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Chat Room is back on, new server updates also

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I went to a higher VPS level for the server, and hopefully, this will fix the reboot and server load problems.

The chat has been activated again, and I will keep an eye on the logs both for the chat and the servers.

If it still causes errors, then the next upgrade for the server will be the last.

After that, it gets into the level where I may have to seriously look at hosting it myself somewhere else. The best would be to host it here, but then I would have to redo the whole home/office set up, and that would not be nice.

If you guys want to help out, you can make a Gift Donation through PayPal to gregg@modelcarsmag.com

Or, if you want something in return for your hard-earned $$$, you can purchase some of my kits on eBay and eModelCars.

I will be uploading more kits in the next few days, and that would help out in the short term.

I do appreciate all the discussions that have gone on regarding this situation.

After talking to Harry, I will be looking into starting a Google Ad Words campaign, which would probably put ads on the side of the forum.

It's not want I want to do, but I have paid for this forum and web site out of my own pocket for over 12 years.

But, the site is too big now, and it's time I sold my soul to Google......

Oh yeah, fair warning, if after reviewing the chat logs, it is determined that you are creating a hostile environment, making degrading or derogatory comments to anyone on the forum, your account will be deleted and you will be banned permanently. I am not going to give any second chances on this.

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Gregg, I happy you are going to let us help out, what is your ebay seller name? Its great having a site free of adds, but money is what makes the world go around. For me it wont be a problem I have a add blocker that works great on forum sites :lol: .

I am going to donate a $ 1 in the next few days for you.

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Just to reinforce what Gregg just said...

We have decided to accept paid advertising on the Model Cars forum, and this is why:

FACT 1: You guys like the forum. If you didn't like it you wouldn't be here.

FACT 2: It costs money to operate this site and provide the forum to you.

FACT 3: The members would prefer this site to remain FREE to them.

Add up facts 1, 2 and 3 and the reason that we have decided to accept paid advertising is obvious.

The forum has grown. As membership has steadily increased, we have had to upgrade to larger servers several times... and the costs to keep the site up and running has steadily increased as our technology needs have increased, to the point where the actual cost of operation has become significant enough that we can no longer keep covering the cost without help from some outside revenue.

Given the situation, we had two basic choices: Either accept paid ads, or charge a fee to be a forum member.

We chose to accept paid advertising. Obviously, ads benefit the advertiser, as their product or service is given daily exposure on the site. The revenue generated by ad sales benefits us by helping to offset the forum's operating costs, and finally, by accepting paid advertising, you members also benefit because we can keep providing the forum to you AT NO CHARGE.

It's a win-win-win situation. The advertisers benefit, the forum benefits, and you members benefit. By keeping the site's operating expenses under control, we can continue our online ohana for a long time to come.

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I am a frequent contributer over on a forum called "Armorama". They have had advertising for years now, and it has contributed to the success of the site which is truly international in scope. Not that we aren't, "just sayin" it isn't a bad idea.

It's not at all bothersome, and in many ways quite convenient to link from the site.


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Thanks, guys.

for eBay, it's ModelCarsMag, of course.

And not to be mean or anything, but if you donate $1, PayPal takes $.35 if you don't do it as a gift.

That's why the donation link wasn't good for small donations.

It's not worth it

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Thanks for bringing that feature back to this forum and the advertising is understandable. I always wondered how you managed to do all that you have, I just figured you had a rich uncle and you were sharing his wealth! B)

I have never used PayPal so please bear with me here. Do they take 35% out of every dollar? If so I would rather mail you a check and you can have all of my donation and not a percentage!

Thanks again

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Oh Great Kahuna, WHATEVER your will is, shall be done! We are honored that you would go thru so much for us, your lowly minions! We wholeheartedly agree with ANY decision you desire! YOU are the ONLY reason WE are here! We THANK YOU for your desire to keep us fed and healthy in our addiction! THAT is WHY you ARE the GREAT KAHUNA!!! :D :D :D :D ;) (Oh an are ya gonna be in Sylvania this year? It'sa REALLY nice place, you'll like it!)

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Yes, but PayPal's fees are on a sliding scale.

The best way is to send as a Gift, which I have done to my son many times (too many times....)

That way, they don't take any fees out of the transfer.

George, unfortunately, travel is over for the unforeseeable future.

I may go up to Seattle for something, but that's another issue/story for late (right Mikee?,,, ooops, sorry, Mike...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

When the chat room wasn't working, you had great panic, "we must have it back." Now It's back. BUT: Chat 0 It was like that yesterday morning, afternoon and evening. There's no one this morning either... Well, how about last night? Well, some of you might have a day on that time, I was just wondering, if there's some people at that time.

But anyway, it's not so popular, as I thought when watching these topics about it. It's a great "bonus" for this site, but it's pretty hard to use it on night time... We have pretty much users here on the daytime too, but no one is in the chat. This is just my opinion, and don't take it too personally, I'm just bit curious about this thing. This forum if of course the main thing, and it's great that it's working this nicely.

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There were a couple other chat rooms listed when the one here was down and I think some started using one of them.

Seemed there was a concerted effort to get people to leave this one during the uproar!

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