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Stage Coach Wheelsatnder.......On the workbench 8/11/15

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Hello.....this is on my workbench...... a 1/16 scale Stage Coach Wheeelstander......some of you may know Chris Sobak  AKA "Mooneyes" here on the MCM Forum......he is a very talanted builder and a very good friend of mine......anyway,not to long ago we were hanging out and he showed me a project that he wanted to work on in the future.....it was a replica of the Jolley Rancher Stage Coach Wheelstander......I had seen the  Jolly Rancher before and always wanted to build it too......but, in time I forgot all about the Jolly Rancher Wheelstander.....but,when Chris showed me a 1/16 Scale Lindberg Stage Coach that he bought on Ebay to make it...... I was sold......I asked him if he would mind if I built one too...... but, with my own twist on it.......I did not want to copy what he was building......Chris was cool about it and offered his help and reference pictures.......this build turned out to be a twin Coach build for both of us.......I feel bad about this project because Chris has put a hold on his Fabulous Vega "Snake" F/C build to help me with this project......he has even drawn plans for me to build this thing......I want to give all credit to Chris for helping me with this build........you could say  "I am just a Squirrel in Chris`s World trying to get a nut" .....thanks Chris.......You can go to Chris`s Stage Coach build here on MCM Forum to see alll his drawings  and  story about  his build......anyway here are a few pics of what I have done so far.......I used the Lindberg 1/16 Scale Stage Coach kit and shortened and narrowed the body......I added windows......I made a new roof .....and modified the rack......I made the Chassis using Chris`s drawing plans......I made the front and rear sections for the body........Chris also sent me some Flashpoint slicks and a TDR resin Ford truck rear end ......I also made some seats......and a front axle.....I have a ton of work to do yet but,I think I got a good start on it.......you can go here to see Chris`s post......









Edited by John Teresi
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John, you are obviously very excited to get this build underway. NEWS FLASH !!! So are we.

I thought you were going to scratch the coach too. Glad you found a suitable foundation. The tires give a brief glimpse into the future of what it will look like with the rest of the accessories added. Love the frame and roll cage too.

It's already among my Top 10 Fave Johnny Southside builds. I'll let you know as it rises in the standings.

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John... I am so excited to finally see you post this thing here, Its about Dang time :P :lol:.... Dude you are more than welcome for helping out with some of the small details for you. I am just so Stoked that we are Both doing Stagecoaches together. I know you will be adding your own Teresi Flare to it and its going to Kick some butt.... Probably one of the First ever Alcladed Stagecoaches... hahaha. This means I need to get my butt in gear and finish up some more details for us and start on my Chassis. I know you are going to Hit this one out of the park.

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Hello.....thank you all very much for the kind comments......I really do appreciate  them......Just a quick mock-up on the front end.....nothing permanent......all the details will be added later......I also mocked up a 1/18 scale GMP dummy engine just to see what it will look like.....thanks for looking










Edited by John Teresi
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S-I-C-K I tell ya'.  This build is SO cool and moving along SO fast too.   No one John can touch you for the quality, creativity and speed with which you build.  It's why I love to see your threads. When we do meet someday, I want to pick your brains on how you do some of the things you do............just fantastic!   Cheers, Tim

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