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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Well this is piece of art!!! Very cool scratchbuilding, this thing is going to look super when it's done. Fitting looks good, and I like that Gasket too. Didn't even think about, that there would be gaskets in Model Cars..!

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Hey Fellas....thanks for all of the kind words on my progress. this has been fun doing the gaskets. it is one of these things that not everyone will see unless you take a good look when it's put together but I know its there. in my opinion its a very small detail to take it to that next level.

John...I have some big shoes to fill and all of you guys have set the bar high. Jim you have read my mind on the copper head gaskets. I started making templates was even going to add the cylinder holes until i messed them up and have decided that i may leave that small detail out (the holes in the gasket) since you wont see them when the heads are on. But who knows, knowing me I will make a second set with the holes in them lol. these head gaskets will be made from some K&S Phosphorus Bronze 0.006" thick material and it looks just like the copper gaskets. I can't wait to get home from work and finish these up.

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Alright guys... I have some updates for ya. worked for a few hours on it tonight and planning on working on it quite a bit over the weekend as well. I will get right to the pictures.

I started out tonight by finishing up the copper head gaskets which I used K&S Phosphorus Bronze material. Cut to the desired shape, I started out with a few different templates which you see here as well:


Here I placed the gasket on the engine block. I originally wanted to drill the holes for the cylinders in the gaskets but knowing it wouldn't be seen I decided not to do it. But who knows I may make another set with the holes in it:


I then bolted the heads on and here is how much of the gasket will be seen:


view from the bottom:


I also did a little mud work (Bondo) on the oil pan filling some of the low spots, It will be ready to primer in the morning:


I decided to do some work to the front of the engine and work on getting the Idler Pulley mounted to the front of the block. I still need to glue the shaft In that the pulley sits on as well as drill and tap it for the bolt that will hold it on:


Stay tuned and I will be having more updates over the weekend. It's late and I need to get some sleep. See you guys in the morning...lol

Edited by Mooneyzs
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WOW! Are you building 1:1 scale engine, or is that really 1/16? :lol: Amazing work with those Gaskets. Oil Pan looks very good too. This build is spectacular. "How Much Detail is possible to put in 1/16 scale Funny Car Engine". :lol:

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I'm speechless (again), Chris. The level of detail you're putting into every square mm of this build is above and beyond. All the normal adjectives, and even over-the-top adjectives have already been used repeatedly, so I don't know what to say. I know - I look forward to every one of your updates! :)

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Chris, my friend, I don't know quite how to break this to you ....


But, once you button it up, dude, no one will see the 'corky' pattern!

Incredible job ... but in the end ... invisible!

* Wow. Where you gonna get the motor oil in correct scale viscosity?


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Missed the point, Dan. HE will know it's there, and thats the reason for doing it. Besides, if he documents everything he's done (with pictures, of course!) that would be sure to impress a judge whether he knows anything about funnycars or not. Just my 2 cents.

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Awesome work on the pan and head gaskets! Adds a whole new dimension of realism. Of course you know you're gonna' have to do the rest of the gaskets as well. Intake, blower, and injector hat.

GREAT work buddy!

Have A Great Day!

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Chuck... Thanks buddy, I have been wanting to do this for sometime because I think it adds that small touch and puts it over the top. and the K&S material was the perfect thickness too.

Henry... Thank you, I think it adds that extra touch.

Bill... Thanks you bud.

Richard... Thanks Man, I am proud of it so far but I have a ways to go that's for sure.

Nikko... Thanks bud!! I wish it was a real engine... :lol: I guess I am trying to find out how much detail I can add to this engine...lol

Scott... Thanks man, Your words mean a lot. I am definitely pushing myself to make this my best build so far. I can't wait for the parts you are going to be making soon to put them on this build.

Danno... You will be able to see a little bit of the cork pattern when its together and Richard beat me too it, I was gonna make my own oil ;):P:lol:

Arron... Thanks man, Yep knowing that little detail is there is more than enough for me and why I wanted to do it.

Keith... Thanks man, You know it on the other gaskets, I was already planning on that and have started making them already. They will be posted in my next update ;)

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Alright guys, worked on this more today and have some updates for all of you. I got my oil pan all sanded and more primer added so all I have left on it is to sand the primer down and then it should be ready for paint. I also primered the mid-plate even though I know I have a little work on it and I am debating on scrach building a whole new one . Then I worked on some more gaskets as well as adding a little plastic to the manifold and then I had to drill the holes for the bolts again. Then it was time to drill the manifold for the injector lines.

I started out by getting the injector lines drilled. Now i went thru some reference pics and I want your guys' honest opinion. I originally was going to drill the injector lines perpendicular into the side of the manifold until I saw some reference pics from cars in this era that the injector lines went into the manifold at a little bit of an angle. So I used a little jig that I rigged up to drill the holes in at an angle. And now i am trying to figure out what to do where the line passes thru the "flared" nut. I was thinking I could paint the line at that point but not sure it that would look good or if I should re do the line and drill them perpendicular to the manifold or try to add a small plastic rod the nut would sit on. Let me know what you think and what you would do:


Here is the other side of the injector lines. And the lines that you see were just made for mock-up purposed to see how the nut was going to look:


I then moved to working on the Blower gasket that sits on top of the manifold. I started out with a 3x5 card, used the blower as my template and transfer drilled the holes in to the 3x5 car and then cut it to the desired shape. when I was done I colored it with a black sharpie and it was done, In this pic you can also see what I was talking about in the first pic with the injector lines going in at an angle:


I next made the gasket that goes in between the block and manifold:


Then I had to sit it on top of the block to see how it fit:


Once all of that was done, I went back and test fitted everything together:


Edited by Mooneyzs
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