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Atlantis "The Dragster" Monogram Reissue


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On 3/4/2022 at 4:36 PM, GarryR said:

I recently received 2 kits from Atlantis.

Both kits, right frame rail, part 16, is short shot.

Anyone else have this issue?


I got an E-Mail from Atlantis earlier about some pre orders and a memo in it says the company has discovered the problem in kits like yours that were shipped and advises those who got the kits with this defect to call it and the corrected part will be sent out at no charge.

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3 hours ago, alexis said:

Gary, what has Atlantis told you in regards to this problem?

Atlantis replied promptly, mentioning that part 24, the steering link, was also short-shot in some kits. One of my kits had this issue also.

They said there was only a short time during production when this happened.

As John replied, Atlantis is sending replacement parts.

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On 3/9/2022 at 6:14 AM, TooOld said:

Atlantis replied to my email about the "short shot" parts in my kits almost immediately and shipped new parts to me the same day , great service !

Same thing here....  two kits, both had the right frame and the drag-link goobered up...   Quick call to Atlantis, Rick grabbed new frame rails and drag-links for both kits, and put them in the mail!!!  "Woopsies" happen with ANY company,  but their SUPER PROMPT handling of the problem was not only impressive, but most welcome!!!  Will definately  buy their products in the future!!!


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Bought 2 straight from Atlantis. Both had part no 16 short-shot. I e-mailed them and they took care of it ,pronto! Rick shipped out the new Parts and the Drag links in 3 days! Excellent customer service! Bravo, Atlantis, Bravo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😁😁

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On 3/17/2022 at 3:13 PM, 64Comet404 said:

I saw the Dragster kit on the shelves at the LHS yesterday. However, at $40 CDN I will be waiting a bit to make a purchase.

I went to another store while on a weekend trip, and they had the Dragster for $27 CDN! Bought it, and had no issues with the frame rails. 

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On 3/17/2022 at 2:13 PM, 64Comet404 said:

I saw the Dragster kit on the shelves at the LHS yesterday. However, at $40 CDN I will be waiting a bit to make a purchase.

I'm too old.

I remember the Forty Niner series from Monogram back in the Fifties. The reason they were called that is because they were listed for $.49 each. Now $18.99, $27.00 or even $40.00.

That's sad!   

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I remember paying $5.00 retail for kits. I remember paying $500.00 for rent on a house.  I remember financing a used car for $5000.00.

So What?

I'd prefer to pay less for new kits too. But, I'm not the one in charge of Inflation in this economy. So, Either the kits is worth it to me to pay the price, or it isn't. In fact, I have been making that same subjective Judgement about relative kit values, since I started buying my own kits with my own money in 1980. If I want the kit badly enough, I pay the price. If I don't, it stays there.

All of us do the same. And I remember reading this same argument in the reader letters column of every Car Model magazine of the Modern Era. (SAE, Car Modeler, & Model Cars) It happened at the $20.00 price point particularly loudly.

So, this is an old and stale discussion.

Do I like the prices? Nope! Will I pay the Prices? Yep, but only for a shrinking number of kits. Will the prices get so high that I only can afford a few kits a year? Most Likely.... It happens. Nothing I can do about it.

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