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What makes a pro modeler a pro ?

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How about if a modeler assembles a Monogram "Pro Modeler" kit? Does that qualify?

Dude! Great minds . . .

While you were posting without a pic, I was typing and posting the SAME thought with a pic!! Wild.

We must be "Pro Posters!" :lol: :P

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Or your could take an entirely different approach to the word. Pro means someone is "for" something as opposed to someone who is against it being "Con". I am for model building so that makes all of us here "Pro modelers". :P

Edited by Pete J.
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Or your could take an entirely different approach to the word. Pro means someone if "for" something as opposed to someone who is against it being "Con". I am for model building so that makes all of us here "Pro modelers". :P

Hear, hear!

I LIKE that definition/interpretation, Pete!! B)

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Yup, many of those "Pro Built" models look like they were assembled by a fifth grader! My own pet peeve is the guys who have some bad old built ups and smear a little rust paint on them and try to sell them as "Pro Built Junkers". I think that just gives what I do a bad name. I've had guys that seem amazed when I tell them I start out with a brand new kit.

A lot of the built models on eBay are pure junk. But when you do see models you think may be nice, the builder has sold himself short by not presenting it to it's best advantage. I've seen those with two small bad photos, and two lines of description. I've bought poorly described models that I was buying for parts, and got them only to find they were too nice to tear apart.

There is one guy on eBay who builds very nice models that has a good following. His stuff sells for hundreds of dollars.

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To me, a Profesional Builder, or anyone claiming to be a "Professional" should make his living entirely from his "Profession."

He should, by right, be legal, in the sense that if he is such a professional, then he pays his taxes, reports all of his "Professional" income, and thus, has earned the right to call himself, or herself, a Professional.

Anything else, is just smoke billowing out of an egotistical, narcissist, inflated self-endulging personality disorder builder, or other such lovely terms I can come up with orifice or as the case may be, keyboard.

If you are a professional, act like it.

Pay your taxes.

File your forms.

Due your due diligence with regard to local laws, rules, requirements, and then you can be a professional too.

k, I pau...

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. . . just smoke billowing out of an egotistical, narcissist, inflated self-endulging personality disorder builder . . .

Gee, Gregg. I'm not sure I get your gist. Can you be a little clearer or more explicit? :lol::lol:

Naw. I think you made your point. I just making pa'ani. A hui hou! B)

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Pure subjective hype! The seller is hoping to wring a buck or two more out of someone who can't or is too lazy to build their own! By their definition of "Pro" nearly everyone who posts their built models here, must be a "Pro-Modeler" as the overall quality seen here is a world apart from evilBay.

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When I open a fresh build it becomes "Pro" in some aspects. I expect a "Pro" build whenever I embark on a new project. As for how that works out, well.... I'll let others decide.

For eBay builds? That requires a few things....

1: Taste

2: Execution

3: Subject Matter

No particular order mind you, but those 3 must be followed if you wish to sell a project at a profit.

My .02


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I am starting a Pro Modeler Certification....

Send me:

+ Photos of your last five model car builds.

+ $50 Application Fee

You will get your Pro Modeler Certificate in the mail in 3-4 weeks.

I demand to see the certificate! First! Is it frame worthy?

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I, too, am starting a Pro Modeler Certification program.

Send me:

+ Photos of your last four model car builds.

+ $45 Application Fee

You will get your Pro Modeler Certificate in the mail in 2-3 weeks along with a tube of smelly glue and a dried-up tube of putty.

Don't you JUST LOVE free enterprise and the spirit of competition! :lol::lol:

PS: Tom's idea is hysterically funny. That's why, as a Pro Modeler and Pro Poster, I don't mind ripping him off and undercutting his price and criteria. It's the American way! Similarities are purely coinkydink!

Edited by Danno
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