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What is the longest you have taken on a build?

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Continous work always comes out to two years, however that said, I have several projects close to 15 years now, not continous work, I always over think all my builds and they get so complicated that I have to take weeks off to get inspiration to get back into the build to continue them........ its all good thou and all fun.

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I have a boat load of builders.

But I think the only one I personally started and not finished is going on 15 years give or take . ( mid to late 90s time frame ) Its Slixx decaled Pure Hell Demon funny car

Its going to require an airbrush to correct the paint,,and I never could get excited about tackling it,,,maybe someday. Its been sitting in the same spot in a clear case on my desk all this time

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I have been working on a '39 Chevy since the Fall of 1988... Darn thing just hasn't cooperated. I took two kits that I butchered as a kid and tried to salvage something out of them. I had a '39 Chevy street rod that a neighbor's kid brother had "driven" across the carpet, busting up the wheels and suspension pretty badly. It was molded in dark maroon and had the Pontiac "Honeycomb" wheels on it (Also described as "Snowflake" before the ones that really looked like snowflakes came out) I took a Tom Daniel's California Vette that had been painted Lime Gold Metallic, with stripes taped off in the bare orange plastic! that I had built back in fourth or fifth grade. The body was beyond gluebomb, and the glass was trashed. I decided in my best late 1980s style to combine the two kits and make one good model. I filled in the sunroof, chopped the top (A bit harsh on the angle, as the front is lower than the rear) and I started to figure out how to fit the two together. I filled in the hood scoop, as I decided to use the Vette engine. I smoothed out everything on the body that could be smoothed. (Late Eighties, remember) and I had planned to paint it in a monochrome pink pearl scheme. (Late Eighties again) Every year or so, I stick the pieces together and look at it and think I should finish it. I was going to scratch an interior for it using a couple of Vette seats as a starting point, I have thought of redoing it to modern standards with big Torque Thrusts and a Ross Gibson motor of some type, but now, I think I should just follow the original plan. I'm not so sure about the pink paint, but I think I will just use the "Vette's slotted wheels and sink some headlights into the front fenders. Truth is, it will probably sit on my "to do" shelf for another 27 years, at which point I will be too old to care about it. Maybe one of my girls will have a kid who builds models, and it will get completed a couple of generations down the line. It is definitely a stalled project.

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Last fall I finished an AMT dune buggy I started in 1969 or 1970.

I hope this year--maybe--to finish up an MPC '69 Firebird I started when that was a brand-new kit.

I have a Matchbox AD-5 Skyraider (airplane) on the paint shelf that's been assembled and ready for paint since 1983. Every time I go to paint it, I see something else that needs to be fixed or improved in some way. Maybe this year on that one, too.

Edited by Snake45
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Last fall I finished an AMT dune buggy I started in 1969 or 1970.

I'm working right now on a Peterbilt 359 that I started roughly 45 years ago; I hope to have it finished this year some time. On average, with no distractions, I should be able to bang out an average car model once every two months or less. A Challenger that I'm currently working on, has been going for nearly three months, but I've also worked on a lot of other stuff during that same time.

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It took 2 years to build my '49 Merc, mostly weekends, but some other hours at the bench during the week. Shortly after that, I started my cab-over in 1991...still far from done. I have some other projects still unfinished since the 90's....just keep getting distracted with new ideas for builds.

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8 to 12 weeks! Avg build, with few mods! 2 weeks maybe 3! I try an finish what i start! But now i broke my own rule! Got 4 going! 2 full scratch build pro mods! An a maxed out Army funny car! Oh! An a nova pro mod type,,dam it man! Lol

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Oh, I forgot, the '69 SS Chevelle I finished last year, I painted that when MCW paints first came out. What was that, 1991 or '92? I have two '69 Camaro bodies I painted at the same time, one Hugger Orange, the other Fathom Green. The green one's now on my "Git Er Done" list, might come up in the rotation this year or next.

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Lets see ... there's a '49 Ford that's chopped, channeled and sectioned and has extensive custom bodywork .. I started it in 1963 and it's still on the bench, but I don't know where ...

Can't top that. But, I'm sure I got some started in the 80's waiting to be finished. Someday.... Maybe....


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I've got stuff from the late 80's, that I haven't worked on SINCE the late 80's but I don't think those count. I used to do high detail, kit bash, kind of builds, that took 2 or 3 months, working on them, 3 or 4 hours a day. Now I don't get as much bench time, not so detailed builds take 2 or 3 months. That's if they even get finished before "Modelers ADD" sets in & I start something else.


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