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Posted (edited)

I'll keep posting my WIP threads and I hope others will too. I like being able to converse back and forth in real time while the build is ongoing. In addition you get to see a lot more little steps along the way in a real time thread. Post build threads tend to include only mayor subassemblies and leave out a lot of the details. However it is not a bad idea the get a little further along on your WIP before you start posting to make sure you are still excited about the build and will hopefully finish it.

And if everyone waited until the build was complete we might never get to see any of Ace-Garageguy's WIP :) and that would be a real shame!

Can't comment on magazine article builds since I have never done one :)

Edited by afx

I am probably one of the offenders here for dropping off the map on my WIP's......I am sorry for doing that.....

......but what you need to understand is, I try to build as much as I can but alas: I am a father (that helps frequently with homework), a husband (that must keep the other half happy), and a hard working auto crash test technician (that is ensuring you have a safe trip home or where-ever it is you are going to.)


How many articles in CAR MODEL were left uncompleted? Off the top of my head, I can think of only one: the 1/8 scale Corvette funny car...the body looked like a hack job (particularly on the inside), and there never were any photos of the chassis construction, only text...

IMO, the work in progress stuff is great to see whether it ever gets finished or not. Lots of creativity, lots of different approaches to how a particular thing gets done. Go ahead and post them, and don't worry that your work "might not be good enough".


Wow! Another ancient post back from the dead! And irony that it's about unfinished projects!

I post my work in progress builds. First, I like to share what I'm doing, as others said, because it can motivate me to keep on going. Second, people give me ideas that often get incorporated into the project. Also, people will alert me to an issue while I can still fix it.

I'm the poster child for unfinished projects. The Volare I just finished is something like a 25 year old project that got pulled out every five years or so... and why did it get pulled back out several times in the past 10 years? Because people who had followed the build threads inquired or pushed me to get back to it.

In fact, it's now finished because a friend of mine on anudder board and I challenged each other to finish a specific old build that each of us admired. And now both of those models are done!


Once again, I can't get the quote feature to work on this laptop, but Mark, the 1/8th Corvette is absolutely right at the top of the "never completed" articles I was thinking about.

My memory says that there were any number of others, perhaps they were not as restricted to CM as I recall but more occurring over all the magazine, or maybe I was thinking more of "promises of future articles" that never materialized, or maybe I just plain remembered incorrectly.

But boy, whatever happened, it sure made a strong impression on me, and there must have been more to it than just the aborted 1/8th Corvette funny car. Hmmm...



I used to like the CAR MODEL covers that would mention a particular article, and the fine print underneath would read "coming next month"...

Other than the 'Vette, I can't remember any unfinished series of articles. Not to say there were none, but I've got every issue of CM and have gone through most of them pretty well. Hank Borger's stuff was usually contained within one issue, as was Dennis Doty's. The longest-running one I remember was Jim Keeler's "Unraveling The Snakepit" (which, due to the sheer amount of content, demanded several issues to get it all in). Some slot car articles ran in multiple issues too, though I'll admit to not paying too much attention to those.


I know I take a lot if time to finish a build , sometimes it takes years. But Just to let you know Skip I was not offended by the comments you made. I think some of us just took what you posted out of context. We need to move on and build something., life is too short.


What frustrates me about WIPs, is that you pour your heart and soul into a build, and you watch the view count go up by the hundreds and no replies. Sometimes a builder needs some encouragement to get through a tough build, and when he doesnt get hardly any replies, it can take the wind out of his sails. Just saying.

Ha! I get that. I'll watch my threads on my carefully crafted light commercial or beater builds, and I just imagine the guys glanced quickly and thought "What no hemi?" and hit the back key!

I do notice that the threads where someone is putting something physically impossible and overly expensive, like a new Ferrari drive train into a Chevette get the most and most enthusiastic responses! :D


I tend to update when the mood strikes, or just to let anyone that may care, know that I'm still plugging away, and haven't abandoned the effort. As to feedback, that's always welcomed, but seldom forthcoming it seems. Large view counts would tend to indicate that somebody likes it, and I suppose that's good enough for me.


I know I take a lot if time to finish a build , sometimes it takes years. But Just to let you know Skip I was not offended by the comments you made. I think some of us just took what you posted out of context. We need to move on and build something., life is too short.

If you look at a later post of mine, you'll see that I acknowledged that finished or not, it is valuable to follow a WIP thread to see how things go and what others may say. My original post was based on frustration from following build threads for long periods of time, only to see them abandoned, with lack of closure.


My favorite thing to look at at model shows is the primer table. That's where you can see exactly how someone is putting something together and learn from it. The masters can put something amazing together, but once it's covered with paint, it may as well be a Danbury Mint diecast!


Now that the thread is already bumped, I just want to say I'm one of those guys that starts a build, starts a WIP thread, and somewhere in the long run I forget the camera.
Might be the glue and paint fumes that makes me forget stuff, but nevertheless it leaves me with pictures of the initial stages of the build, and pictures of the finished model. I don't know, I just get "in the zone" and build, build, build, without a thought of stopping to photograph...


I just get "in the zone" and build, build, build, without a thought of stopping to photograph...

