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While backing up, a cop blocked me, and caused me to hit this car.I didn’t get a ticket, but they did give me sobriety check, which I had a 0.0 BOC.I blew out his window, and crushed his door in.Not much damage to my Jeep.And I wasn’t even pulling out fast at all.



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1 hour ago, porschercr said:

Bummer, at least you were in the driveway. 

Yeah, sometimes people shouldn't have tools. Good luck with the swap.

Thanks. I'll be working up through Christmas eve, but thought I might steal some model-bench time during the week before New Year.

Guess not.  

I am beginning to imagine putting all the incompetent morons I have to clean up after through wood chippers.

Makes for a very satisfying experience.  :D

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It happened in the parking lot of a 7/11.I was leaving,he pulled up behind me with about 5 feet.He claimed after the incident that someone reported to him that it appeared that I was driving drunk.No I quit drinking years ago.And my Jeep isn’t the smoothest riding car.Like I said,they gave me a whole test,and I passed with no problem.Anyway his car sustained the damage,where I have a small mark on my bumper.I would guess his Sargent was annoyed with him for doing what he did.??.Too bad officer.

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3 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

It happened in the parking lot of a 7/11.I was leaving,he pulled up behind me with about 5 feet.He claimed after the incident that someone reported to him that it appeared that I was driving drunk.No I quit drinking years ago.And my Jeep isn’t the smoothest riding car.Like I said,they gave me a whole test,and I passed with no problem.Anyway his car sustained the damage,where I have a small mark on my bumper.I would guess his Sargent was annoyed with him for doing what he did.??.Too bad officer.

Wonder if he was using that as an excuse..

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That a mouse has made its way in to the crawlspace of my house and up in to a interior wall..
Was just down under the house to set up som traps to hopefully take care of that little problem before it makes any more damage then just the insulation that it has spread out where it crawled in...

Atleast the crawlspace is around 55" tall so i can walk around in there by crouching.
Maybe should get a cat of my own to patrol my yard as the neighbours cat's apparently dont care about my yard:lol:

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By the way,this incident happed a few months ago.Anyway, I have to add the rest of this ridiculous, but true,story.After about two months later,I get a packet from a DMV.explaining to me that I have to take an eye test,along with the written and road course.Plus a full physical,.And if I failed any part they were going to take my license away for at least a month.I know All this BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH sounds crazy.Anyway I took all the tests,passed them all,including the written test.Scored a 100 on that.I mean I’ve been driving since I was 16,and I’m now 52.So I know how to drive.Then the clerk tells me I don’t have to take another road test.So I ran the hell out of there, what a relief getting it all over with..I guess the cops and DMV wanted to make it appear that I was a crappy driver.Meanwhile I have 0 Pt’s.on my license.End of story.

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21 hours ago, NYLIBUD said:

By the way,this incident happed a few months ago.Anyway, I have to add the rest of this ridiculous, but true,story.After about two months later,I get a packet from a DMV.explaining to me that I have to take an eye test,along with the written and road course.Plus a full physical,.And if I failed any part they were going to take my license away for at least a month.I know All this BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH sounds crazy.Anyway I took all the tests,passed them all,including the written test.Scored a 100 on that.I mean I’ve been driving since I was 16,and I’m now 52.So I know how to drive.Then the clerk tells me I don’t have to take another road test.So I ran the hell out of there, what a relief getting it all over with..I guess the cops and DMV wanted to make it appear that I was a crappy driver.Meanwhile I have 0 Pt’s.on my license.End of story.

You just know that someone at the PD is trying to cover their you know what's on this. The next thing will be them contacting your insurance company. I would contact the Chief  or whoever is in charge of the department and politely let him know you're starting to feel like you're being harassed and see if he can't put a stop to it. Next step is your elected official that would represent you in your area followed by a call to the local TV station that likes to cover such happenings. 99.9 plus percent of people in law enforcement are good and under appreciated by far to many, but this is the type of situation that ruins it for them because someone doesn't want to own it when they get it wrong. 

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No espo it’s over,my insurance never went up,and I passed all the tests.But trust me though if I had failed one part of the test,and they took my license away,then I would’ve contacted the police dept.The pct.is right down the road from me.And I wouldn’t be too polite about the entire issue.But thank God it all worked out.Thanks for the advice.


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19 minutes ago, NYLIBUD said:

No espo it’s over,my insurance never went up,and I passed all the tests.But trust me though if I had failed one part of the test,and they took my license away,then I would’ve contacted the police dept.The pct.is right down the road from me.And I wouldn’t be too polite about the entire issue.But thank God it all worked out.Thanks for the advice.


You have to wonder just how often the NY DMV requires someone to take all of the tests without someone requiring them, and why ?? The PD Chief my not even know any of this has been happening to you.   

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Yet again, we have a mouse problem. The one in the basement is no longer a problem, but now we have one in a cabinet in the kitchen. The sad thing is we already had 2 traps in the cabinet, but I guess the mouse is smarter than that. Oh well, time to hire the cat again.

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40 minutes ago, Hotrod 97 said:

Yet again, we have a mouse problem. The one in the basement is no longer a problem, but now we have one in a cabinet in the kitchen. The sad thing is we already had 2 traps in the cabinet, but I guess the mouse is smarter than that. Oh well, time to hire the cat again.

