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Everything posted by Reegs

  1. But wouldn't something that large crowd out the fish?
  2. OK. Howzabout I T-bone Rodan when it fell from the sky after being blasted by JSADF F-86s?
  3. 2010 Versa's are part of the recall - BUT - mine isn't because it was sold in the northeast, where humidity is low. Sure. Right now it's so humid that I'll have to swim to my car to go and buy rolls. So if I t-bone some a..hole who runs a light and subsequently lose my face, all I can do is blame the weather?
  4. Amen to that (except that they have gotten safer. Some of those rollbars are practically non-existent).
  5. Art was Jack's uncle. Jack was one of the four guys that "introduced" the tube-chassis flopper. The others were Nicholson, Schartman, and for the life of me I can't remember the team.. Re: George Klass - it woulda been nice if he posted the year the pic was taken. And it looks (to me) like most of the pics are from the late '50s and early '60s, without much from the mid-'60s. Still ... what a site!
  6. You guys a putting way too much thought into this. It's a Lindberg V-8. The original kit went for like 99¢ back in the '60s so you shouldn't expect much in the way of scale accuracy. It's a generic V-8.
  7. Since this is a wish list: - a mid-‘60s FED. Long/Fuller/Kellison-type frame, 150” – 160” scale wheelbase. All parts faithful to the era (like the slicks, gentlemen). Two-piece body, as long as it’s top and bottom (or three piece if you mold the ‘chute fairing separately). Two engine options: a supercharged 392 Hemi and a small block Enderle-injected Chevy for the jr. fueler fans (like me). - a mid-60s altered. Again, all parts faithful to the era. Tube chassis but with a more period-typical vertical rollbar braced from the front (the Winged Express frame is more towards the end of the decade). Topolino or Bantam coupe body. Supercharged big block Chevy (or small block. Worked pretty good for Rich Guasco) w/optional parts for fuel injection.
  8. Mainly because: - the old /SR rules mandated fenders (although the rules were pretty minimal) - I just think that they look good
  9. A discussion re: The Giant Gila Monster (technically, The Giant Beaded Lizard): http://monsterkidclassichorrorforum.yuku.com/topic/2787/THE-GIANT-GILA-MONSTER-review?page=1
  10. The original AMT '32 coupe and roadster had cycle fenders. The Monogram Black Widow has cycle fenders. I'd guess that there was one or two more kits released in the early '60s that had cycle fenders. Revell releases a new kit of a '29 hot rod designed with a late '50s/early '60s look - no cycle fenders. All these re-issues over the years - no cycle fenders. Hmmm. Sounds like something that an eager, forward-thinking, get-in-on-the-ground-floor no-grass-grows-under-his-feet resin caster might investigate.
  11. We had a blast with those back in the late '60s. I mounted one to an old Russkit inline brass chassis and spent many an hour attempting to set the land speed record.
  12. And, when came time to drive the car into the quarry with the dead body in it (make it look like suicide) alls ya had to do was reach in and push 'D' ...
  13. Another reason to abandon front-supercharging: on those occassions when the intake valve would hang open all the fuel in the runner would ignite.
  14. I received the '36 as a present back in the day. I guess I was like twelve or thirteen and the kit had been out a few years. I was (quietly) disappointed. First, it was a 1/24 scale Monogram model, not a real 1/25 scale model like from AMT or (boy oh boy) Revell. Also, I was pretty underwhelmed by the competition parts (everything I built was for the strip, Clyde). Who goes drag racing with carburetors? Of course, now my opinion is different. I'm no longer that opposed to it being in 1/24 scale (yup, still think that Monogram backed the wrong horse, but they've stuck to their guns for nearly sixty years, so what do I know). As far as the competiton parts, the kit holds a 1961 copyright, and in the ensuing years I seen pictures of what was run on the local strip around that time, and carbs were still very much in the equation. I can't see them reissuing that kit, though, other than taking a gamble that there are enough of us old farts timers who think they could still do something with that kit. And feel free to suggest kits to be cranked out again. I enjoy seeing the boxes of kits that me and my buddies built (and subsequently blew up).
  15. > Tamiya Lotus 7 comes with an inline 4. > The XR-6's companion - that AMT '27 T aka My Mother The Car aka Hillbilly Hauler - had the inline Ford 4-banger with Frontenac DOHC conversion parts. > Ross Gibson had a Slant 6 (and I think a Hyper-Pak version, too) > Moebius Fabulous Hudson Hornet 6
  16. The AMT Opel - the original, anyway - comes with the inline Opel 4 and a fuel-injected Buick V-6.
  17. Don't know the sales figures, but I suspect that back in the '60s Monogram would have moved more units if they were 1/25 scale. Sure, the kits were pretty simplistic and lacked detail, but they would have been good starting points for projects - especially at the prices being asked ( I know I would have been more interested). Was the scale difference really a moot point? I did build the Slingshot dragster and the Yellow Jacket '30 Ford roadster and I remember (to my eye) that they were somehow vaguely kinda-sorta "bigger". Now, if you wanna get into "if only" - if only AMT had NOT molded seats into the interior tub and NOT molded the stock exhaust system into the frame - nah, change that to NOT molded anything into the frame.
  18. Palmer models - eeyuch . Those were the kind of kits people without a clue gave you as a present. I do NOT remember Premier kits at all. Can someone point me to a history?
  19. There are a number of AMT kits that were released in the '60s that I'd like to see, but if they re-issue any of these kits please please please de-AMT them first. De-AMT? That means: NO molded in seats, whether it's the rear seats in a four door sedan or the front seats in a two passenger roadster. Let me decide how and where my scale people are gonna sit. NO molded in exhaust system. What was the point offering zoomies or dump tubes for the "drag version" when you molded in the exhaust pipes and muffler? NO molded in suspension and NO molded in drive train. Okay, the last two are (kinda sorta) acceptable for the annual kits; if you're handy with a detail brush you could make them look ... acceptable. Still ... I know, I know, we're talking about re-issueing, not re-working. But a decrepit old man can dream, can't he?
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