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I'm close to the American people


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  • 2 weeks later...

Expressing sympathy seems not enough when these things happen. Over here in the UK one used to be able to own guns provided you were a gun club member. The police would regularly check that owners had a locked gun cabinet and the ammo locked away somewhere separate. One guy went on a rampage in Hungerford, a small country town with an AK47 and a ownership of automatic weapons was banned. The same happened afew years later to handguns when a man walked into a village school in Dunblane with a couple of handguns and shot a number of junior school kids and their teacher. From what I can gather from news coverage the hotel shooter in Vegas amassed a large arsenal of legally bought firearms. American computer technology is probably the best in the world, but there appears to be no link to flag up mass gun buying by an individual from different gun dealers. I appreciate that licensed gun ownership is very different in the USA, but some checks need to be put into place at time of attempted purchase, so that the police have some intelligence about any individual mass gun buying.

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This thread is creeping into "political" territory (I know, because I almost responded to Noel's post in a way that would have violated the political aspect...and changed the tone of this thread).

All viewpoints are valid to their owners, but all viewpoints are not valid to everyone else... (back to the thread topic now)

I am grateful that there were no forum members reported as being injured in the heinous Las Vegas shooting and am thankful that there are still people that will run toward gunfire in order to stop it.


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Mike,  my apologies if my post may have seemed to appear to be going a bit political. That was not my intention. I was merely trying to express my thoughts as a concerned human being who's condolences and deepest sympathy probably like yours go out to all those folks caught up in the horror of such events.

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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