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AMT Slammers? Anyone build these

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Just built the Ford Ranger ("Road Ripper", I think) with my 5 year old daughter. Good for the most part, BUT... Wheel/Tire assembly was tricky (it would have been nice if they mentioned fronts and rears were different sizes) and the rear bumper didn't fit without some trimming. Other than that, easy as could be.

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I have an unbuilt Ramblur, built the Street Fury just after it was released, and my son and I built the Road block a few years later, and that's in my parts box now...hows that for hitting the nail on the head :lol: All cool and very basic, weekend type kits that go together like butter. Would like to find another fury and Roadblock sometime.

It's not a good one but the only pics I have of any of the 3 of those...hoodscoop and wheels are from the parts box



The custom trunk treatment is not included in the box, my son added that....This was the very last detail mind you.....I had it all assembled and standing on the front bumper so I could fill the taillights with red paint, then put my desk lamp about 8 inches away to apply some heat to dry them a little faster and then got distracted in the other room. Well my ever alert 4 year old was watching the whole thing and thought if a little heat was good, a lot would be better. I came back 5 or 10 minutes later to find the lamp about 1/2 inch away and smoking like crazy....my heart dropped, a calm explanation ensued and we both learned valuable lessons that day :P


im digging the modded fire truck you got anymore pics of it?

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Hey, Hizoot! Posting your Black Force reminded me that the BF was a Slammer series kit. I had forgotten that; thanks for jogging the old grey matter.

So, here's mine ... I think it's the only AMT Slammer I've built ...



Duplicolor Pewter Metallic with Krylon Mystique Blue/Purple color shifting flames (applied by rattle can).


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For those of you who don't know most if not all of these are Jairus Watson art.I have built most of them and they are an easy build no need for paint and great for kids because they are so tough.

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The only gripe I've had with the few I've built OOB is this- chase out the holes for the metal axles on the tires. Clear out any globs of chrome or clearcoat, or the axle mounting boss will shatter. Also, the axles seem a bit too wide on some of them, and they're pretty thick, but the 'too wide' thing might have something to do with the mounting bosses on the wheels, rather than the axles themselves. Aside from that, assembly is (wait for it...) a snap.

Just ordered another Ramblur today from STAR Models, thinking it might end up in a tutorial... B)

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I remember that from the Desert Classic Danno,

It was very popular & I hope you did well in the club challange..!

Hizoot ;)

Thanks, Jeff.

It did much better than I ever expected! It drew a 'Peoples Choice ~ Best Paint' award. I didn't see that one coming!


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The custom trunk treatment is not included in the box, my son added that....This was the very last detail mind you.....I had it all assembled and standing on the front bumper so I could fill the taillights with red paint, then put my desk lamp about 8 inches away to apply some heat to dry them a little faster and then got distracted in the other room. Well my ever alert 4 year old was watching the whole thing and thought if a little heat was good, a lot would be better. I came back 5 or 10 minutes later to find the lamp about 1/2 inch away and smoking like crazy....my heart dropped, a calm explanation ensued and we both learned valuable lessons that day B)

Lucky nothing Bad resulted, but another explaination is your Son wanted to replicate a Trunk Lid after a Tire caught Fire in the Trunk ;)


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  • 4 years later...

I had an idea to do a Rambler as a ute ( Ranchero, El Camino ) style car. I pick one up the same week as the NNL Nationals, put it in the stash and when I get to the NNL there are two done on the tables. LOL About 2 or 3 years before that Somebody had a nice Convertible Black Force at the NNL Nationals.   

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Concorde photo DSCF0422.jpg

Concorde photo DSCF0420.jpg

Concorde photo DSCF0423.jpg

This is the Concorde I built at least 15+ years ago. I printed the decals on an ALPS printer after scanning department letterhead. When the then chief saw this, he said he liked my door seal design better than the one we had just adopted.

I used the wheels from an old Yodel police car kit and made the light bar from toothbrush handles.

This t was featured in Terry Jesse's last "Light Commercial" column in that other mag, oh so many years ago.



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