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Was sittin' here today and felt the house shake for about 15 seconds. Come to find out the 4.6 quake that started in Kentucky at 12:15 was felt in our area.It was so hard that it shook pictures crooked on the walls.

Did any one else feel it?

It was a weird feeling.I've been through two tornado's and never felt anything like this.

Replies welcome.bigtim.

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I had to check the USGS site after reading this. That seems really unusual for that area.

I remember last year when we had the 5.9 in Virginia. I was in Baltimore at the time, and the whole building was rumbling and shaking...something I had never experienced before. Since then, I check the USGS site on a regular basis. Earthquakes happening in alot of strange places recently.

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I live one hour from the epicenter of the earthquake. However, I was getting ready to turn off US 23 to Interstate 64 heading to Huntington mall in WV. We were driving down the road when my wife said her MTN Dew bottle was shaking in the cup holder and she said the road signs were moving. I thought she was just jarring because I let go of the steering wheel afterward to show her the front tires need balancing and a slight alignment. Well, low and behold she didn't believe me and had to check for herself. To put a spin on an old saying: telegraph, telephone, tell facebook. Sure enough, people all over the place were reporting it there.

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A yr a go or so there was on 4. Something in SC. We felt it up here in NC. The end is near, make peace with your maker.

I remember there was one about tha time in VA that we felt in KY. (It might hae been rhe one Hawk mentioned) I was working and my knee just started bouncing up and down on the floor. My wife said she felt nothing but they interrupted the major networks with a news flash on it.

Edited by Skydime
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I *physically* survived the 1971 Sylamr Earthquake ( 09.FEB.1971 @0600 HRS) ; the 1987 Whittier Earthquake (01.OCT.1987 @ 0742 HRS ; aftershock on 04.OCT.1987 @ 0359 HRS ) ; and the 1994 Northridge (very close to the 1971's epicentre !) Earthquake (can't recall its time or date ...).

I say "physically" survived , as the 1971 quake was my first memory ( I was 10 months old ... scared the hell outta me and my mom !) and the 1987 earthquake absolutely destroyed my hometown , and the results of its aftershock a few days later almost literally killed me .

Needless to say , I couldn't sleep for months afterward ( numerous nightmares and whatnot ) , and it was years before I could be *anywhere* in the dark !

P.T.S.D. is what it's known as !

My neighbour and his younger brother have it , too ; my neighbour because of Vietnam ( Hamburger Hill survivor) ; his younger brother because of his brother's flashback "episode" (trying to be sincere here , not derogatory , hence the quotation marks) while the quake was happening (the 1971 quake ; they lived in North Hills).

But , I divulge ...

The worst thing about earthquakes is that there's no sign of them coming !!! Certainly , I pay very close attention to how my kitties are acting ; but other than that , zero warning . At least Tornadoes and weather-related destruction provide warnings.

I'm not saying that to marginalise the recent tragedies by any means ; just comparing the two natural disasters .

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Me too, except that I was a high school senior and felt the '71 Sylmar quake at home a few miles further away than you (Tarzana). As a result of the shaking, about a foot of water sloshed out of the swimming pool against the sliding glass doors. Man, in North Hills you were practically on top of the epicenter! It's probably better that you were too young to remember it.

I felt the other quakes, too, but was in Torrance (about 20 miles southwest of downtown Los Angeles), so the effects were less but still scary. Now I live about 30 miles west of the San Andreas (a major fault where "The Big One" is expected sometime in the coming decades). Luckily, I don't have any PTSD but I can certainly understand why others could have it. The easy answer is to move to some area that has the lowest chance of disasters but, practically, it's difficult to do before retirement.

I *physically* survived the 1971 Sylamr Earthquake ( 09.FEB.1971 @0600 HRS) ; the 1987 Whittier Earthquake (01.OCT.1987 @ 0742 HRS ; aftershock on 04.OCT.1987 @ 0359 HRS ) ; and the 1994 Northridge (very close to the 1971's epicentre !) Earthquake (can't recall its time or date ...).

I say "physically" survived , as the 1971 quake was my first memory ( I was 10 months old ... scared the hell outta me and my mom !) and the 1987 earthquake absolutely destroyed my hometown , and the results of its aftershock a few days later almost literally killed me .

Needless to say , I couldn't sleep for months afterward ( numerous nightmares and whatnot ) , and it was years before I could be *anywhere* in the dark !

P.T.S.D. is what it's known as !

My neighbour and his younger brother have it , too ; my neighbour because of Vietnam ( Hamburger Hill survivor) ; his younger brother because of his brother's flashback "episode" (trying to be sincere here , not derogatory , hence the quotation marks) while the quake was happening (the 1971 quake ; they lived in North Hills).

But , I divulge ...

The worst thing about earthquakes is that there's no sign of them coming !!! Certainly , I pay very close attention to how my kitties are acting ; but other than that , zero warning . At least Tornadoes and weather-related destruction provide warnings.

I'm not saying that to marginalise the recent tragedies by any means ; just comparing the two natural disasters .

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The most tragic U.S. earthquake in recent history had to have been the 1989 Loma-Prieta "World Series" Earthquake ( i.e. , the '89 San Francisco Earthquake ) .

Just to *think* about how much worse its effects would have been if traffic on I-880 was normal ! Traffic was light because of the game between the A's and the Giants ; none-the-less , many parished in the collapse of the "Cypress Viaduct" portion in Oakland , when the top deck collapsed-onto the lower deck , crushing all of the vehicles .

Then there was the poor folks who'd had clearance to cross the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge , even though a section of its upper-deck had collapsed-onto its lower deck ! The driver of the red '78 Zephyr parished ; the passenger was stuck next to his deceased friend for an ungodly amount of time , awaiting a rescue ( that unfortunate fellow must be revaged by nightmares to this day !).

I had relatives whom lived in that area ( Alameda , off of High Street , and ; Hayward , off of Tennyson ) .

When my family and I were up in Alameda in July of '87 , we were in traffic on I-880 , right at the Cypress section . I remember my mother saying , "I'd hate to be up here during an earthquake !" , and only 2 years later ... !! Let alone the Whittier quake only 3 months later :( .

Edited by 1972coronet
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Mother Nature isn't likeing us very much lately!!!!!

oh, i'm so glad i live in Australia. apart from bushfires (which we can fight) we don't have any of those extreme natural events (only the odd cyclone up north), i think we've only had two earthquakes in the last decade.

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Today we have had 3 2.0+ and 5 1.5+ earthquakes within a 75 mile radius. Typical day in SoCal. To be honest I don't notice them. Infact I am more likely to tune into the jarheads at Pendelton playing with their big guns than I am the general sismic events that happen around here on a daily basis. The first EQ I felt, I was on the 7th floor of a dormitory at the University of Wyoming in 1968. It was centered someplace in Yellowstone. The second one was in '82 or '83 in Spokane Washington. Northridge was the worst I felt. It woke us up and went on for quite a while. Two years ago there was a big one in Mexico, just over the boarder and it shook SoCal quite hard and for a long time.

It is kind of like thunderstorms in the midwest with an occational tornado thrown in. They happen all the time but every once in a while one of them gets really nasty. The good part about them is that to be safe you just need to be in an open field and sit down. Not may other of natures badboys are that easy to get away from.

Edited by Pete J.
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I sem to remember reading someplace or hearing something about natural gas lines causing earthquakes. I wonder how true that is, and if some of these could then be related to that cause?

The articles and reports I am reading and hearing are that the latest earthquake has damaged some of the natural gas and water lines that are underground near the epicenter. The courthouse block walls in Pike County (the next county over) were cracked by the force.

Edited by Skydime
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