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71 Cuda, all aluminum hemi


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi John thanks so much for checking in on it, still can't get motivated to move on!

Bill take the break you need away from this build and in due time you will get the motivation to get back on it. It bums me out hearing the motivation isn't there but I can relate 100% because I go thru those same moments with my Army Funny Car build. Have you thought of having a couple side builds that you pretty much build out of the box? I have done that where I have a curbside build and and also building a flying rocket for sometching completely different when I need a break. Sure hope to see that motivation come back soon. You are one talented builder I enjoy watching your builds come together.

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Bill take the break you need away from this build and in due time you will get the motivation to get back on it………. You are one talented builder I enjoy watching your builds come together.

I agree 110%. If it takes 3 years to finish this, it should count as college credits or at least give your followers some certification. This is schooling here, and it takes time for knowledge to be explained and demonstrated.

Just pop in from time to time and let us know your OK and at least thinking about finishing it. ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

It only took me 2 days to go through the whole thread, but I did it!

Being a mechanic by day, I notice a lot of rights and a couple things that aren't so correct. I must say, I am very impressed. The only thing I really have to disagree with is the front struts. Although they look beefy enough, the spindle looks a bit thin and the strut a bit too vertical.

Don't think that I'm nit picking your build. I build too, so I know the challenges and compromises that need to be made in order to build something.

I love everything about it. I'm going to be showing everyone I know this build. You are certainly inspiring me to get the lathe that I've been putting off for a long time.

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Hey, Bill- I hadn't realized you had posted some updates. Can't say anything more than what has already been said, but you know how I feel about your work. While it might take you some time to finish, this is going to be one bad project once completed (shoot, your I individual parts have more in them than most of us mere mortals have in completed projects, haha)!

Great work on the rotors and calipers!

Edited by ScrappyJ
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  • 2 months later...

well I have managed to get a little bench time in finally and made a little progress, Ken I appreciate the feed back, not everything 100% accurate I will be the first to admit, this build is tough enough for me with out trying to replicate every tiny detail, and you are correct, the spindles aren't spindles, I am just using bolts in their place, I figured that would be the easiest thing to do sense to cant see the spindles when its together anyway, thanks again for your compliment.

Derk, my man, thanks for checking in on it, all ways appreciate it!!

I finally made the inter-coolers and placed them in about the only place I could get them to fit, I originally wanted to put them in front of the radiator, but I just couldn't squeeze them in, still need to finish plumbing them from the turbos and intake, I tried to replicate the tubes and cooling fins, and you can see through them, I think they will work.IMG_2277_1-vi.jpg



took a little break from the mechanical stuff and turned some headlights on the lathe, they have clear bulbs in them as well with flat clear lenses for a more modern look, the high beam light holes lined up so well with the inter-coolers I figured they need to be air inlets, made a couple of air ducts for them.




thanks for looking, hopefully I can make some steady progress for while.

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