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Jo-Han Maverick-Dyno Don's Ride


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On 11/10/2020 at 5:00 PM, Scott8950 said:

This is coming along nicely... Can't wait to see it finished.

Thanks Scott! 

 I had some red spark plug wire from Lex's Scale Modeling but that turned out to be the size of battery cables in scale so I'm going with a more correct diameter of wire in orange. Slight color difference will be offset by the correct size wire. Been forming all of the wires up and getting things like the distributor cap retainers and all that stuff put on the distributor this week. Hope to have an update soon.

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12 hours ago, TransAmMike said:

HI Joe, haven't talked in a while. The Mav coming along nicely, engine will look fine with those yellow wires. Looking forward to future updates.

Hey Mike! Thanks for the comments. I've been friggin' busy over the course of the last few weeks starting with my wife getting Covid then recovering from that to blowing her left knee out. She can't do a whole lot so I'm doing everything now. Cooking, cleaning , helping our son take care of his FFA pig, working...the whole sheebang. Just crazy busy and I feel lucky and blessed to have any modeling time at all right now.

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6 minutes ago, Mopar - D said:

Joe sorry to hear about your wife glad to hear she is recovering. Nice progress on your build. I’ve been busy building currently working on my RAM Power Wagon. 

Dan!!! Sheesh ol' buddy, sorry I haven't been in contact with you. I'll give you a ring this week. Thanks for droppin in.

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On 11/15/2020 at 10:59 AM, TransAmMike said:

Wow Joe, you sure have have a lot to deal with!! So sorry about your wife's issues and I hope she's recovering OK.  I know it's gotta be tough.  Good luck.

Thanks Mike. It'll get better at some point so I'm not letting it get me down and trying to be a source of encouragement to her. She goes to the doctor today to get the results of her MRI and then we'll know the path forward from there.

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I'm very sad to hear about the situation with your wife Joe, I really hope things will turn around for the best as soon as possible my friend!   The Maverick can definitely wait, your family situation comes first, we will be waiting for you and having a positive thought for you during these tough days!

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2 hours ago, AmericanMuscleFan said:

I'm very sad to hear about the situation with your wife Joe, I really hope things will turn around for the best as soon as possible my friend!   The Maverick can definitely wait, your family situation comes first, we will be waiting for you and having a positive thought for you during these tough days!

Thanks Francis. She went to her appointment today and was told that it was a vertical tear in her meniscus.  She's going to be wearing a brace on her knee and going through  therapy.  So far no surgery.

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On 11/21/2020 at 3:55 PM, AmericanMuscleFan said:

I agree with the change Joe, the newest version is nicer.  Beautiful Bad A engine..., these little cars were rather well equipped on the mill side!  Love so much this era of drag racing!!!

Thanks Francis! Yeah....lotsa power for such a small ride.

Been working on the fuel induction the whole week. I started out with the intake runners and plenum. Shot with the unpainted carburetors from Futureattraction:




Then I shot a coat of Tamiya X-31 Titanium Gold on 'em, filled in the throttle bores with some flat black and assembled them




Then came a dark brown acrylic wash, allowed to dry and followed up with a dry brushing of ground up black pastel to flatten it all out and add some "age" to them.

I took a comparative pic of both carbs. One on the left is with the wash and pastel treatment and the one on the right is without it.




And with both carburetors painted and "weathered". Now.....it's time to add the details.



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On 12/2/2020 at 9:36 AM, AmericanMuscleFan said:

Great work Joe, that big mill looks good and powerful!   I am always amazed by the beauty of these old beast, simply the best time of the great competition between car manufacturers.  This thing will fly... ?

LOL! Thanks Francis! 

Throttle linkage is around 90% complete. Still gotta put the lever from the firewall, throttle quadrant and the lever up to the carb linkage.


Edited by mustang1989
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6 minutes ago, John Pol said:

I could never get those linkage done right how do you do it?

It's taken me a while to get my method down John. I used to used stretched sprue for the rod but I've found that a natural metal look not only looks better but I don't have to paint it. The rest......man the rest is pure patience bro.

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1 hour ago, AmericanMuscleFan said:

Beautiful job on the throttle linkage and detailing on the carbs Joe!   I see that you have the Ford manual transmission hooked to the engine, have you give up with the Liberty set-up?

LOL!!! Jut have to put the correct tranny back there is all. 

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10 hours ago, Straightliner59 said:

That is exactly why I use metal, wherever possible. ? I'm  lazy, that way. As you said, it also has the advantage of looking itself!

Thanks for the comments Daniel. At this point anything that's easier is welcome. I've really enjoyed this build so far but man......just a ton of stuff to either fabricate, modify or to just plain work around.

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13 hours ago, Tortuga Kustomz said:

Well done Joe, Marcos here, i just subscribe here yesterday and just learning how to do stuff, lost my mojo on the Willys and the Dodge, but will be on top of those next week for sure

Thanks Marcos and it's great to see you here bro. You'll REALLY like this site alot man. LOTS to learn here and LOTS of talent.

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