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Model Cars Magazine Forum

The "FreakShow" new project 1/12/13

John Teresi

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Wow! That's a pretty dirty way to treat a guy that helps Gregg sell magazines! And yes, when one of John's models is on the cover of MCM, it helps sell the magazine on the news stand. Since John is building an exact replica of that car, you're pretty much saying the same thing about his build. It's one thing to voice an opinion, but that was over the top. :rolleyes:

After seeing any of John's work, I doubt anyone can say that he doesn't have the skills to correct the valve covers on this build. So, it's a non issue. Even if he doesn't fix it, I doubt many judges will actually catch it. They'll be too busy pouring over all of the other great details in this build to notice it.

Bad Roger, NO COOKIE!

it looks like you totally missed Harry's point, when I read Harry's post I saw that Harry was commenting on the actual car and not John's amazing interpretation in scale form of a custom car that was probably built as a "poke" at car customizing ideals.

Kind of brings to mind the "Klingon Kruizer" award I've seen at some contests for outlandish custom creations, which is really a tribute to a building style that melds great building skills with sometimes horrifying creations that are like a train wreck you just can't look away from.

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Roger........thank you so much for your words.........I totally agree with you........that was a big slap in my face.......I thought I have been loyal to this Forum........but,I was wrong.........I would have never thought in a million years that a Moderator would say that about my work......... I just wanted to see if I could build the thing.........now,both of us will either get warning points our get banned.........oh well,life goes on. :)


I build 1/1 cars for a living. and I ask all my customers from the very beginning. What do THEY want in a finished product ? then I try my best to acheive that goal. If there happy, I'm happy.

So , if your happy with it. Carry on and enjoy it and all the pleasure it gives you. Life has enough bumps along the way to worry about opinions on an online forum board (mine included btw ) . I can certaintly appreciate the craftsmanship in the build and all it's details , it's just the 1/1 subject matter does nothing for me .

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Art, regarding the valve covers, (IMHO) Mark's point wins in this case. The flanges of the valve cover don't match to the heads in a way that oil and engine fumes will be contained under the valve cover in a realistic way.

Mike, with all due respect, I will have to disagree with you here. I know plenty of machinists or fabricators who could make an adapter plate to mount that valve cover to that engine, and on this type of way out custom, it's not totally inconceivable, although probably unlikely. Now, if it were that valve cover on a Cosworth F1 engine, I would wholeheartedly agree. :)

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Mike, with all due respect, I will have to disagree with you here. I know plenty of machinists or fabricators who could make an adapter plate to mount that valve cover to that engine, and on this type of way out custom, it's not totally inconceivable, although probably unlikely. Now, if it were that valve cover on a Cosworth F1 engine, I would wholeheartedly agree. :)

Art, respects back at ya, I agree that machinists or fabricators can and do make adapter plates for these types of valve covers and if such an adapter was in evidence on John's engine then he could just say that his valve covers are mounted with an adapter plate. :)

I'm no stranger to fabricating on real cars, I have a '63 TR4 that has a 2.8ltr Ford V6 in it, which I have configured with a Ford electronic distributor connected to a GM HEI ignition module mounted to an external HEI coil and a heatsink I machined down from an electronics assembly. I never have to worry about having good spark on this car and can get inexpensive factory replacements to repair with (just not "Triumph" factory replacements). All of these car mods were done without hacking up the original Triumph parts, instead, new/fabricated parts were adapted to Triumph mounting points.

I suppose to make an exacting point that I could have said that the valve covers on John's engine for this build do not seem to match up with the head castings in a way that would have been done on a real engine and doesn't exhibit an adapter plate to resolve that issue but I failed to make those exacting points. :D

Anyone that cares to can make any comment they care to regarding any of my work that I have posted in this forum and/or any work I plan on posting in this forum, if comments are helpful/constructive I will most likely thank the poster...if not helpful/constructive, I will give those posters a response deserving of their post (most likely no response at all).

Edited by blunc
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I apologize to John for further side tracking/hijacking his build thread, I will keep any additional comments in this thread focused to this build.

John, I look forward to seeing how this all comes together.

