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B.R.B.O MAN formel 6 and Flatdeck Trailer

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This is my entry for the build off. My plan is to make the trailer a flatdeck and change the tyres for italeri's nice rubber ones in place of the 2 piece plastic ones in the truck kit. I think it will be mostly box stock with some weathering. I'm not sure yet if I'll use the roof spoiler. I do know the first thing I will be doing is repairing the front panel of the truck cab as it has broken at the lower windscreen corners but both bits are there so it should be a simple enough fix.



I'll get better pics of the boxes once I return home as these are pretty bad even for me

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been doing some image searches this morning to form a plan. I knew from the start that it was going to have an unusal load and had an idea of the direction. I have now found some decent reference pics and here is the plan. Note this is not my pic and I neglected to save the photographers name so if it is yours please let me know so I can credit you.46865328972_413591e395_o.jpg

Conveniently this truck is also a MAN, but a much later model than that I am building. I plan for mine to look like its on its second or third owner with maintenance done but slightly rough looking. I haven't decided on colours yet but probably something from the mid 80s.

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53 minutes ago, Sam I Am said:

I enjoy looking at the differences between the Euro COEs and ours. I saw a picture of one years ago that was a tow truck with a bull bar. Liked it so well that I collected the bits to build my own.

There's a pretty nice looking scania tow truck that often goes on the boat I work on, always with one of the local buses as they send us the buses that are near finished their working lives. Its pretty impressive how well one of the drivers can handle it, reversing it with a bus still atached down the ramp thats maybe 2ft wider than it, the other driver just drives the buses on seperately

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9 minutes ago, Spruslayer said:

Gonna make a great rig

Will the military load be old school or modern top secret:huh:

Model on!

It'll be old skool, going to try for an 80s look. The spit wont be very detailed though, just a body and wings so I can save the engine for something else. I've got a few reference pics of the one in the pic above being moved froma museum so will be basing it on that, but from an older time period. I hope to have the truck look like its on its third or later owner so a bit tatty

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got some time to work on this. I have assembled the chassis for the MAN and have found a slight warp to the rails but top to bottom rather than lengthwise which is a little odd.

I also made a start on the flatbed only to find the trailer kit didn't have any rails at all so i made some up from the flat sides. I have also decked the trailer with real wood(coffee stirrers)






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A little more progress. I've given the decking a coat of citadel dirt wash so it is pretty much done until i get onto the trailer chassis again. The main engine is painted and dirtied up. I've also got the truck chassis parts painted using a mix of citadel texture paint on the rusty bits (springs, mounts etc) and given the whole thing a coat of red but not a nice shiny job as i want to end up with an old work horse type truck. I will be giving the rusted areas some dry brushing later to give the rust more shades of brown, orange and red and I intend to use Kens tips for sun bleached paint when i get to the body.




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  • 4 weeks later...

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