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AMT 49 Olds?

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I think the Olds would be a big seller in today's more adult-oriented model kit market, but, in the market that was in existence at the time the announcement was made, I think it would have sank like a stone.

BTW, the Olds and Stude announcements were trial balloons, nothing more. No tooling ever cut for either, and personally, I don't think there were ever any plans to do so.

I don't know about that, there used to be part numbers for those kits in the old computer system at the HTU I work for. I'll have to look tomorrow and see if they're still in the current system.

As for the movie Cars, I still love that movie, as does my kid sister, both of us are adults without kids ;)

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And Danno, I really don't see the need to emphasize your meanings. I've said repeatedly, that they WERE just MY opinions. We all have them, just like we all have or should have, RESPECT for others opinions. As i do yours.;)

Oh, sorry, George. My bad, I didn't mean to offend you. Let me resubmit it in a form/style of which you would approve:

There's never ANYTHING humble about ANY of your opinions, George.

It's too bad you've never seen "Cars." First of all, if you saw it and allowed yourself to understand and appreciate it, you'd realize it has a really very sophisticated storyline with valid underlying moral messages, every bit equivalent to and worthy of the traditional Aesop's fables. Its efficacy is difficult to explain to someone who hasn't seen it. The real beauty of "Cars" is that it appeals on many levels to open-minded people of all ages. It is and will long be a true classic. Even without Shakespearean actors, an epic budget, or a cast of thousands.

Too bad you don't appreciate it. You DON'T EVEN KNOW what you're missing.

Better? :lol:

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Guys, your takeing this TOO seriously. It's a CARTOON, OK, NO REAL ACTORS that TALKED in it were actually seen. They are ALL animated charactors, so THAT makes it an animated movie, just like a cartoon. If everybody felt as some here do, then it MIGHT be different. If you ENJOY a cartoon, GREAT there's NOTHING WRONG with that. But I DON'T watch CARTOONS(Except Popeye) which is MY perogotive to do or not, so I don't. As for my typeing, it can't be THAT bad, because even if I DON'T know how to type properly, I seem to get you guys riled up with my OPINIONS. Which is all they are. MY OPINIONS. For those who can understand, and agree, that's cool. For you CARS passionate type. go see a REAL animation CG done movie it's called "Avitar" That's about as close to a cartoon that I'll get. It is a VERY well done semi animated/CG filmed movie. Oh, and it IS a shame AMT never popped that 49/50 Olds. Just tryin ta keep this thread on track.

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Ok, seriously. For me once the movie starts, it mostly just becomes a movie. Animated or live-action, either it captures me or not. I enjoyed Cars but thought it a little formulaic. It is a Disney thing so it's no surprise. They are the king of the money machines and their scientifically proven formulas are their meal ticket. Technically, Cars was an excellent piece of work. I'm definitely a fan of John Lassiter. The Incredibles is a lot higher on my faves list than Cars and I'm bummed that they won't part two that one. I just saw Up and while the animation might have reset the high bar, I found the tale a little dark with a few missed opportunities for some lightening

I am a sucker for a good toy line, talking with a friend I guessed that I had maybe 17-20 of the Cars cars. After counting, the tally was 65 and I'm guessing that more will be on the way supplementing an already huge toy line. C'mon who can resist a 70's camper with an Elvis do?

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I like cartoons, or animated features, or whatever you may call them, and I'd be willing to bet there are more 'responsible adults' who are into those types of movies than you might guess. 90% of the movies you see nowadays are jam-packed to the gills with CGI. Is a movie like Tranformers (which SUCKED, by the way) any different with all its CGI effects than a movie like Cars, which is all CGI and not afraid to hide it?

Pardon me, but I'm off to change my sig line to "Micheal Bay sucks"! :)

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What was this thread about? I'm afraid we have accidently hijacked MLB's original intent. Sorry, Dude, all I remember was an awesome redo of an Olds bank by John Goschke.

