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Everything posted by Brudda

  1. Thank you for the heads up. I love your build . Color great and the interior color great also. This model would make the ultimate street car.
  2. WOW!!!! You have skills sir. Big scale is very different than smaller scales. Came out great! Great job on a very big kit.
  3. Great build! Great finish also. Every time I see a P4 that’s built like this, I just stare at it. Great job sir, great job
  4. Very nice. At first, I thought it was his real car. Great job!!!
  5. Picked these up from the nationals. Wire wheels for a Ferrari GTO. Completed one. They are really nice compared to the kit wheels.
  6. Thank you Modelbuilder Mark. All of the models were very impressive. You took several pictures of my Toyota 2000 GT. Thank you. Was a fun event. As I was entering my models I looked at the other entries and really knew I was in a whole new world. One thing that I have learned at the IPMS events, you have to learn to take criticism. Some are good , some bad, but you always learn. A few years ago I hooked up with some nationals winners and learned from them. That made all the difference. Makes me step up my game. After this show, I need to step up my game. Also, you never know who’s going to win. There is always going to be arguments who should have won, but in the end the judges pick and you live with it. Most people cannot deal with this but I find it makes me a better modeler. The Pitts bi- plane took 3rd.in civil aircraft. The hemi cuda took 2nd in street machines, Toyota took 3rd in large scale, and the 427 cobra took best Shelby. I entered 7 models and 4 placed. I was very happy for my first nationals.
  7. Very Nice! How was the build? Any issues? Great job !
  8. More pics of Spru. They just keep coming.
  9. Sir , I’m very glad you were able to see them. The builds there were out of this world! I would have hated to be a judge as all the builds were great. This is the first nationals I’ve been to. My buddy Bob said the builds are in a whole different level. He was right. One thing I do know, I’m going too have to step it up. Man, …..Art and John’s builds are so advanced , it’s scary. Thank you Pete J for the kind words
  10. Hello Art! Always good to see you! Thank you for helping me stock back up on your products. And congratulations to you also!!! I will see you at the NNL West. I’ll bring the cobra. I’m still interested in the 68 corvette detail set in 1/25. Thanks for the great products.
  11. My first book report in school was “ The Cobra Story” When my cousin and I watched the cars go by his house really fast. He lived in Torrance Calif. I have always wanted a cobra but the car was always so expensive and just out of my financial reach. I remember watching the cars being built. We were trespassing , heck we were so young, we did not know what that meant. So a guy took us on a tour. We did not know what we were looking at but thought it was cool. In 1995 I went to laguna seca with my GT 350 for the 30 year reunion of shelbys world championship. He signed some things for me. I met Bob Bondurant and some of the other drivers. Never owned a cobra but at least I had a mustang. Just a great time . Photos of my Shelby and my friend Marks 289 cobra
  12. Hey Chris! Your in luck , Atlantis is doing one.
  13. It was great to see exciting products. Mr Keeler was great to talk to. He said he was 80 years old but did not look it. Very nice to see a modeler involved in the products. Atlantis will go along way with Mr Keeler involved. I really like the jungle Jim cars coming out. And that mobius stand was great also. Loved the Chevy gasser! And Ed Sexton from revell was there! Did not get a chance to talk to him but saw him there. Great job niteowl7710 on the nationals coverage.
  14. Brudda

    32 Ford's

    Well I’ll bite. Here is a out of box 32. And a wip .
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