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Model Cars Magazine Forum

To create or not to create?

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56 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want a category to be added for non-automotive subjects?

    • yes
    • no

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I might add that, based on the traffic at Scale Auto, there is a certain demand for conversations related to other models. Combining Motorcycles with Other Models, they have a current inventory of over 2,000 threads with over 20,000 responses. While this is an average of 1/3 the traffic of any one of the 7 other car type subjects,(not including news/techniques/etc), and though their structure is quite different, it's reasonably substantial, even though these topics have been around for a while. Of course, as publisher of Fine Scale Modeling, Kalmbach has a vested interest in expanding the site's model subjects.

That said, I look at the poll numbers above and I wonder why nearly half of the voters don't want to add this category. Is this a case of Too Much Information?

Edited by sjordan2
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Some of the first events I went to were IPMS shows...I learned alot from talking shop with those armor and aircraft guys...Many of them have a much better understanding of the BASICS than alot of auto-only guys I have seen. They also have some great weathering techniques as well as detailing and scratch building...

You won't find alot of overlooked manufacturing flaws like ejector pin marks, sink marks, mold lines, seams, etc etc...at the IPMS shows. Those guys have a strong understanding of how to handle the basics before getting fancy and trying to show off. I have seen countless cars with lots of extra goodies thrown all over them, but the basics were often completely ignored...

Besides, adding in a sub-forum for non automotive stuff isn't going to take away and ruin this forum. That is a weak sauce argument.

Adding another sub forum isn't going to hurt anything. There are many extra sub fourms that are already here. If you don't like it then don't view it. There's alot of sub forums here than I don't pay any attention to, but I'm not going around whining about it. Just because I don't view them, doesn't mean they aren't of value to someone else.

Adding a category for non-auto stuff may also bring in some new talent and fresh members..That perk alone, makes it worth trying out a new sub forum for a while.

Edited by J. Sauber
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If you don't want an "other models" section, don't click on it, simple as that. Sometimes I think people think there's a finite number of posts this board can hold, and every off-topic post magically erases some important car-modeling related post from somewhere else on the board.

Would an "other models" section be so irresistibly tempting that members could not help clicking on it, much like the shiny red candy-like History Eraser button from Ren & Stimpy?


As long as religion and politics are kept off the board, anything's fine with me.

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Uh, I don't think anybody thinks that. I don't think we can fill up the Internet. I think we know there is no magic button, if there is I hope no one trips and hits it by accident. I don't watch cartoons, so can't quote as eloquently as the above contributor. I wonder what the new forum will be called? Model Cars and Tanks and Planes and Ships...... B) I wonder why I am wasting my time.....Hey, what do I know? I think CrazyJim is not so crazy.....

Don't click on it......hhmmmmmm....never crossed my mind.....pure genius....CrazyJim, did you get that?

If the mods are busy now, wait until the new folks get here......

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You guys do realize that any "new forum" will simply be an "other models" section just like rants and raves, real or model, auto art etc don't you? It's not like the whole website or magazine would change to revolve around anything but model cars.

I really don't understand the issue with an other models area, possibly it will keep people around when they get in the mood for something else, maybe it will help someone if they are in the mood to try something else.

As it stands now I'm quite sure anyone making a post looking for a good P-51 Mustang model would have to put up with a string of posts complaining that it had nothing to do with model cars, then the arguments would start, then the name calling, and then it would get really ugly right before people were sent to their rooms. :)

There are sections here I rarely venture into because they don't interest me.

What I certainly wouldn't enjoy is a section for all the stuff by people who think the war didn't last long enough.

I do take exception to that statement. Is that really why you think people build model tanks or fighters? Because they think "the war" (which war?) didn't last long enough? Nothing to do with the technology, the history or the men and women who served and / or died in the service of their nation?

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Here is my 2 cents. I'd like an "other" section too and here is why. I've been to and joined a few other sites for model trains, Hot Wheels, and planes. Even 3 other car related ones. I have maybe 7 posts and only 2 threads between I'd say 8 sites. Why? THEY STINK Imo. Here is where it's at. I'd like to learn from other things and I'd like to apply what I've learned here to other projects. I certainly do not want to join a site I'll forget about cause they are lame to show detail and weather affects I may want to try on a Train. Don't want to see it? Dont click. Simple. Otherwise I'll keep doing my cars and trucks and motorbikes and not caring if people click, like, or care about them either. If they do cool :)

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You guys do realize that any "new forum" will simply be an "other models" section just like rants and raves, real or model, auto art etc don't you? It's not like the whole website or magazine would change to revolve around anything but model cars.

That's right. We're not talking about a whole new sub-forum with categories for aircraft, armor, ships, etc... just one more section called "Other Models," maybe at the very bottom, that would be a catch-all place for anyone to post anything that's not a model car or truck.

