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Shelby 427 1965

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Everything posted by Shelby 427 1965

  1. Hey, I'm painting it Tamiya Mica Red, hopefully as close as I can get to VW's Tornado Red. I plan on having it as close as I can get to this: Only not as low. Well, it's the inspiration anyway, it mightn't be the same!
  2. Looking amazing so far, hard to believe you're so young into the hobby. Love that man shelf too!
  3. Revell's Mk.2 Golf kit. I'm buying a real one in about a years time or so, so this'll be how I want mine. Interior started and mocked, still needs more work obviously. That infamous grille: Bumpers: The wheels, stolen from a Layton House Fujimi Mercedes 190E Cosworth: And I've done something that I don't believe I've seen on a Mk.2 model before, but that's mostly because I haven't really looked Sunroof! Anyways, these are veeeeeeery early days yet. This is gonna be a slow build, I want it to be perfect, plus exams are coming up now, but then I'll have aaaall summer to work on it. Thanks for looking, all comments appreciated!
  4. Looks great, but a little tip is to maybe use some decal softener on the carbon fibre in the engine bay.
  5. Thanks for the responses everyone, but those scale production wheels are absolutely PERFECT! I'll be havin' a set of them. Cheers for all your help
  6. Yeah, been browsing eBay. Only set that isn't remotely horrifying are a set of Wantanabe minilight style wheels, and even they're a last resort for me, they really wouldn't suit a Golf, and I'm trying to represent what I'm gonna have on my 1/1 next year when I get one.
  7. Hi guys, need a bit of help. I'm hoping to find a nice set of wheels for my Mk.2 golf. 15 scale inches. I'd really love a set of mesh (bbs-style) wheels but can't find any anywhere. Anybody know anywhere with lots of wheels and tires? Help would be much appreciated, thanks!
  8. Cheers everyone! @Kevin: Yeah. my typing error, I don't know what made me say dutch when I knew it was German o.O Anyway, thanks Also, extremely jealous! Would love to get discounts! although since I'm like, the ONLY person that buys the kits in my local hobby store, maybe I'll get one eventually... A man can hope.
  9. Thanks for looking, all comments are appreciated!
  10. Bought this kit in Berlin when I was over for a school trip. Haven't modified it really, just built it box stock. Went for a real sinister look which I think I got. Overall I'm happy with it, and it even came with German numberplates, bonus! More pics coming!
  11. Looks lovely, really clean! Don't you find Halfords spray cans really easy to work with? I love them. Keep it up!
  12. Looks really good, I wouldn't have expected the bare plastic just clear coated to look that well!
  13. Looks great, nothing better than a big ol' Plymouth.
  14. Last update before it's under glass. Still some work to do.. It's definitely got the sinister look I wanted anyways. Thanks for looking everyone!
  15. One body, finally clearcoated! Just needs a wax. I proooobably should have dusted it before I took these pics. Ignore that! Cheers!
  16. Small update.. Some decals done, and interior finished. I'll have exterior pics soon.. I promise. I guess the camera really DOES show every little mistake you make.. it's just as well most of them won't be visible when it's done. Cheers!
  17. That thing looks awesome, props on a very very good build. What's next in line?
  18. That's what I did. I got called out on it not connecting up properly but who cares? It's your build dude, go crazy!
  19. Yeah Juan, I had that problem. Old drag racers don't have exhausts, same in this kit, same in the Plymouth GTX I built. I just stuck them on anyway because I wanted a road car build. Realistically this kit shouldn't have them on if you're doing the Hemified drag racer, but hey, it's your build, I stuck them on anyway too.
  20. Thanks muchly you two, all comments are much appreciated!
  21. Cheers you two! Small update. Interior main stuff is finished, just need to do decals. It's still only mocked up for now. Did about 90% of the underside work. I sprayed the body today, the colour is PERFECT. Can't wait to get it clearcoated tomorrow, and then I'll upload pics of it. Cheers!
  22. Cheers! It's this Revell kit here: I reckon it's probably the same as the Revell USA kit, reboxed.
  23. Absolutely love it. Looks amazing, great clean build.
  24. Just a small update. Mostly just waiting on the body, really. Should get spraying it tomorrow.. I've done mist coats on it. It's gonna be metallic black, no stripes. Interior mockup: Cheers
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