And then it became neccessary to inform the forum that The Incredibles is in my top 5 movies list.

How does that happen?

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Stay on topic!!! :)


Let's see...how to gracefully bring this carnival back around to the original topic.

We've talked about a '49 Olds kit that never was, a coin bank version, every Pixar movie ever made, whether or not CGI is really a cartoon, Popeye, the deaths of Paul Newman and George Carlin, sci-fi movies, etc. Obviously, the only natural transition is to bring up a traditional Chicago blues band from Arizona...


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Cars 2 seems so far out there compared to the first one. Seriously why do they become anti-spys? Why not keep it with a good story and a nice moral at the end. It seems like every Disney movie has a great story and moral and then the 2nd and 3rd are just filler movies to capitalize on the market. I know they had to do something different since losing two of the characters but they went pretty far out there. Also the for a movie set in present day alternate universe they kind of goofed on the inaugural world grand prix considering there already has been a world grand prix called the A1 World GP. Guess in Disney world since it didn't happen in the US it doesn't count. I will still watch it but I highly doubt it will be as good as the first. Maybe funnier and maybe cooler but I highly doubt better in terms of story and moral.

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So is that Betty Page with her Rocket 38s?

Okay, another neat segue somewhat back to topic...

Don't forget that aircraft engineer / movie producer Howard Hughes personally designed Jane Russell's bra for her debut in "The Outlaw," which inspired automotive design of the 1950s, particularly Cadillac grilles and 1959 Caddy taillights.


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Okay, another neat segue somewhat back to topic...

Don't forget that aircraft engineer / movie producer Howard Hughes personally designed Jane Russell's bra for her debut in "The Outlaw," which inspired automotive design of the 1950s, particularly Cadillac grilles and 1959 Caddy taillights.

I thought those bumpers were called "Dagmars"... :)


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AMT dropped the ball big time when they cancelled the Olds and the Studebaker. They would have sold like wildfire. Look at the 53 hudson Mobius is doing.

Hi, AMT really didn't have much choice then as the hired help went on strike and AMT never recovered from it. Lensy bought them out and AMT went downhill from then until Ertl got ahold of them. Now that RC2 has them we are seeing more of the oldtime AMT attitude. If indeed the Olds was a die-cast, chances are we will see a plastic model of the Olds. Just my opinion. Gary B.

P.S. Sorry I got that wrong. It happened when Ertl sold out to the Hot Wheels group.

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Hi, AMT really didn't have much choice then as the hired help went on strike and AMT never recovered from it. Lensy bought them out and AMT went downhill from then until Ertl got ahold of them. Now that RC2 has them we are seeing more of the oldtime AMT attitude. If indeed the Olds was a die-cast, chances are we will see a plastic model of the Olds. Just my opinion. Gary B.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... what?

This all happened a decade or so AFTER the Lesney buyout. What's that have to do with the Olds kit not being produced? :)

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... what?

This all happened a decade or so AFTER the Lesney buyout. What's that have to do with the Olds kit not being produced? :)

No idea..IIRC, the '49 Olds fake box appeared around 10-12 years ago, which was over 20 years after the Lesney purchase of AMT (I think that was in the late '70s, then ERTL bought AMT in the mid '80s).

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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... what?

This all happened a decade or so AFTER the Lesney buyout. What's that have to do with the Olds kit not being produced? :)

I stand corrected. Thanks-no more comments. Gary B.

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If indeed the Olds was a die-cast, chances are we will see a plastic model of the Olds.

Just to bring this back around since there is a die-cast version, it might be best that a plastic kit based on the die-cast never happened. I have no idea which came first between the '49 Olds die cast and the idea to produce and injection molded kit of the same subject, and I realize this is twenty years ago we're talking about, but if the IM kit would've been anything like the "new " Revell '70 Challenger T/A R/T, we don't want it! B)

Maybe that's why Revell's G-body Cutlass never made it past one displayed built up either.

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