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Posts posted by Modlbldr

  1. I finally got a chance to get mine started last night while we were watching TV. I sanded all of the trim off of the body and filled all of the handle holes. Not much else beyond that, but it's a start. I would have posted pics on my own link but the batteries in the camera were dead. Got more batteries today but now I have to go help a buddy put flooring in his living room. Always something. Look for them tonight. (I hope)

    BTW- Fletch- Have you sent out the snail mail packages yet? Haven't seen mine yet.


  2. I'm not sure if the rollback was a Modelhaus item or not. That's just what he told me. It came with quite a few parts and no instructions. I'm trying to mentally piece it together. I could be in trouble there. LOL

    He had mentioned at our last club meeting that he had one and I told him "That would be cool." A week later I went to his house to visit and he said that he had something for me. He pointed to a tub and I opened it and was quite surprised.


  3. Well, I finally picked up my Tamiya 66 Beetle kit for the build. What a beauty. It's going to almost be a shame to have to customize such a fabulous kit. Oh Well. I guess I can always get another.....somewhere.....Uh, hey Fletch? You There???? LOL!

    Now it's on to my own thread and massaging plastic. I finally have all of the parts I need to get started.


  4. Yesterday I picked up a Tamiya 1966 Volkswagon Beetle 1300 kit for the Jairus Watson Challenge build. What a beautiful kit it is. After my stop at the LHS I went to Mike Flynn's --a fellow builder buddy's house and he gave me a few things. He gave me:

    1. Rep & Min set of 4 into 1 megaphone headers, still in the package,

    2. A set of photo etched pulley faces

    3. A tub that included the cab and interior and various parts to the Chevy extended cab Snap Tite pick-up kit.

    4. A police light bar

    5. A headache rack

    6. A ModelHaus resin Rollback Bed and resin dually wheels!!!!!!

    What a friend!!

    I'm looking forward to starting a rollback tow truck build soon. Maybe next after my Jairus Watson Challenge build.


  5. Fletch-

    Nothing here to show yet, but I am going to the hobby shop tomorrow to get the Tamiya 66 Beetle kit. I have the air intake from a motorized F1 kit that I picked up years ago at a thrift store. I plan to use the engine and whales tail from a Fujimi 85 Porsche 911 that I have on hand. I also have the wheels that Jairus sent to me. Sunday I leave to go to work out of town for a week and I will be taking everything with me. Should have a bit of progress to show once I get back.

    I look forward to seeing everyone's progress soon.


  6. Hey Fletch-

    I'm still waiting to hear back from my buddy on which one he selected from the list you sent. Unfortunately he has to go to his son's home to use the computer and answer E-mails. I sure hope that he doesn't pick one that has already been selected. I'll let you know which one ASAP.

    Sorry to hear that this has become quite a chore for you. I'm sure the rest of theguys are like me. Fully appreciative of what you are doing. Thanks again.


  7. Bruce-

    I like what you're doing here. The vents and interior pod look great. Keep it up. I should be starting on mine soon, now that I finished the Camaro. I need to get the photos of it taken and posted so I can close another one out. I've been doing some work on the chassis of my 53 Stude/ 98 Vette whiule waiting for my VW kit to arrive.

    I really like this rendering from Jairus and I know you'll do it right.


  8. Fletch-

    I sent you a PM on a fellow modeler from my local club who would like to get in on this, if any are left. You can send the info to me, if so, and I will make a copy for him.

    Also, about the hood scoop for that Firebird. The shape of the top looks similar to part of a plastic (press on) fingernail that you can pick up in a package in the make-up isle at Wal-Mart or similar store. Then you could just build up the bottom with styrene. I have a package of them that I've had for years to make custom air cleaners, scoops or headlight covers on customs. It may be quicker and cheaper than aftermarket.

    I am looking for a Fujimi or similar 60's Beetle kit for trade, if anyone has one. 1/ 24 scale would be great, since I plan to use a Fujimi Porsche whale tail, engine and interior that I already have. I got my wheels today from Jairus. Thank you, Man!


  9. OK. Finally I have been given enough clues and beatings to learn how to do this. So, with no further ado, here is what I drew for the build.


    I am in the process of gathering parts. Currently the only part I have on hand is the air intake that sticks above the top. This is going to be great. There are a few others that I would also like to build (72 Chevy quad cab, the 63 Galaxie being two of them). Can't wait to see everyone's progress.


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