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Everything posted by Zoom

  1. At last I get painted: Tamiya “Italian red and Racing white”. Get the BMF on (it was time consuming ). I used “new improved chrome”. There were some residue left from the BMF, I took very little Tamiya “polishing compound, finish” on an cotton swabs and rub it gently away, works great. I´m a little confused in which order I shall put thing together. Is it better to put the body on the frame and interior, before I start the detailing of it (mostly the chrome details), or should I finish the body before I put things together?? I hope you understand my question.
  2. Very nice all over. This kind of “build threads” are inspiring me to develop my coming “builds”. Thank you!!
  3. Fantastic work as allways!!!!
  4. Nice little car, and well done.
  5. Not much of an update, but anyway. I have read Cruz tutorial about scribing panel lines. I think the result looks very good, so I would like to try this. Scribing and scribing and then some black wash. Now I have to wait for result after the primer and paint is on.
  6. Allways fun with yours projects. You´re build extremly fast, I think.
  7. Very good looking mini!
  8. Thank you all, for your kind words! While I´m waiting for the Tamiya primer (looks like it sold out in whole Sweden) I did some works on the wheels. Take some 1000-grit and sanded some on the tires to get rid of the shiny black, then some brown wash. Paint the white walls with flat white. A small brush with Tamia red on the outer rim on the wheel cover, took a tooth pick to get rid of paint that come inside of the rim.
  9. Thank you guys for your comments, I appreciate that. At last, the engine compartment is ready. There were some puzzling too get it together. Now I´m waiting for Tamiya white primer, to continue with the body.
  10. Very nice and what an Engine!
  11. Some steps forward. Used some Sharpie marker on the “horn ring” on the steering wheel. The decals on the instrument panel cracked Looks like I have to do some cleaning, the photos show things that it hard to see with your eyes. Now I have to deal with the engine bay parts, as “JollySipper” said and the radiator hoses.
  12. Did some work on the interior. Vallejo ”brown” on the floor, “aged white” on the seats and Tamiya “red” on the rest. BMF on the details. I read in a thread that “MrObsessive” use solder wire to make battery terminals. I took that idea and make mine from 0,4 mm lead wire. Flattened the end and drill a hole. Painted them in black and red. Easier then to make a terminal and then glue the cable on it.
  13. Nice and very fine photos. I like it.
  14. Not much of an update, but I change the angel of the front exhaust tube. Now “sits” the engine much better. A little adjustment of the paint and some “washing” have to be done.
  15. Thank you again for that information. Sorry for late answer. I have to look around and see what I can find.
  16. Thank you guys! Now I have run in to some troubles. The front of the engine is too high. It looks like the front exhaust tube is the problem and “sits” on the frame. Does anyone have an idea, or know what i have done wrong or have has this problem. I need some help.
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