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Tryin out New stuff : embossing powder


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So, im tryin out something new guys.....

one of the guys here, ( i forgot who, and im sorry) had a post where he used embossing powder as flockin material for carpets. so i went to micheals and got a few colors of it, its not expensive, $3.50. i figured i would try it out tonight, and i gotta say it works great!

heres a couple shots of what i did.....

i grabbed my spray adhesive, and the embossing powder


I shot the interior panel in a color thats close....in this case duplicolor desert sand


i taped off the rear section, and shot it with some spray adhesive, and sprinkled on the embossing powder.......here is the result!



i think it came out really nice, and its very thin so it doesnt hide any detail! ill be using this stuff from now on, and it comes in a ton of different colors!

hope this helps ya out guys, and thanks to the member who posted it in his thread........im sorry i cant remember your name, im so bad with names! LOL



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"WOW" that is really amazing....

You say you just sprinkle it on...and then "lightly" knock of the excess ????

I am just a few block from a Micheals....And would like to give this a try

Thanks for Sharing.....Cheers Don aka XJ6 B)

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That looks good and turned out great. I never thought of using spray adhesive for flocking material. I have tried many different ways and then what I found worked the best for me was to paint a color close to the flocking let it dry and then I would use model master clean brush it on and then add my flocking by putting it into a metal strainer and tapping it so it looks like it is snowing and fill the area really well and then I would pat it down with my finger then tap it all off and then go to the next section.

Also you can't beat the 40% off coupons from Micheal's or Hobby Lobby.... I am always using them when i do buy stuff there.

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You're not limited to the color the powder comes in. After the adhesive dries hit it softly with a heat gun and it will harden up (embossed) and you can paint it the interior color. In fact I've been getting the opaque color since it will be painted any way.

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I was at Michael's last week looking for embossing powder and was very dissapointed at the color selection. Almost all of them that I could find were more like glitter. I also went to a Hobby Lobby and did find some for the project I'm working on but its not quite the right color either. I wanted to just order some flocking from Detail Master, because I can't find any at any of the LHS's, but Detail Master has a $20 minimum order.

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