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Greg Pugh

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Everything posted by Greg Pugh

  1. I used 2-part epoxy so I didn't have any issues at all.
  2. Good GOD Steve! That thing is GORGEOUS!!
  3. I'm digging the look of this! I prefer traditional cars so I like where you're headed. Not so sold on the 4.6L but it'll get better fuel economy. Lol
  4. Then, I got the engine wrapped up last night as well.
  5. Holy Moley! Has it really been since June!?? Well, I needed a break from my Ranchero build so I rotated this one up. First things first, I had to scratch build this guy. I cut and sanded some sprue to get the desired shape I added a small piece of sheet styrene Then it was cut off and painted. I found a similar decal in my stash and added that. I also painted and added the compression fittings and plumbed it with braided fuel line.
  6. And lastly, I had painted the dash, steering wheel, and steering column some time ago but just the other day laid the clear down. The color I'm using is HOK "True Blue Pearl" and I covered it with Testors Wet Look.
  7. I then added the first round (of many) of putty and sanding to rough it in a bit. Using .040" sheet styrene, I scratched out a roll pan for the rear. Once I had it securely put in place, I cut a center section out for a license plate. The previous builder built the car with a custom rear bumper from a '61 Thunderbird so what I did was I cut the molded license plate recess from that bumper and then added it to my roll pan. It's finally starting to look like something!
  8. So I've been all over the map in trying to decide what to do to the rear of the car i.e; what tail lights to use, etc. I thought I pretty much had it figured out when randomly, I opened the wrong drawer to my parts cabinet and low-and-behold, my answer was staring me in the face. So I pulled out this piece and decided it was my answer but I had no idea what it went to or where it came from. Then, a friend of mine told me that it was a custom piece from a '61 Ford Galaxie. It then dawned on me that I had a '61 Galaxie promo with a warped and busted up body that I bought for parts for a '61 Starliner I have. Beings that the body was trashed anyways, I had no problems with cutting it up. And I went to work...
  9. Nice job on everything but special kudos for the work on that grille!!
  10. I'd like one. As soon as anyone hears of a release date or place where they can be gotten. I have a '65 Satellite, 426 Wedge 4 speed car in the garage.
  11. I've got several of those kits but admittedly, I have not broken the plastic on any of them yet. However, I did run into some body warpage issues on their '65 Plymouth Satellite and they were literally NO help when I got a hold of them.
  12. Curt, last I knew, Rik Hoving had one he was selling. That was just a few weeks ago. I can ask him for you if you don't have a relationship with him.
  13. I use a Paasche VL and absolutely love it! It's super easy to use and clean.
  14. I've got a 1:1 1958 Shasta Airflyte in white and yellow. So you can imagine how excited I was to find out about these! This is my diecast that I've got on my desk in my office at work. Sorry for all of the clutter in the background.
  15. Looks good! I'll try to remember to look for those stripes tonight for ya.
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