I use the camera as a tool as I build. I take photographs of my progress because you see things in photos that you don't see with your naked eye. Sometimes because it's magnified, other times because you are seeing it off your bench. I fix a lot of things I see in my photos. And part of why I post these photos, is because others see things while I have time to fix them!


.... because others see things while I have time to fix them!

this ties in with the constructive criticism vs atta boy thread. one good/ other not so much.


Funny how some guys have responded, but I've never seen ANYTHING posted by them, not even picturing a model box. Never mind a build.......

I realize to some people this forum is like watching TV. You sign on and want to see. I agree, I enjoy nothing more than watching a tech-heavy build. I've butten off big chunks and everyone has watched me spit them out (remember the FIRST attempt at building my Barracuda?). To me, THIS is the kind of "what to do now" building situations people experience. I remember destroying a marker light opening and showing how it was saved. To me, this is real world building, not saving files and editing. Unfortunately (or fortunately.....) I'm been getting more & more responsibility at work and have been getting home late and exhausted.

I just wish I could find the time and get back in the groove. Maybe my '70 Cuda wouldn't be sitting for a year.


What frustrates me about WIPs, is that you pour your heart and soul into a build, and you watch the view count go up by the hundreds and no replies. Sometimes a builder needs some encouragement to get through a tough build, and when he doesnt get hardly any replies, it can take the wind out of his sails. Just saying.

I've seen build threads with 10,00 views and yet it appears that 8 people are commenting. Don't get discouraged, all those views are quiet compliments. When you seen LOW view amounts, then maybe it's not that interesting.


I think I use The Workbench as it was intended, but maybe I was wrong.

My work is far from advanced or worthy of entertaining or even interesting 99% of posters on this board. I post my mundane pics or my mundane subjects to get constructive criticism. I actually post to get advice and to improve my modeling. Further to that, I post to document my own progress so I can look back on what I did right and what I did wrong. Yes- I could have a document saved to my computer that I only access offline but then I would miss out on feedback from you guys and maybe, just maybe, another junior modeler could learn from my mistakes.

So far so good. I have received some great feedback and those people not interested in anything but elite level builds have stayed out and reserved their time for looking at what interests them. Everyone wins.

Unfortunately, I don't often update as often as I'd like. Typically this is due to having a demanding job that requires extensive travel and a young family. Now I tick two boxes- I'm a talentless hack who rarely updates my threads ;)

I'd like to counter the OP's suggestion with one of my own- how about a little self moderation? If the thread doesn't interest you, click right on by.

I purposely stayed out of the drama created in various threads here during my short tenure that resulted in bickering and really achieved nothing. I also felt the removal of the rants and raves board was a move in the right direction.

Regardless it seems some people- rather than changing their own behaviour- need to focus on making everyone else conform to their standard. I am hoping that I haven't been drawn into the web of negativity the aforementioned threads create (not necessarily this one, although it have come awfully close).

I guess it is now time for me to practice what I preach and also self moderate so that I can come here to learn, view some spectacular works that inspire and talk models. Not bicker about politics, how everything is wrong and go out of my way to stroke my own ego.

Apologies for the meandering rant. I hope I made some kind of sense.

here, here!


what's the point in even having a WIP section if it isn't updated as the progress is. Plus, you would lose valuable advice along the way that could improve your build.



Skip Jordan has helped me with build advice and info on many occasions and is a great modelling friend to me

We talk on PM's and he participates in my build threads.....More so than most other members here

He has sent unsolicited reference material and is a huge value on this website

He often speaks his mind and can come across abrupt and "he suffers no fools" as the saying goes

So when you start a build thread out and then don't finish it, it kinda sucks, no? There are hundreds of those on here . That is what he is saying. Those who took offence "me thinks he doth protest too much" to quote Shakespere

I am thankful that he didn't get po'd and just bail out on this website FOUR YEARS AGO when this thread was started and this disgusting pile on against him started. Why even bring this topic back to life????

I am soundly in Skip's corner and will defend him.....even if he is dead wrong about chrome on an MG



Personally, my original intentions were to show my WIPs as they progressed. But unfortunately, I developed serious health issues in September, and my model building has ground to a halt.I still look here to see other guy's work, and feel guilty for not contributing anything. Hopefully, things will improve healthwise...the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Some of you guys really inspire me, and get me pumped up, and I thank you for that!

Posted (edited)

Personally, my original intentions were to show my WIPs as they progressed. But unfortunately, I developed serious health issues in September, and my model building has ground to a halt.I still look here to see other guy's work, and feel guilty for not contributing anything. Hopefully, things will improve healthwise...the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Some of you guys really inspire me, and get me pumped up, and I thank you for that!

And you can still participate, contribute and help other with their builds while you recover...keep those modelling flames burning while sharing your experiences with numbskulls like me

Best wishes for your health in 2015

Edited by Twokidsnosleep

Thanks Scott. I just love the concept of sharing ideas and info etc. which gets the creative juices flowing. I will admit that I thought I knew more than the average modeller, but since joining this forum, I've certainly been humbled! So if I throw in my 2 cents periodically I certainly don't mean to come off as a know-it-all, because I soon find out I was coming to a gun fight with an X-acto knife!

I really want to get my stuff back on the bench and have some fun!

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