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Thank you Ray, Kevin & Joe. 

Joe I'm sorry to hear that. It was close on this end. I had just went to a model show in SA the day prior so she was all by herself that day. I thank God for being right in front of her when it happened. Every time I think about how things could have turned out it scares me down to the core. 

Again thank you everyone who's voiced support, prayers and concern .

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Thanks Dan and Tom. So far she's recovering well. She can speak normally and move all four limbs. Her fine motor skills need some work but she is working real hard to maintain her independence by trying to feed herself and use her hands. She will be in ICU for the remainder of this week and maybe half of next week but will undergo physical and occupational therapy while she's there. I appreciate all the comments, concern and prayers.

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That's good to hear Joe!  Be prepared to run the wheels off that Stang and have a few languishing projects too!  Mom spent about 1/2 of last year in a couple hospitals and  nursing homes, Dad was up bright and early to go to her side every day if he hadn't stayed night, no matter how far then my sister and I drove there every day we could.  From the time I put new tires on my 200 in April to this January, I had put 10k miles on that car!





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We almost lost her by May, luckily, things worked out for the better and she is healing up from  some of her issues, some won't go away, but she's doing well enough that we're planning a road trip to where she grew up for what will likely be the final reunion for high school as well as to visit her family there.  I hope things turn out even better for your wife Joe.

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Glad to hear she is recovering.  My Mother spent some time in rehab a couple of years ago after her earlier stroke.  She came through that one pretty well.  The people in the rehab were great.  Even if she is in a nursing home setting for part of the rehab, that is OK.  It just gives them more time per day to work with her.  Exercise is very important, but so is rest.  My Mother did about 4 weeks in the nursing home based rehab, then came home to about 3 more Months of therapy.  We'll keep her in our prayers.

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