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Huntington Bank


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We've all seen their commercials advertising how they are not the big bank.  I paid off my car loan this morning and because I added a little bit every month its a couple month early and the final payment was about a third of the usual amount.  The payment date was on the seventh of the month (today).  I walked in, handed the teller the paper and the exact amount of $124.22 in cash.  She called it up and i needed to cough up another penny as they were already on Monday business (not quite 11a).....and the payment was now $124.23.  Seriously?  A penny!!  I didn't have anything smaller than a $5.  So much for getting rid of $0.22, I came home with $0.99 in change.

Even if the teller made minimum wage, it cost Huntington more than that to collect the penny rather than hitting the delete key....even explaining it to me was more than $0.01 of her time.

It's not the point of the penny....just the stupidity of big business truly squeezing the last penny out of a borrower.

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It would have been better if the teller paid the penny herself and then just told you to think of their bank for your next auto loan. That would have stuck with you as well. Now you have a semi-bad memory of their bank over a single penny.

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Hahaha, I had the same thing happen to me about a month ago.  Doing online banking on a Sunday.  I was transferring money from one account to the car loan account.  I knew there was probably going to be some interest that had accrued but had no way of finding out for sure.  Anywho, did the transfer and it showed a $0.00 balance.  Next time I logged in I noticed a $0.14 balance.  Geez.  I had to call the bank and they transferred the remaining 14 cents before I could get my title.

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Last year I got a tax bill from my state for two cents. The letter threatened all sorts of dire and horrible things they would do to me if I didn't pay by such and such date. Funny thing was I had actually overpaid and they owed ME the two cents. They obviously paid more than two cents in postage to send me the letter, plus several dollars of somebody's time on the phone with me to straighten the whole mess out. And you wonder why every government in America is billions of dollars in the red!

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Last year I got a tax bill from my state for two cents. The letter threatened all sorts of dire and horrible things they would do to me if I didn't pay by such and such date. Funny thing was I had actually overpaid and they owed ME the two cents. They obviously paid more than two cents in postage to send me the letter, plus several dollars of somebody's time on the phone with me to straighten the whole mess out. And you wonder why every government in America is billions of dollars in the red!

Your tax dollars hard at work...  

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I kept getting a hospital bill for an under payment of .25 cents on a $4,000 dollar bill and I just threw em in the trash every month,for about 4 months, then I got a REGISTERED letter from a collection agency for .25 cents. So I called the agency and asked what they got out of it and the guy told me we get to keep half of it! On the reverse side, J.C. Whitney send me a refund ck for.09 cents! Crazy world

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I kept getting a hospital bill for an under payment of .25 cents on a $4,000 dollar bill and I just threw em in the trash every month,for about 4 months, then I got a REGISTERED letter from a collection agency for .25 cents. So I called the agency and asked what they got out of it and the guy told me we get to keep half of it! On the reverse side, J.C. Whitney send me a refund ck for.09 cents! Crazy world

Books have to be balanced you know! :D

As far as the teller in the first post of this thread not budging on a penny, unfortunately some people working in customer-facing professions are not the right people for the job.  If she was a right person for the job, she would have gladly chip in a penny of her own money.  Many places I shop at have a take-a-penny-leave-a-penny holder on the checkout counter.  I often take and leave pennies there as needed.  But I wouldn't expect to see one of those penny holders in a bank.

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Books have to be balanced you know! :D

As far as the teller in the first post of this thread not budging on a penny, unfortunately some people working in customer-facing professions are not the right people for the job.  If she was a right person for the job, she would have gladly chip in a penny of her own money.  Many places I shop at have a take-a-penny-leave-a-penny holder on the checkout counter.  I often take and leave pennies there as needed.  But I wouldn't expect to see one of those penny holders in a bank.

They even chain the pens to the counter at the bank...

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