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Steampunk '49 Mercury

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Mark, if you had seen the amount of wonderful scratchbuilding, inventive painting/weathering techniques, and general cleverness that went into it, you wouldn't think so. Let me see if I can find the build thread.

EDIT: Yep, here is the build thread for "Bad Penny". Stanley and Vern are some serious craftsmen. Enjoy.


Edited by Jantrix
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It's an art genre. Take it for what it is, he's not pretending for one second that it's supposed to be a "realistic" model.

Isn't the point of steampunk to backdate or make something new (or post Steam Era) look like it was from or could have existed during the Steam Era? There has to be some element of realism to make it believable and fit the time period/genre it's supposed to.

Imagination is important, but you also have to look at the completed model as a whole and come to your own conclusions. The very fact that anything of this genre is based on what never was allows it some leeway, but just being labelled or classified as "steampunk" doesn't give it a pass when it comes to criticism and opinions.

I would agree 100% that it is art, but it it good art? Let the debate continue. -_-

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I think there aren't many people on this forum academically qualified enough to be able to determine whether something is art or not, and if it is, whether it is good art or not.

But I recognise outstanding modelling skills when I see them.

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As Rob's link and Wikipedia says, "Steampunk is a subgenre of fantasy and speculative fiction." I think this is brilliant! I tried building a steampunk gun and it's harder than you think because your "stuff" has to look like it has a functioning purpose so you end up uber thinking everything if you want it be believable; scientifically, compositionally, artistically and fancifully. Sort of a crazy industrial art.

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WEll, I don't care for the subject, but the modeling skills that built it are ABOVE the norm. Whatever turns you on, as they say, and this Steampunk stuff OBVIOUSLY turns this gentleman on.While it certainly is NOT my cup of tea at all, the workmanship in it is undeniable! But then that IS why we build, isn't it? To ENJOY the ENJOYMENT of building! :D;)

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I would agree 100% that it is art, but it it good art? Let the debate continue. -_-

There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" art. Art is defined differently by everyone; my idea of good art might be at complete odds with your definition of what good art is, and vice versa.

The argument of what is or isn't "good" art is a useless argument because there is no answer. Like I said earlier... Jim's work is what it is, and you either like it or you don't. There's no "right" answer and there's no justifying one's viewpoint, any more than a person could justify that their favorite color is the "best" color or their favorite music is the "best" music.

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Yes, truly remarkable! That was built by "Hollywood" Jim Fernandez a couple of years back. He posted extensive in-progress photos and info on "that other board".

Hollywood Jim is member of the model club that I am member at, and Septembers club meeting is at his house, so I am sure I might get to see this build there if he still has it.

When he brings builds for the monthly club theme, its a pretty sure bet that is going to take first place, he really is a very creative builder

Edited by martinfan5
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I think there aren't many people on this forum academically qualified enough to be able to determine whether something is art or not, and if it is, whether it is good art or not.

But I recognise outstanding modelling skills when I see them.

Not to toot my own horn, but I do have a degree in art, as well as many years of experience in making and looking at art. But I don't use that as a license to go around making pronouncements about what is or isn't art, or whether it's good or bad. Calling something "Art" is just a label, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If it moves you and excites you, it's doing something right as far as I'm concerned. As it so happens, I'm an admirer of Hollywood Jim's workmanship, creativity and ability to bring his vision into reality.

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Steve, you bring up a good point, the definition of art is so broad that it's impossible for it not to be art. Art is anything that exists only for it's own sake, that has no purpose other than to be what it is. Whether we enjoy it or not does not deminish it's artness.

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Art Shmart. Jim built a model. But not just a model....

I saw this when he debuted it at the GSL. With all the amazing builds on there tables, including past winners, I came back to this one. It won it's class easily. What I see is a VERY entertaining model built for model builders to enjoy. ("How did he do that?. Did oyu see this?" I only wish I would have known about the build thread earlier. All the detail and originality in this piece will make it a model to remember for years. Fun to look at and explore.

Thank you Jim Fernandez.


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Art Shmart. Jim built a model. But not just a model....

I saw this when he debuted it at the GSL. With all the amazing builds on there tables, including past winners, I came back to this one. It won it's class easily. What I see is a VERY entertaining model built for model builders to enjoy. ("How did he do that?. Did oyu see this?" I only wish I would have known about the build thread earlier. All the detail and originality in this piece will make it a model to remember for years. Fun to look at and explore.

Thank you Jim Fernandez.


I've followed many of Jim's projects; loved them all, but this one is probably my favorite. His builds are always interesting, clever, well thought out, and built with a very high level of skill.

I believe this one also won the Peoples Choice award at GSL. That's a pretty good consensus.

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