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#1 model citizen

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Everything posted by #1 model citizen

  1. Although there is not a cruiser in the scene there are 2 state(?) troopers concerned over Ruby’s Dinner truck parked in a handicap parking spot and a female city officer talking to the tow truck operator perhaps about removing the offending vehicle. (3rd pic from the bottom, lower left hand corner. Check the video out for a better view.) But really who needs a cop when everyone is having such a good time? (Illegal handicap parking not withstanding)😀
  2. Astounding! I must’ve spent an hour pouring over your pics and video! This is just incredible! The build of the vehicles with so much scratch building and detail - I don’t think I could accomplish so many quality builds in a lifetime! The details in the buildings and realistic treatment of the pavement is outstanding! But what wows me the most is the people! Their interactions with each other could not be more realistic. You have even captured the sense of action especially the skateboarders and the jogger! Simply amazing!
  3. As I feared when I signed up that summer would not allow for much modeling. I have fought with the paint when I did find time. I did shoot the 3rd color on the tri-tone paint scheme Thursday and should be ready to polish tonight. I have also fashioned an AC duct for the package shelf. Although it’s not eligible for another round, I shall continue working on it and post progress pics here with Snake’s permission.
  4. Well I was typing some what tongue in cheek when I posted that. I’m actually quite pleased to have the correct dashboards even if the rest isn’t correct. There does seem to be a lot of people who know of this situation however. 😏 I’m a Virgil Exner fan so it’s the exterior that’s the real draw for me. I do build what I want with what I have and with what skills I have keeping in mind I’ll never have the time to build them all. The bucket list is long and I am slow so I’ll sweat the details on those. I don’t build to please my critics however I do show the ones that turn out well or even ok and constructive criticism is always welcomed.
  5. Although the convertible side panels used in the early Jo-Han & AMT annuals has always bugged me, I am more concerned with correct details. Using the ‘64 Dodge interior would be a good starting point, along with a more detailed chassis if I wanted a really correct model. I have other projects I would be more willing to invest the time, so for now I’m just thinking shelf model. Ironically because of the shallow tub it would make more sense to correct the convertible as the interior is a visual focal point. As it is I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to building any of them not to mention the ‘62 Chryslers & ‘60 DeSotos I have in this series. 😕
  6. That’s kinda what I think but judging by this thread it would seem a lot of people know…😏 Guess I wasted my money buying those dashboards. 😒
  7. Well that’s good to know! I have 2 Plymouths and 1 Dodge convertible. (and 2 Dodge hts)
  8. Thanks! The pics will greatly aide in the search. I think I need a boot the ‘62 Plymouth convertible too. Had the kit out a few days ago and now that piece is missing. I’m afraid it may have accidentally fallen into a pile of papers that went to the recycle bin ☹️
  9. So I still need ’62 interior tubs to have correct interiors? Can they be easily modified to be correct? If I ever get around to building them and I don’t have or can’t find the correct tubs I will have to work with what I have…
  10. I was unaware that the interiors were incorrect for these kits (although someone in this thread mentioned the Chrysler had a’ ‘65 interior). I did know the dashboards were incorrect for the Dodge and Plymouth. However I attended a NNL event a few weeks ago and discovered that Parts by Parks has the correct dashboards in resin! I bought 2 each to add to the kits I have. It would appear that I need to trade a Dodge ht for a Plymouth ht to balance out my collection unless I can find 1 or 2 at a reasonable price
  11. NOW I see the scale on the Olds box. (I did look earlier 😒). How many are in the series? I’ve only recently become aware of these models.
  12. I’m curious; will the convertible top span the entire passenger compartment or do you have something else in mind?
  13. Thanks! I started this maybe 18 months ago and I even started a thread in the WIP section. Once I get the paint polished out I think it will be ready for assembly. Thanks again for the encouraging words.
  14. Not quite sure this belongs in this thread as a minivan is considered a truck but it is a “should have been” pickup. WIP
  15. I will continue on with the ‘56 Chrysler for sure. Maybe I’ll dig out something else out of the crypt too, before the next round ends…. 🤔
  16. Snake, Tim & Tom your builds all look fantastic! I hope to cross the finish line in the next round perhaps along with your next BOYD projects. Congratulations on finishing this round!
  17. Gf found a 1/2 price sale at Hobby Lobby. Wasn’t much left but she found these gems.
  18. I will have to continue to the next round. I’m not having much luck with the paint. It has some peculiarities, that and my little experience with airbrush. Since I have to spray this poison paint in the garage humidity has stimmied progress. (Perfect weather the week I was away🙁) I have sprayed the desert rose but it had a rough, dry finish. After sanding 2nd coat was just as rough but it’s polishing out ok. Have some burn through to deal with however. 😖Desert rose ready for final polishing. Hood is done. These pieces are shiny without polishing. (Still learning how to paint)Alcad chrome came out ok. Interior door panels detailed. Dashboard needs more work.
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