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Everything posted by 1hobby1

  1. thanks! Yea I did notice the hood was off a bit out of the box, did some sanding and it evened out ok.
  2. Hey guys just finished this one up. Tried a new paint method on this one. Used Folkart acrylic craft paint thinned with future and then cleared with future as well. The car is more or less box stock. I lowered the car, wheels are from my parts box, shortened the rear axle for some wider wheels and tires in the rear, spark plug wires and flocked the interior. Overall I'm happy with how this came out. Hope you all enjoy!
  3. One of the coolest builds I've seen yet!
  4. 1hobby1

    66 elcamino

    Beautiful model and paint job
  5. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001738DXU/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1454610505&sr=8-2&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=airbrush+compressor&dpPl=1&dpID=51PiLjO7hlL&ref=plSrch been looking at this one, has solid reviews. Might pull the trigger on this later tonight!
  6. I was using a harbor freight airbrush compressor and after 6 months it decided its time has come. Happy to see that one is quite because that's important to me. If it wasnt I would just get a pancake compressor with a big tank for storage and use that ? . Anyone else out there recommend compressors?
  7. Seems like a good option. I was looking at regular pancake compressors. Only downfall is they're too loud in my opinion. I like the idea of having a storage tank for air.
  8. Mine fills up, then once I push air through the gun it looses all pressure.?
  9. My harbor fright air brush compressor barely lasted 6 months. I guess I learned the hard way you get what you pay for !
  10. Gave the craft acrylics with future a shot today on my upcoming project, sprayed right on to the body and here are my results. Came out much better than expected, not sure if I want to clear it with some more future for a super glossy shine. But this does work. Not sure how long it will last or if I will switch to craft acrylics only, but this is a good way to get a nice paint job. Unfortunately my compressor decided to stop working properly today so I will be searching for a new one. Any suggestions? I'm still very interested in spraying enamels 50:50 with lacquer thinner and what to use to clear them? Mainly because I have a ton of the small testors enamels and do not want them to go to waste. I have also seen some amazing results with them. Feel free to add comments for advice!
  11. which beand of lacquer do you use? Are they in spray cans or made specifically for airbrushing?
  12. Thanks to some help from Tommy, I practice a little with some future and craft paint and today I decided to shoot my new project. Not sure if I will switch completely to craft acrylics and future but it does work well. Unfortunately my compressor decided today was its last day and now I need to search for a new one. I've seen also some great results online using a 50:50 mix with testors enamels and laquer thinner. I gave it a try and I can see how if dialed in correctly results can be very good.
  13. I'll give the craft acrylics a try tonight. Hopefully they work well but I also want to figure out how to use the azteks and the enamels (50/50 mix with laquer thinner). Thanks for your input! Any other advice out there?
  14. Tommy, thank your taking the time to do this write up, it is greatly appreciated. I'll have to give it a try on a scrap body. Does the paint brand matter or will most craft acrylics work? I've always heard bad things about mixing and spraying craft acrylics compared to testors, tamiya, etc. and that future for clear doesn't last as long as some other brands? I have a bottle of future but hesitate using it because of this reason. Also, do you ever have to sand the body down to polish? I tried buffing out paint that did not have a clear coat before and it did not end as well as expected. Started with 4,000 then 6, 8, 10, and 12. Did a 3 step polish with McGuires scratch x, Polish, and carnuba wax and didn't see great results either. I'm assuming the paint under it had to much orange peel to fix? Not to sure but I assume laying a smooth coat of paint down and then adding clear before doing this process would help. I also just bought a ton of testors enamels and the Aztek paints (huge sale at a Michaels near me) so I would like to utilize those as well. But I will give this method a try, hopefully later on tonight. Thank you!
  15. So I gave the Aztek series a try again. I did not prime the body. I started spraying on the plastic with a .3mm tip on my Paasche H at about 20psi. Once again the finish was not smooth. I was not spraying to far away but for some reason I can not get a smooth gloss finish for the life of me and it's taking all the enjoyment out of modeling. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!
  16. I got this kit for around $30 after shipping from amazon. Not that bad!
  17. Thanks! Time is always the issue!
  18. the side rails were engraved. The bed was not engraved if I remember correctly. The marker did all the work, give it a try!
  19. I just use the brown Sharpie brand marker. Make a few passes and you'll see how you can control the color for darker and lighter shades. This will help you create a nice wood grain look, I did the bed as well as the bed rails with a sharpie.
  20. Thank you! And yes I agree, but I have seen some amazing jdm builds on here.
  21. I use a brown sharpie with excellent results over the common white plastic. I can post a picture of a truck bed if you would like to see.
  22. Hey all, I was finally was able to finish this kit. Its box stock other than the carbon fiber hood being lowered a tad more as well as some more camber added. It's a decent kit, some of the parts I wish had a better fit. Anyways here it is, thanks for looking!
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