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after waiting for better and sunnyday i have give the cab his first yellow , after its dry check it and than a second paintjob and after drying the black fenders etc





the chassis is black [ mat ] , it wil be a kind of curbside model but i put a old mackengine under the hood

and also make some old thing,s of that time era


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thank you guy,s

have make the wheel,s ready and also his second yellow

no drying and than put tape on it and make some different black on this old girl , picture,s






also make some thing,s what was used in those 50 - 60 era and also make the grill chromed


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

easy workin on al the projects , from this mack i have tape it for paint the black parts and fuel tank,s

now start also with the reefer , cut to the right size etc

picture,s wil follow when i have a new camera [ this one is #@#$%$#@___ ]

and so i wil go on to the next thing , the exhaust is a pipe under the chassis tru and over the rear axle , ppff



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wel , have try the old camera and its work,s , so here a picture of the black paint [ it was very tricky to tape it with the fender , next time use a 234325 other color ]


here is a dryfit with a platform for the driver to adjust the freezer


now make a ladder for on the right side , paint the fueltank,s and make some grill parts chrome


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  • 2 weeks later...

have do the grill , make a metal look , other picture how the ladder and platform look,s





here is one for the exhaust , before a put the fueltank in his position



and now the terrible job , make the window,s , slow and good play with a hobby knive , ppff


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  • 2 weeks later...

the black was not so nice in the curve of the fender/hood

have make with a paint marker the bobbling straight [ its real paint ] 

with a very thin long point , great i found this



now just easy work on this old girl [ temp is to high pppff ]


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  • 3 weeks later...

its a couple of day,s good and sunny so i  paint a lot of others project,s

do a little work on the a mack , little thing,s like mirror,s , hoses , turning signals , etc etc

when i put the mirrors on and take a picture of it , wow , thats wrong

took the wrong mirrors , its to modern for that time , i have old mack mirrors for him , how can i do it so ...... , picture of the wrong mirror,s , now i have them very carefully taked of without damage ppff

with the wrong one,s


so today put the good one,s on and go on with the rest of it


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so put on the correct mirrors and more , picture,s



this is for fun


and with ladder and platform [ don,t know of i keep it on ]


now do some little thing,s like the airhose [ must lookin good , now its spaghettie ] perhaps mudflaps , mirror on the fender?

licence plate,s [ a lot of them ]

and now start with the reefer


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