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What Irked You Today?


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15 minutes ago, Chuck Most said:

Had a display shelf fall for seemingly no reason. A Heller Ferguson practically exploded on impact with the floor- I still haven't found the hood and front wheel. A few models were damaged, but I'm mostly dealing with a few mirrors knocked off, a couple of minor scuffs in the paint, and a broken-off wheel. All should be fairly easy to deal with. 

Weirdest thing is I'm not as worked up about it as I thought I'd be. I got home and saw it and I just sort of thought "OK, that's weird", and started gathering stuff up off the floor. 

I myself would have been livid at first, but after the initial shock i would just move on and clean up the mess, fix what I could and scrap the rest.

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2 minutes ago, High octane said:

I myself would have been livid at first, but after the initial shock i would just move on and clean up the mess, fix what I could and scrap the rest.

Same here, but I just went straight into "move on and clean up the mess". Might be because there was only one real "casualty". I'm more puzzled than anything- I have no clue how the support bracket under the shelf came loose in the first place. 

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I managed to get a couple of weeks work cleaning a bank at the start of the month after being unemployed since august. supposed to get paid today but didn't, so called them only to be told today, 2 weeks after the job ended there was a system to log into that I was never told about. and since I was honest about the work its already been deducted from my dole money.

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1 hour ago, Chuck Most said:

Same here, but I just went straight into "move on and clean up the mess". Might be because there was only one real "casualty". I'm more puzzled than anything- I have no clue how the support bracket under the shelf came loose in the first place. 


My workbench in my old house....   before



We went away for a weekend and I came home to find this mess!  The irony was that we left the house and got as far as the kennel to drop off the dog. There was a sign on the door that they'd be back at 3pm.  So we went back home and had a few hours to kill.  One of my favorite models was front and center on the workbench needing  a repair, so I fixed it with that spare time and put it back in the case!  

As you said, I wasn't screaming mad...  I just started cleaning it up.  My wife found it first and figured I'd freak. She was very surprised at my reaction.

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Irked at myself.

One of the most recent models I have worked on was the Beer Wagon. Had the body assembled/painted. Never got around to putting it back in the box after painting and just didn't put it away.  Well, it fell the other day and I looked real quick and didn't see it. Figured it went under something and I was too lazy to move stuff to look. (this was all before the cleaning/rearranging we've been doing since my mil died.)

Well, my wife found it on the bedroom floor. The grille/nose has been chewed off. One of our dogs got ahold of it and had it under the bed where the little klepto keeps his stash. Fortunately he doesn't seem to have had any problems from it. I'm sure he just chewed it and didn't actually eat it.

So now I have a parts kit I guess. The sad thing is after painting it I regretted doing it. Realized it would have been better to just polish the yellow plastic. I'll get another one someday, Tom Daniel kits are pretty much in my top 5% of kits.

And I just had an idea of where I can use the rims/tires from this kit. So at least something good will result.


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2 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:

Dealing with staff.

I know I'm the boss, and this goes with the territory, but having to drop everything to deal with an issue caused by someone's lack of intgrity and respect really bothers me.


Worked in "Management" for many years until I just had had enough and took a step back in the last 10 years of work. Just got tired of Running A Day Care Center for all of the Prima donnas I had to supervise.    

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13 minutes ago, espo said:

Worked in "Management" for many years until I just had had enough and took a step back in the last 10 years of work. Just got tired of Running A Day Care Center for all of the Prima donnas I had to supervise.    

The "day care center for prima donnas" aspect gets old, but I can deal with it if all my people are actually GOOD at what they do. 

However, when I have a crew of talent-free hackers who, in the best Dunning-Kruger tradition, think they're all wizards and want to be treated like stars...well, let's just say I've gotten out of management.  B)

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Don't think I could manage people..I'm too much of a technical guy focused on projects and systems..I could do project management, though..   My work does require getting statuses from other developers and assigning them tasks, but I'm not their supervisor or manager (more a technical lead/architect of a team). 

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11 minutes ago, dieseldawg142 said:

i'm lucky...i just have to work with a hammer :D

Lotsa times I've wanted to hit somebody up-side-the-head with one.

Seriously, I'm a lot happier just doing my own projects now, and looking the other way when the hackers come out to play.

In one of the shops where I work, everyone is competent...and it's a real pleasure to be there too.

In the other one, competence is a rarity, and I have to put psychological blinders on every time I go in. 

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