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Suggestion about works in progress postings

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You gotta post to lean no matter what skill level and Skip is right that there are too many people who start something and then bail out without any notice of why. If they posted where they were having trouble, they might have learned something and finished the build

I am not so S-hot either and there are some great guys here who point me in the right direction and I love the banter with modellers of any skill level with a different or new view on how to do stuff. Here to learn and get better.

There are some who seemingly want only their ego's stroked and show no 'how to's' just pretty pictures that we are to fawn and drool over...and don't get me wrong, they have fabulous work, but no info on how to get there in our own work.

I guess some show competition types don't want to share trade secrets.

I see that attitude on many internet sites I participate in from my professional ones, woodworking, leatherworking etc.

I respect people who actually show and tell how they do stuff...Harry P is a great example of one who shares a ton of info in his great builds, I have learned tons from him by osmosis!

Rant ended

Edited by Twokidsnosleep
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Skip is right that there are too many people who start something and then bail out without any notice of why.

There often isn't a reason why, nor do we intend to stop working on the build. Sometimes there's some frustration and we intend to walk away for a day or two, and it just gets extended to forever! Other times, the builds get bumped back in importance when there's a deadline for a contest or club meeting with another build.

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I guess some show competition types don't want to share trade secrets.

I knew a guy who wouldn't tell me what he was building. Very hush-hush about his agenda..... always made me laugh!

I'm waiting on my wife then we're off. If I'm lucky I might get some time tomorrow.

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There are some who seemingly want only their ego's stroked and show no 'how to's' just pretty pictures that we are to fawn and drool over...and don't get me wrong, they have fabulous work, but no info on how to get there in our own work.

I sincerely hope that not a single one of these show-offs are put off posting their work because of remarks like this. The main reason I come here is to "fawn and drool" over photos of cool models, regardless of what info the builder chooses to provide. Generally speaking, there's no lack of advice about building models here.

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There are some who seemingly want only their ego's stroked and show no 'how to's' just pretty pictures that we are to fawn and drool over...and don't get me wrong, they have fabulous work, but no info on how to get there in our own work.

In my opinion, ya gotta ask questions. Expecting every work-in-progress to be a step-by-step tutorial is a wee bit unreasonable.

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Posting updates and not finishing them is not an issue for me. I do it myself in fact. I started one project and then realized that I needed more experience before tackling it. Didn't really know it bothered anyone.

I use other guys posts to learn new ways of doing things. So if they have an idea that I can use I'd rather see it sooner rather than later. That's my take anyway.

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.... there are too many people who start something and then bail out without any notice of why.....

..... no info on how to get there .....

.... some show competition types don't want to share trade secrets.....

in context, i understand your complete response and hope you don't object to me taking the above quote out of context.

time is obviously a constraint for all of us, and the amount required to fulfill your suggestions would be substantial. i'll bet a cookie if you asked most guys how a specific goal was achieved, they'd at least get you going in the right direction.

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I sincerely hope that not a single one of these show-offs are put off posting their work because of remarks like this. The main reason I come here is to "fawn and drool" over photos of cool models, regardless of what info the builder chooses to provide. Generally speaking, there's no lack of advice about building models here.

Agree 100%.

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First a lot would be lost if people only showed completed builds. Sometimes an idea can be gleaned from a wip that has stalled. Wipswill stall because the builder loses interest, gets stuck on some part, or life issues. Also it is presumptuous to dictate how wip should be done or if a builder even does a wip. For me I enjoy looking at everything and picking up ideas and new techniques in the journery.

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First a lot would be lost if people only showed completed builds. Sometimes an idea can be gleaned from a wip that has stalled. Wipswill stall because the builder loses interest, gets stuck on some part, or life issues. Also it is presumptuous to dictate how wip should be done or if a builder even does a wip. For me I enjoy looking at everything and picking up ideas and new techniques in the journery.

sums it up pretty well for me..

I look at lots of the in progress stuff , even in sections that I have no interest . Ideas can come from all different kinds of areas of interest.

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Im just here so i don't get fined ;p

The first intelligent post I've seen here :lol: just kidding, guys, don't break out the wine and whiskey yet.

I've made a point to not make a WIP thread on my latest kit, the Tamiya Mini. I'm having a friggin' blast building the thing, and it's nearly done. I've built it MY way, forgotten a few parts, added some, painted things different than the kit suggested, and it looks GREAT! I can't wait to see it done, and it's going to be soon, with no "am-I-keeping-people-waiting" type dread associated with a WIP over my head.

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First a lot would be lost if people only showed completed builds. Sometimes an idea can be gleaned from a wip that has stalled. Wipswill stall because the builder loses interest, gets stuck on some part, or life issues. Also it is presumptuous to dictate how wip should be done or if a builder even does a wip. For me I enjoy looking at everything and picking up ideas and new techniques in the journery.


The banter and side tracks are what makes it interesting and worthwhile to post your WIP stuff...then everyone learns and wins

Does it take that much time to show us a bit of the how?? How much time is spent setting up the Photo Booth and playing with the white balance etc etc to take that beauty shot?

We are all busy. But some responders are right, some want to show just the what they do and not the how.....fine understood

I don't think anyone needs to freak out over not building fast enough for others....just keep us in the loop with a quick note and follow through on your thread

I read a how to thread on making decals from a few years ago that bailed out after part II.....then nothing, it ends; dude falls off the face of the earth

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The banter and side tracks are what makes it interesting and worthwhile to post your WIP stuff...then everyone learns and wins

Does it take that much time to show us a bit of the how?? How much time is spent setting up the Photo Booth and playing with the white balance etc etc to take that beauty shot?

We are all busy. But some responders are right, some want to show just the what they do and not the how.....fine understood

I don't think anyone needs to freak out over not building fast enough for others....just keep us in the loop with a quick note and follow through on your thread

I read a how to thread on making decals from a few years ago that bailed out after part II.....then nothing, it ends; dude falls off the face of the earth

A How-To thread is another animal altogether. If one starts a How-To it is somewhat expected that they will follow through and not leave the thread hanging. A normal work-in-progress thread? Step by step how-to? Really? How many times would you like to see how to do spark plug wires? How many times do you want to see "This is how I managed to paint the transmission a different color from the engine." Do you really expect the expert painter to lead you step-by-step through painting every single one of his projects?

If you really want to know "The How" on a work in progress, it's incumbent upon YOU to ASK not upon the builder to provide a step-by-step "How To" article.

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