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PSA Results

Mike 1017

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I had a prostatectomy done in April. I went to the doctor Monday to discuss the PSA results.

 NO CANCER!!!  Guys get the PSA blood test done it will save your life. I had no symptoms.                                                                                                                             BIG shoutout to Steve "Slotto". Thanks for your support.                                                        Mike                                                                                                                          

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2 hours ago, espo said:

Funny how the meaning can change as we get older. 

Oh, I had it checked over the years. In the past it was the gloved hand, but last couple of times it was a blood test.  I don't remember what it is called (obviously it is PSA).  Neither test is perfect, so there is always some possibilities of false positives or negatives.

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15 hours ago, peteski said:

Oh, I had it checked over the years. In the past it was the gloved hand, but last couple of times it was a blood test.  I don't remember what it is called (obviously it is PSA).  Neither test is perfect, so there is always some possibilities of false positives or negatives.

Prostate-Specific Antigen

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Great news Michael!

Dr sent me for blood work in July I asked the PA what tests he ordered and she told me and I asked about a PSA and she found I hadn't had one in over 5 years so she added it to the order.

Luckily it came back good.

Guys, ask your doctor when he orders routine blood work.

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I had no symptoms at all. There is no history of any type of cancer in our family tree. I don't know why a blood test would do more harm than good. There is a possibility of a false positive result. If you want to reach out to Steve aka Slotto with a PM, He may share with you what happen to him at age 45.

I do believe in Modern Medicine.


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At 68 I've lucked out so far. Mom and I'm pretty sure my dad both died from cancer. My mom was 51. And now me 2 you're brother both had prostrate cancer. So my older brother and I are just hopping it doesn't come our way. Most of the men I know that have it check only do the PSA testing. My doctor does the blood test and finger prop. I guess to be thorough?


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