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Jared Roach

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I wish my wife was a rider. Until Nick (10 year old son) started riding with me this year,all my riding buddies lived not in my house,LOL! We rode mostl road this year,but by June the 1st,I had 1,300 miles in this year already,and over 700 of em was with the Boy. He's ready,but nervous about "real mtn biking",but when I finish my 29"er SS project next month and when we find a decent trail-condition-day,gunna take a day to head to Blacksburg and ride wth him (Pandapas Pond trail-network,some of my favorite trails. Some of which ae perfect for him to get his feet wet-literally-as some of em aren't very technical but fast and flowy) :)

As for Workbench Saturdays,I actually have a kit on my mini-bench (no really,I'm serious!) inside the house (the new shed's uninsulated,it's winter,so...),no pics yet,but if I don't forget,I 'll soot and post some up before Monday hits :P

My wife and I raced BMX bikes for quite awhile. My wife for 17 years, me for 6. So yeah, we're into bikes a bit.

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LOL! Well,I raced XC for a while between '94 and '01* (when I was injured on the job-stopped my motocross and mtn bike racing then,not my riding),but I was always on a BMX growing up,beating around the hills/trails,then started "mtn biking" in the upper mid 80's to cross train for motocross as a teen...just never stopped riding. Currently have a SS project that I'll have ready to ride next month, a geared mtn bike as well (both 29"ers,an Origin 8 Scout 29 SS and Vassago Bandersnatch,the O8 replaced a Jabberwocky I sold earlier this year),CX bike (Origin 8 700CX) more or less a Monstercrosser (currently running WTB Nanoraptor 2.1"ers and Dirt Drop bars),and an Xtracycle I built with an old Trek 6000 I've had since Y2K....yeah,I am too (into bikes a bit) :)

*I still occasionally hit a shorter xc race when my old injuries allow,I won a local mtn bike race last summer (a month after our house fire),the Rattlesnake's Revenge,the intermediate class buy 23 minutes on that Vassago Jabberwocky SS..was a good day. Best part? Smoking a mini-cigar at the finish line as the first loser (o,bit of inside info,he's my longest time friend,25 years,very fit and can bench 375 lbs,LOL,it was just for hi aggervation B):lol:

Edited by Olskoolrodder
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First post for Work Bench Saturdays for me. I spent a couple of days rearranging and cleaning the work space.....here are the results still needing a bit more cleaning..... First today's actual work:


It is the second of a planned three Mazda Miata build. This one is an SCCA E Production racer. In the back ground you can see the first part of the trio of Miata's, the Spec Miata. Also on the bench is a Tamiya Honda Civic racer that has stalled. Build wise!

Here is the two benches behind the first bench. The toaster oven on the bench is for vacuforming.:


Part of the kit storage to the front of the first bench:


And more kit storage.....:


And the entry to the shop:


There is still more storage, but I did not get pictures of it!

Anyway, the new work space is much more in tune with actually working!!! Prior to the rearranging, there was not enough actual building space. Most of it was taken up by the paint tower and the TV. Relocating them to other benches and to the top of the two printer type face drawer cabinets I store tools, decals, and misc. parts for projects. Over all I'm liking the new digs.

Hope you enjoy!!

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First post for Work Bench Saturdays for me. I spent a couple of days rearranging and cleaning the work space.....here are the results still needing a bit more cleaning..... First today's actual work:


It is the second of a planned three Mazda Miata build. This one is an SCCA E Production racer. In the back ground you can see the first part of the trio of Miata's, the Spec Miata. Also on the bench is a Tamiya Honda Civic racer that has stalled. Build wise!

Here is the two benches behind the first bench. The toaster oven on the bench is for vacuforming.:


Part of the kit storage to the front of the first bench:


And more kit storage.....:


And the entry to the shop:


There is still more storage, but I did not get pictures of it!

Anyway, the new work space is much more in tune with actually working!!! Prior to the rearranging, there was not enough actual building space. Most of it was taken up by the paint tower and the TV. Relocating them to other benches and to the top of the two printer type face drawer cabinets I store tools, decals, and misc. parts for projects. Over all I'm liking the new digs.

Hope you enjoy!!

Wow, someone is into road racers! Nice stash.

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Well.......I'm sitting here trying to make up my mind on what to build next! Whew......too many choices! LOL!




Yes, I have that problem as well..... Which is why I have recently disposed of about ten % of the collection. Still too many choices! Much of this has come from a local hobby shop's "scratch and dent" section. We can rifle through the stuff and most of the time the kit is fine. And it ends up being a $4.00 kit. At that price, even if there is a missing or damaged piece, it works just for kit bash projects!

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Well after A LOT of head scratching........I've decided to pull this one out of the 'mothballs' for awhile! I think I started it back in 1998. It's been painted three different times! I finally decided on this custom mixed silver, It's not a bright silver, or a dark greyish color. But kind of half way in the middle! I do have most of the parts cleaned up, and hopefully I can make some progress now!


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You fellas got that right! Just wish I could find my 'mojo' to finish a few of them 'Earnhardt' cars! LOL!

I hear ya, I have about ten cars to build and decals for his Sazuka Japan AC Delco car and the Wheaties car along with Jr's special run cars. I have decals to build about ten more. Just need to set up an assembly line of painting and building some year and build them.

Miss Ol number 3!!!!!!

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