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those loving wives.

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It has been a rather long time since I went on a spending spree buying kits, paints and other supplies.

My wife has supported by purchases completely. We discuss all expenditures before they are made.

We have been doing that for the 38 years we have been married.

My wife agrees with and actually enjoys my hobby, though not to the extent I do.

She helps with picking colors and making other suggestions, some of which I follow.

I was just wondering, how many of you guys have a wife/girlfriend that supports your hobby?

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does rolling her eyes and really loud sighs everytime i mention model related things count as being supportive of my hobby? in that case mine LOVES my modeling addiction LOL

Hey....thats MY bride.....June 21, 1975

She knows I'm nuts...for playing with plastic cars.dry.gif ...BUT she sees the great friends I've made in modeling....so I do get the checkbook now and then.

If I can hook her on my Dio project....I will have even more fun....if not...I'm still nutz after all these years :DB)

And as my parents only blessed me with one sister....I sure am glad I've got lots of Brothers Here

thanks George and Rick and all ya others ;) ;) B)

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My wife is incredibly supportive of my interest in this hobby. She knew nothing of it when we met. Yet about ten years ago decided I needed a display room, so she bought me a beautiful custom made set of display cabinets (to my specifications). Two walls worth. And encouraged me to turn one of our living rooms into a showroom for my models. I of course had to remove most of the models from all the other "public/shared" areas of the house.

She even has built a few models and does a good job. She doesn't care for the building too much, but she does paint well, especially with an airbrush.

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i can say i have one of those supportive type of woman. before we got married she knew i built model cars. she just had no idea how addictive my collecting kits was. B)

i have mentioned it on here a few times already. as long as i buy her something too, shes just as happy. heck, sometimes she buys me a kit. B)

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Don, my wife has been supportive of my hobby from jump. She liked looking at them when we were dateing. She kept my Mom from throwing them out while i was in the service, and has always gone to the toyshows/model shows with me, she's my bank, my color adviser and occasionally she comes up with some pretty cool ideas for them too. After this long(39)years we are pretty much a team when we go to the toy/model shows. It IS fun havein her with me, besides, if she DIDN'T control my spending we'd be broke!B):D;) ;) B);)

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When my wife and I got home from our honeymoon (5 years ago in aug) I sat down at our dinning room table and announced I was going to build a model car. And she Looked at me with confusion in her eyes (because up to this point she didnt know I built models) and said " you mean the little plastic TOY cars like jerry builds" (Jerry is her sisters husband who is a novice builder)

I said "well yes and no baby I dont just build them and put em on shelves though. Just watch and please be patient". So she agreed. At first she didnt want to have any part in what I was doing but as i built she started to come over to my table and make small suggestions ie. "you should make those Lambo doors" and i would say "Hey great Idea baby!" then I would do it. Or she would say" why dont you paint it gold?" So I did.

One day during the course of the build I had to go to the LHS to get more supplys and the new wife went with me and when I got to the counter with my arm full of what nots the cashier said That'll be 52 big one's and before I could pull out my wallet wifey said "I got this baby". The cashiers jaw hit the counter and I fell deeper in love. To this day my wife has been supportive of my builds and has travelled with me to shows and contest all over. And she loves take pictures as I build she has become my official photographer. oh what car did she help me build you ask? (ok maybe you didnt ask but im gonna show you anyway) And she always says this is her creation. B)

This one.....


Edited by Aftashox
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A supportive and understanding wife is indeed a blessing.

I ordered eight kits from JimnOhio, then ordered two from Deans Hobby.

My wife ask what about my Munsters Koach. What about the paint, distributors and other things you need. Go ahead and order them.

I, being an obedient husband ordered two more kits from Deans, paint from JimnOhio and distributors and such from MAD.

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not only is my wife very supportive (as long as the bills are i paid i get pretty free range)

but she is also partially responsible for me getting back into models

when we first met i spend a lot of time alone at her parents house because she worked and i had no where else to go

getting bored with doing nothing we wandered around walmart one day and i saw the model cars they used to sell

i told her how i used to build those as a kid and she encouraged me to pick it up again

here we are 10 years later and i wonder is she regrets saying that B)

of course, it doesnt hurt to grease the wheels a bit, i ask her opinions (knowing that once i ask i will take her advice weather i like it or not) on paint, wheels, spoilers and what not

and every once in a while i include her in my designs without her even knowing it B)


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My wife likes to play the vexed spouse who's husband is playing with silly cars, but I've slowly been drawing her deeper and deeper into the madness. The last kit I was examining at home, she stopped by and asked me what I was looking for (mold lines and test fitting the body/interior/chassis together)...then quickly walked away when she realized what she asked. B)

We have a joint and separate bank accounts, and so long as I replace any money I spend out of the joint account, and don't let the bills go overdue, I can spend "my money" as I see fit.

Last week I ordered her a box set of DVDs from one of her guilty pleasure T.V. shows and when she went to get it from our P.O. box the lady was having computer issues and couldn't scan the delivery confirmation. I said "Well you should have opened the box, took out your stuff, and gave her the box back and let her scan it on your own time". She replied back. "No it's a pretty big box, I figured you can use it if you need to send out a trade..." (dead silence) "I'll kill you if you ever tell anyone I said that..."

