nearing completion now. Interior is in, and I've gone with the green tinted glass. Shoehorning the base passed the 2mm or so overhang of the custom panels without cracking the filler that holds them was a bit tense, but it popped in ok. The back of the base has no pegs to sit on, so it sat up in the body a bit giving the car a low rider look, not the look I want, so I fixed it by letting it rest on the rear valance and glued it in place while the car was suspended off it's wheels. Engine was put in after the base was fitted. Just some foiling left to do now and I can call this one done:)



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