Tried Decon?

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10 hours ago, Hotrod 97 said:

...Oh well, time to hire the cat again.

I live in a semi-rural area, on a large wooded lot. Big fat field mice (big as medium rats, but kinda cute with light gray backs and white bellies) were a problem...12-15 a year in the house, trapped, usually after they'd shredded book bindings, photos, and made nests to raise their young in model boxes.

Even having a cat in the house did no good.

But since I've been feeding the feral cats outside (my current housecat is a kitten-rescue abandoned by one of them), I've had zero mouse-rat incursions for several years. The feral cats seem to do a very effective job of keeping all the rodents in check too: no more shredded wiring (squirrels) or fouled interiors in the stored cars either.

Kinda interesting, as when hunting's not so good, some of the ferals will wait for me to come home so as to be sure to get a meal that day, and even bring their kittens up on the porch to meet the big food-dispenser being.

Some of my neighbors, however, prefer to use poison on the rodents. My current cat has been very sick several times from having (probably) eaten a poisoned rodent outside.

Some of the neighbors are decidedly anti-feral-cat too.

One of the friendliest of the ferals died a while back, after having been shot through the throat and somehow dragging itself back to my front door to bleed out.

I understand people being concerned that feral cats prey on songbirds. I love birds too. But the truth is that the cats only get the slow, stupid birds...insuring the survival of the fittest, and improving the overall genetic makeup of the bird population.

Kind of a shame there aren't more lions and tigers and bears in the neighborhood. 


Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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9 hours ago, slusher said:

Tried Decon?



10 hours ago, Hotrod 97 said:

Yet again, we have a mouse problem. The one in the basement is no longer a problem, but now we have one in a cabinet in the kitchen. The sad thing is we already had 2 traps in the cabinet, but I guess the mouse is smarter than that. Oh well, time to hire the cat again.

Had an infestation at a former residence.  The nice thing about using Decon  is the carcass doesn't smell. The bad thing is it will take out a cat or dog so be carful where you put the trap. 

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10 hours ago, Ace-Garageguy said:

I live in a semi-rural area, on a large wooded lot. Big fat field mice (big as medium rats, but kinda cute with light gray backs and white bellies) were a problem...12-15 a year in the house, trapped, usually after they'd shredded book bindings, photos, and made nests to raise their young in model boxes.

Even having a cat in the house did no good.

But since I've been feeding the feral cats outside (my current housecat is a kitten-rescue abandoned by one of them), I've had zero mouse-rat incursions for several years. The feral cats seem to do a very effective job of keeping all the rodents in check too: no more shredded wiring (squirrels) or fouled interiors in the stored cars either.

Kinda interesting, as when hunting's not so good, some of the ferals will wait for me to come home so as to be sure to get a meal that day, and even bring their kittens up on the porch to meet the big food-dispenser being.

Some of my neighbors, however, prefer to use poison on the rodents. My current cat has been very sick several times from having (probably) eaten a poisoned rodent outside.

Some of the neighbors are decidedly anti-feral-cat too.

One of the friendliest of the ferals died a while back, after having been shot through the throat and somehow dragging itself back to my front door to bleed out.

I understand people being concerned that feral cats prey on songbirds. I love birds too. But the truth is that the cats only get the slow, stupid birds...insuring the survival of the fittest, and improving the overall genetic makeup of the bird population.

Kind of a shame there aren't more lions and tigers and bears in the neighborhood. 


I have one who. Adopted us we had a vet trip she almost died from respatory infection. She cought a mouse Saturday....

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These worked the best for me.  One was spotted in the bathroom so I made a quick trip to Ace Hardware and got some that only opened about 45 degrees and I think the mouse just laughed at them.  I got two packs of these from Lowes and Mickey & friends have crossed to the other side.  

The Best Mousetrap | Reviews by Wirecutter

My mother used to have a beauty shop and has a mouse issue so the LL used the metal traps.  Sometimes they would decapitate but sometimes the mouse would walk on the trap to get the bait triggering it and it took flight.

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First let me say I'm a Coffee Snob and I make no excuse for it. I order my beans from Peet's in San Francisco and have for years. Best coffee if this is something that matters to you. My problem has to do with the shipping of supplies. They use UPS and this is were the problem is. I was expecting an order and it was due during a two day window including Friday or Saturday and they're very good about getting them to me on time. My wife is having to work from home and her office is by the front door with a view of the street. She mentioned to me Friday  that a UPS truck had been driving up and down our street. This is not uncommon especially since now everyone is ordering everything on line. She mentioned that the driver went by the house at least 6 or 7 times but she never sees them stop. Saturday evening a neighbor two doors down who is in ill heath come to our door. I was afraid he may be in trouble, but no he's at my door after dark and it's below freezing out side and he's bring a package that was left on his front porch sometime Friday. Now our street number is plainly seen carved in stone over the front door and in reflective numbers on our mail box at the end of the driveway. Just don't understand how this driver couldn't see the mail box let alone leave the package on someone else's porch with the same type of number display that plainly was a different number. The good news is I enjoy a great group of neighbors and this poor older gentleman braved inclement weather to bring me my coffee. I really felt bad that he had to do that but this speaks of the person he is. Now if we could just get the UPS drivers to slow down and read the numbers on the mail boxes this will be a better place.  

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