Anyone interested would join in, and anyone with no interest in anything except model cars or trucks would of course be free to happily ignore it. B)

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Hey Wayne,

I hear ya, so don't think you are alone out there.....out there.....out there...........no one listens to me either.

Don't know why I am in this again, now I'm up to almost 10 cents, man, this is getting expensive!! I just don't want this place to become too diluted, add all the links you want, we get that.....shame on those that got so sarcastic....click if you want, don't click if you don't want, everyone understood that from the start, but down the road, if the whole flavor changes, well....? :P


Edited by bigmikevee
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Hey Wayne,

I hear ya, so don't think you are alone out there.....out there.....out there...........no one listens to me either.

Don't know why I am in this again, now I'm up to almost 10 cents, man, this is getting expensive!! I just don't want this place to become too diluted, add all the links you want, we get that.....shame on those that got so sarcastic....click if you want, don't click if you don't want, everyone understood that from the start, but down the road, if the whole flavor changes, well....? :P


You sound kinda like an old MCM veteran who's been here for years and years and are set in your ways and fear change...

You've only been here since Feb of this year....And your now worried all of a sudden about the future of MCM forums due to the possible addition of a non-automotive sub-forum?

In any case, I just read your bio....It sort of goes against what your saying here on this thread don't you think?...A little bit of irony perhaps?

Let's take a look......[These are your own words below.... They have not been edited in any way.]


1) built anything I saw that I thought was cool...tanks, planes, cars, boats, whatever. If the box art grabbed me and mom said okay, I built it....poorly, but I built it.

2)Bought a Badger 150 about 18 years ago, did a decent job on the old "General" locomotive by MPC, I think.

3)I absolutely love this hobby...lifestyle....passion...whatever the verbage, THIS IS TOO COOL!! Will keep improving and trying new skills and techniques as I can. Love the modeling world commadre the internet has opened up to me recently, used to be such a solitary hobby, now find I can look at other models, read about other modelers, and have many resources that I did not know existed.


So, Mike, do you see why I now find it a little odd that you appear a bit closed minded and afraid of adding a sub-forum?

Come on man, adding in a non-auto category is not going to DILUTE and ruin this place. In fact, I think you'll be surprised at what you can learn from hobbyists who build outside of the automotive world as well as those who build only within it. Alot of what I learned didn't come from automotive only builders.

Personally, I think it would be nice to have another little section right here on this forum to see other types of work, instead of having to go jumping around 10 different other sites.

I've been here since 2006, and have learned this forum has a diverse group of talented builders who do build other subjects and want to share them here....I think adding in another category is a good opportunity for them to display their work...To deny them that opportunity out of fear of "DILUTING" this place seems a bit selfish to me and a weak excuse not to grant them that opportunity.

Edited by J. Sauber
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I have no problem at all if it is added. I view the forum from the "View New Content" tab, and then open threads that interest me. Doesn't matter what section it is in; I never backtrack to the main page w/all the sub sections unless I'm searching for something in particular.

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I would like to see a section for motorcycles-1) for Works in Progress and 1) for finished builds, I'm building this 1/6 scale Harley Davidson Road King for my friend who is a D.A.R.E Officer-like the one he rides on duty-





We are still waiting for the company that made the graphics for the 1:1 bike to make the same ones for us in scale, the officer said he would like to have his D.A.R.E. students be able to log on Model Cars Mag. site to follow along with the progress also.

Just goes to show ya----You never know who might be looking at these sites,

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I have no problem at all if it is added. I view the forum from the "View New Content" tab, and then open threads that interest me. Doesn't matter what section it is in; I never backtrack to the main page w/all the sub sections unless I'm searching for something in particular.

Ditto here.

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Harry has already hinted that major changes are in order, and the polling indicates that the majority of you can't live without adding this new segment, so for "narrow-minded haters" such as myself, the battle is over.

Many of you can't understand why some of us don't want "change" so let me try and explain. I have been a member of another model car board for over 10 years. At one time it had a large collection of notable builders, most of whom were happy to answer questions and offer suggestions on improving a build. However, in the last couple years, the number of notable builders there has diminished, and the content has devolved into pages of pictures from weekend car shows, photos of old buildings, prayer requests and silly questions from an old divorced guy who apparently refuses to make Google his friend.

Jeff Sauber has been insisting that this new addition won't dilute the overall content, but I can't help but wonder who else might be turned off by it. I gravitated to this forum about three years ago, partly because of the skill of the builders but mostly because it was about cars (I include pickups and semis too) and nothing else. I liked the fact that there was a sort of purity to it, as opposed to the all-things-to-all-people approach. Yes, I know that "I don't have to read the threads". By the same token, I'm curious how you've all managed to maintain your sanity for all these years without having this non-automotive segment on here since it now seems to be of such vital importance.

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