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I got lucky this time around too. Yes, my wife Nani likes to tease me and call me "Model Boy", but she does support my hobby and never complains about the time I spend in the garage. Gifts are usually in the form of micromark or hobby shop gift cards. She has gone to a lot of shows and likes to interact with the same people I do. For my birthday we took a trip to the GSL two years ago. We both had a great time.

Nani has even has picked one of my builds that she wanted me to recreate in 1 to 1. Maybe someday.

She has started a couple builds, but looses interest. I put them aside in case she ever wants to pick the up again. Here is one of her stalled projects. Hmmm.

Here's to the good wives!


4110progress-vi.jpgHosted on Fotki

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I have neither wife nor girlfriend to praise or pan my hobby. Although my girl friends think it's pretty cool that I build. Occasionally, when we're together as a group, I'll bring a kit along and build while everyone else is off doing whatever, and more often than not, people will crowd around and watch me manipulate little pieces of plastic and explain how I'm doing things.

The usual reaction is of interest and wonder. Most of the people I know say they don't have the patience to do this. Sometimes, I don't either, but I simply plug along.

My last girlfriend thought it was "cute," and although was very much into art herself (and a pretty good sketch artist and painter,) couldn't quite understand, but didn't bother me about it because she knew I enjoyed it. One of her friends' husbands is also a builder, so once in awhile, we'd go and hang around together and drive the women nuts (we did a good job with that.)

When I've gone on a few dates, I tell any girl "Masonry, cars, photography, models and my friends all come as a package." Very few have ever taken me up on it.

Perhaps someday, I'll find one brave enough to.

Charlie Larkin

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My fiancee is also one of those gems that is supportive of my hobby, with the slight exception of the occasional "I feel like we live in a hobby shop" comments, since my "model room" is actually half of our large living room in our otherwise small one bedroom house. She encourages me to build, and even has threatened me to get back to the bench a couple of times since I have the bad habit of buying but not building sometimes! :unsure: There have been quite a few times in our almost 10 years together that it ws not uncommon for me to drop $300 or $400 in a day, but luckily one of the LHSs here just happens to be part of a business that also includes a John Deere dealership, so the hooby shop carries a lot of JD diecast. As long as I bought her a little green and yellow for her collection, she was happy!! :huh:

She also had been exposed to the hobby before meeting me, because her late uncle was also a builder, and he had introduced her to the hobby and had even built a model or two before I came along. She has even spent a little time working on a few kits with me that I bought for her. She also doesn't mind when the train track overtakes the living room for me to run my HO scale trains!! :D

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My hobby room is in a steel building 50 or 60 feet from the house. Marcia very rarely comes out to the shop, so I'm more or less on my own. I have my income and she has hers so there's never a problem of me spending however much I feel like spending on my hobby. Only completed kits go into the house and I usually show my wife the build. She usually rolls her eyes. Marcia is not and never has been a car person. She's planning on attending the SE street rod nationals and model car show in October with me. She found out there's a shopping mall nearby.

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Mine accompanies me to the club meetings and has been to a few of the shows with the club/with me. She has her own small stash (doomed to never be completed....she follows in my footsteps) and will look around when we go to a Hobby Shop. She doesn't get into it like I do, but she has her own O.C.D stuff to flitter with!

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I have neither wife nor girlfriend to praise or pan my hobby. Although my girl friends think it's pretty cool that I build. When I've gone on a few dates, I tell any girl "Masonry, cars, photography, models and my friends all come as a package." Very few have ever taken me up on it.

Never been married, never want to get married ('cuz then comes the kids and the minivan and the white picket fence and all that stuff just appals me...), but the girlfriends I've had have always been at least tolerant of it. Most of my female friends are into it to, even if they don't build themselves or even understand the 'why' part. Then again, none of them have actually lived with me, so maybe that's why! :)

And Charlie, other than the 'masonry' part, that's my mentality as well!

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My wife loves cars, she helps me every once in awhile and actually has her own going on. The tamiya late model bug. In which Im building a suspension for and she is putting it together with a blown Ford engine lol. And she loves my favorite line..."I've been looking for this one". Her favorite part to build is the engine. I built one that she had actually started when we first started dating. I painted it red and silver to match the colors of the wedding.

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Loving wife? Yeah... OK. I have to smuggle any purchases in the house.

I learned the hard way never to bring her into a hobby store. I prefer to keep her nagging verbal assaults out of the public eye. I actually start to imagine that there is a ball & chain around my ankle.

When I show her a finished model, I get a... not sure, it's a cross between a "hrumph", and "that's nice". Mumble, mumble. Ya know?

Some ppl go to zombie movies. I live with one.

Oh it's so much fun. I try to get revenge whenever I can. She will "watch" TV, but she is really reading her book... and I love to start talking to her about what "we" just saw, knowing full well she missed it all! :blink::blink:

Edited by Jon Cole
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