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Why is it we can't just enjoy the build for what it is. A skillful exercise in resin, styrene and plastic sculpting. I may not dig the subject but I can not but help to take pleasure in John's creative abilities!

If you don't like the build, stop looking at it. And for the love of GOD stop posting in the thread!

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Wow! So much prattle about a minor issue on a model that's already better than 90% of us could build. The original vehicle is 'over the top' and no doubt was built in 1:1 just to be that. You certainly wouldn't forget it or confuse it with anything else! I'm enjoying watching the build and can't wait to see it finished! And maybe in person someday!

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I agree that this is getting out of hand. If I, as a portrait artist, decide to draw a portrait of a very homely person and the outcome looks very much like the person, I would not be criticized for how this person really looks. John is just doing a replica as best he can (which he has admitted before that he is not a mechanic) and his skills are terrific.

John- I believe the moderator was only talking about the 1:1 car, not your handiwork. Please continue to show us your builds. As was said before - Onward.

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John, I've followed many of your visually pleasing masterpieces. I always go back and look again because I know I missed something in the details. This build is jus' superb in blending many styles together to make a representation of a 1:1. Granted the flaws happen, but I never call them mistakes. Jus' artist rendentions or artistic freelancing or Imagineering. We work with what we have. Perfection and Beauty are always in the beholder's eyes. Keep up the great work! I can't wait to see this MASTERPIECE when its done. Two Thumbs way UP!

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John, you misunderstood my comments.

I was talking about the real car. It's hideous. Sorry, but it just is.

Whatever reasons you have for recreating it in scale is your business, and note that I did mention you are doing a spectacular job. In no way was I criticizing you or your skills. On the contrary... I'm blown away by your skills. You know that. You and I have worked together on magazine features, so I'm pretty sure you know that I have a very high opinion of your modeling skills. I was talking about the real car, not slamming your modeling skills.

And "plowboy," as usual you're comments are off base. I know that you never miss an opportunity to try and stick it to me here on the forum... don't know why you do it, but whatever. That's old news. But just so that you are a little more informed about reality, it was me that contacted John and told him that I wanted to run a feature on his Bentley in the magazine, and it was me that decided to put it on the cover. Obviously I wouldn't ask someone who's work I don't admire to submit an article and put the model on the cover of the magazine! :rolleyes:

You might want to refrain from criticizing me when you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

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We all have different levels of building.I wish I had some of the knowledge John has his scratchbuilding and knowledge to me is amazing. Keep up the good work John it seems there is nothing you can`t build or scratchbuild. My hat goes off to you and your craftmanship. And it takes a big man to amite his mistakes. And I`m sure we all do that.

John Pol

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Hey guys... can we stick to the model itself and refrain from personal critiques?

For some reason John's threads seem to spark controversy. I guess when you have the name recognition that John does, you're going to draw attention to yourself and your work, both positive and negative. But let's refrain from personal comments, please.

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Hey guys... can we stick to the model itself and refrain from personal critiques?

For some reason John's threads seem to spark controversy. I guess when you have the name recognition that John does, you're going to draw attention to yourself and your work, both positive and negative. But let's refrain from personal comments, please.

I`m done :) ........I have said what I need to say :) ........I`ll get back to work on the freaky "Freakshow"..........I have other models to build. :D

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Talking about honesty?.........you have made so many super 7`s.........maybe you will get this one right?........the one your working on now. ;)

Sure let's talk honesty. Show us where I have not been honest. If you are going to make a comment like that, be prepared to back it up.

That is quite an interesting comment John. Just what exactly do you think I did not get right on them? Would you like to show me how you could build one better?

Let me help with some honest facts:

One of my Sevens earned me a TamiyaCon win and trip to Japan. (2001)
Another won the Judges Grand Best Of Show Award at an IPMS National Convention. (2003)
Yet another earned both The People's Choice Best of Show and Judges Best Of Show, (and several other Best Of awards) at the 2007 GSL.
And add to that in every contest we have both entered, I beat you and took all the Best of Show awards, all with my Super Sevens.
So if you are trying to have a urinating contest I suggest you stop facing the wind.

I think it is more a case of sour grapes than an attempt at humor.

Edited by Scale-Master
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