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So now I'm in the hospital dangit.....

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Just what I needed...a dang blood clot in my calf of the leg I just had the knee surgery in. So now I'm in the hospital hooked up to an I.V. of Heparin and they have to get this balance sorted out. Good thing I called the Doctor today...he said if I'd waited much longer it "could" have killed me!!! I guess these blood clots are nothing to mess around with! :)

I guess the Mooneyes project is just gonna have to sit for a spell.....

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Hey Terry,

Hope you feeling better, and glad you are around to tell the tale. The good thing about models (well, everything about models is good!!) is that they don't spoil, so they'll be waiting on you. Thank the Lord you went to the Doctor, now hurry up and get well so you and the Mrs. can go for another ride, it is bike weather!! God bless.


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I'm rapidly realizing one thing I'm really missing...my own kitchen! This really sucks not being able to grab whatever I want! :( And being pretty much bedridden sucks too! Couldn't fall asleep till around 0200 I think...and then they come in and wake me up at 4:45 with another blood draw. Sure wish I was home in my model shop! Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts!

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Geez...now that this has happened to me I'm hearing horror stories from quite a few friends about really bad things that happened to them or people they knew who had what I am currently blessed with...and this stuff is downright scarey. One of my longtime modeling friend's wife died from a bllod clot that travelled to her lungs!

Now more than ever I'm glad I didn't blow this off. :lol:

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Guest Johnny

I'm rapidly realizing one thing I'm really missing...my own kitchen! This really sucks not being able to grab whatever I want! B) And being pretty much bedridden sucks too! Couldn't fall asleep till around 0200 I think...and then they come in and wake me up at 4:45 with another blood draw. Sure wish I was home in my model shop! Thanks everyone for your kind thoughts!

The blood draws are taken at that hour so that the results will be ready for the doctor on his morning rounds!

I just recently learned that from my oldest granddaughter. That is what she is went to school for!

When I was in seemed like ir was 2-2:30am when the vampies would show up!:D

Glad to hear you were alert enough to call the doctor. Clots are the leading cause in strokes and death post-op!

My wife is already on a blood thinner but still had a stroke that they suspect was a clot caused from her ankle surgery she had almost 6 months prior! She has so much daily leg pain it was probably overlooked by her until it broke loose and caused her stroke.

They were not too worried on me after my hip replacement because I am on a daily aspirin regimine.

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Terry, take it from me , have patience . I know thats easier said than done as these "Do- Gooders " , uh C N A's , nurses , doctors with too many patients , and med techs who are obviously bored to death are waking you up all hours of the frickin night wanting blood samples , vitals , etc. Then too, wait till the Physiclal Therapy NAZIS wanna jerk ya outta bed tryin to scare ya into death with their version of "Atrophie "........Listen, it was all I could do to keep from losing it as these people wouldn't leave me to my rest . Yeah, hospitals and nursing homes really Suck the Green weenie ! Ed Shaver

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My father has had his share of battle with blood clots over the years and you are right, they are nothing to mess with! Be careful, follow the doctors' orders and get well soon.

Let's hope that you do not have to stay on the blood thinners after your hospital stay because if you do a little nick of the x-acto knife could be bad! My father had to switch to an electric razor because of his blood thinner meds and he had to be very careful using tools.

Take care and get better, we are pullin for ya!

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Guest Johnny


I have a blood clot in my leg also. A piece broke off and ended up in my lungs. An ambulance trip to the hospital! I was laid up for 3 months.

I now take warfarin every day for the rest of my life. I have my INR checked regulary.

My wife has to have her "protime" done at least every 4 weeks (never more than that) and sometims at 1 week if she is way off. Has to watch what she eats and how she eats as it all affects the level.

At least they do the finger stick now instead of a draw.

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