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Everything posted by gbdolfans

  1. Justin,I really like the progress on this.It is going to be interesting to see how this goes. Have you decided on a body color??
  2. Hi All,it is 8 above now.It was supposed to go to -1 last night and tonight.The HIGH today is 15. I WANT TO GO TO FLORIDA!!!!
  3. I really hope it does come with the massive decal sheets ,surfboards,and other extras the last reissue came with. I don't care if it is curbside or not,I will buy several. :wub:
  4. Hey Greg,I think they are cool. If you need space and want to get rid of them,I will take them off your hands!!
  5. The first time I went to a drag race,I was 15.So that would be in 1967.It was a match race between Terry's Seaton Super Shaker and a car with an Allison in it.Can't remember the name.The Allison car did a burnout and it dug a groove in the track.I could not race that night.This happened at the now gone Miami-Hollywood Speedway Park.I would love to see if anyone can name the car.
  6. Great looking car!!! When I scrolled down and came to the engine,at first I thought it was real. Thanks for posting!!!
  7. That is GREAT looking!!! I love your attention to detail and make it lifelike!! Any chance for closer pics of the model? What scale is it?? Thank you for sharing it with us.I only wish I could build like you do. It is a true talent!! George
  8. I have looked for the decals to do the fiat and can't find them.I have tried E-bay and Fremont as someone suggested. Anyone have an idea??
  9. Hi Bill,I have a Nikon Coolpix S6100 point and shoot.I have not posted many pics here,but it does a decent job of closeups.It is a 16 megapixel camera.On the menu screen,you can change the size of the pics. Hope this helps.
  10. Congrats to you!!!! Very nice build and I love the paint!!!
  11. Jim,a while ago there was a good amount of activity on there.I bought several kits there from some GREAT sellers.As it doesn't cost anything,what do have to lose.Try there and if you can't make it work,try the other one.Say what you want to,there is a HUGE potential customer base.For that,you pay a relatively small fee. If you do either way,PM me a message as to your seller ID. George
  12. Hi All,I hope all are doing well on this special day. Here is a link to an incredible collection. The display case is over 80 feet long. Enjoy. https://autos.yahoo.com/news/check-world-largest-scale-model-mustang-collection-143015677.html
  13. I for one would LOVE to see all of them come out!!! I remember building the Little T when I was a kid. Would love to build one now!!!
  14. Great looking car Vince!!! What kit did you use to start with??
  15. I thought that I have seen this on the show "American Pickers" they went overseas and found this.
  16. Thanks for doing one of these.I went with real on this one. The tires look like they are a little low
  17. X2 I agree 100%. I build!! Do I build contest quality cars? NO!!! Do I make mistakes and get frustrated? YES!!! I enjoy this forum for the inspiration,tips,tricks,and it will hopefully make me a better builder. I enjoy the quality of my cars and love looking at them.I am not a perfect person,so,I do not criticize anyone's builds.
  18. So sad to hear this.I remember seeing him run at Miami-Hollywood Speedway years ago. May he rest in peace and continue driving in the big above.
  19. Nate,KUDOS to you for doing this with your son. The 3rd pic of you and your son working together with the light is probably one of the BEST pics I have seen in a LOOOOONNNNNGGGG time!! :unsure: Thanks for the uplifting post and we need more like this to help our great hobby!!!
  20. Hey Dave,I used to have a ton of them.I enjoyed them a bunch.Have you tried E-Bay?? That's where I sold all of mine.just a thought.
  21. Hi Bill,GREAT video.Love seeing this stuff.Brings back good memories of my days of playing with my old Wheels. Back then,all you had was basic tracks!! Oh and by the way,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope you are well and have many more.Hope you get to do some building today and save me a piece of cake!!!
  22. Thanks Greg for keeping with the theme.What is funny to one is not for another. I was just trying to lighten the day.
  23. Hi All,I came across this and just thought it might make someones day. http://www.odometer.com/modifications/4121/16-jaw-droppingly-terrible-car-mods?drv=4121-yde#slide/0
  24. Very nice job Jack!! Love the paint job and it looks very smooth.Love the idea of the engine. Can you crank it up so I can hear it run?
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