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This is disgusting

Quick GMC

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Always one in the crowd. We are clearly having fun at his expense and I love everything about it. You put yourself out there on the internet by choice JB.. Call yourself a "Pro" no less and it's what he deserves in no uncertain terms.

Poorly executed, underwhelming builds like this that actually get money make me want to put something on eBay to see what I could fetch for a build a tad better than that. I think I could do it guys!! I really do....


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the truth is, if this guy was posting those cars here, no one would be saying anything. or they would be heaping praise on them (and, imo, rightly). the problem seems to be the guys self-description, not the cars.

personally, I don't think they are all that bad and the "pro built", "45 years experience" stuff is the normal hyperbole you hear so much of these days.

I say leave the guy alone; if you don't like his stuff, don't bid on it.


No, they are poor attempts. You can clearly tell he sanded the seams on the hood scoop, however he must have been blindfolded when doing it. Everything is half-assed. A member on here learning to better themselves would not leave blue plastic exposed after scraping away chrome.

The guy claiming his experience and pro built and all that stuff makes it open season.

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So if this is a $20.00 kit, and at best he had 10 hours involved in building it....and he got the whopping sum of $48.99 that would equal about $2.90 an hour for his 'professional services'

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Yeah the guy put himself out there, so I guess he gets his turn on the "internet barrel", nice that you're all doing it here behind his back where he can't see it tucked safely behind your keyboards. Everyone going for the Internet Bravery Merit Badge this evening?

While less than inspiring, to downright sloppy, there are things on this forum that look far worse by a country mile, and yet have so much sugary praise attached to them you get diabetes just reading them. Builds with the finish of spoiled citrus, seams and mold lines, and engine wiring that would scale out to the diameter of garden hoses, and it's all lapped up as the next best thing here. If anyone here actually had their build critiqued they way you hypocrites are doing to this poor mope this place would burn to the ground in a bonfire of butthurt.

Whatever happened to the MCM mantra of "Don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"??

Y'all oughta be ashamed of yourselves! It's one thing to call out these auctions, everyone looks and sees the problems, and then moves on. But I don't ever recall one going into two pages of verbal beatdown to someone who isn't even here to defend themselves.

By "This is disgusting", who knew you were going to be talking about the behavior that was to come...psychic thread starter. <_<

Edited by niteowl7710
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Yeah the guy put himself out there, so I guess he gets his turn on the "internet barrel", nice that you're all doing it here behind his back where he can't see it tucked safely behind your keyboards. Everyone going for the Internet Bravery Merit Badge this evening?

While less than inspiring, to downright sloppy, there are things on this forum that look far worse by a country mile, and yet have so much sugary praise attached to them you get diabetes just reading them. Builds with the finish of spoiled citrus, seams and mold lines, and engine wiring that would scale out to the diameter of garden hoses, and it's all lapped up as the next best thing here. If anyone here actually had their build critiqued they way you hypocrites are doing to this poor mope this place would burn to the ground in a bonfire of butthurt.

Whatever happened to the MCM mantra of "Don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"??

Y'all oughta be ashamed of yourselves! It's one thing to call out these auctions, everyone looks and sees the problems, and then moves on. But I don't ever recall one going into two pages of verbal beatdown to someone who isn't even here to defend themselves.

By "This is disgusting", who knew you were going to be talking about the behavior that was to come...psychic thread starter. <_<


I have to agree with Niteowl7710 on this, the thread title does fit very well indeed

Edited by martinfan5
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Y'all oughta be ashamed of yourselves! It's one thing to call out these auctions, everyone looks and sees the problems, and then moves on. But I don't ever recall one going into two pages of verbal beatdown to someone who isn't even here to defend themselves.

Yeah , I have to agree with this especially...

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True, we tend to praise our "friends" on the forum. But we usually have an idea of their age and / or skill level and praise accordingly. If we see someone's build where they BMFed the trim and it was their first time doing so, we'll over look the uneven blade work at the edges. But these posters aren't coming here claiming to be the next Juha Airo. I remember a guy on here who created models of cars not offered as kits by shaping bondo, putty, plastic into something obscure. They weren't the smoothest or the most accurate, but we were all amazed at the creativity of that builder.

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As soon as I build a perfect model...

The problem is in the self promotion. Have a little humility in your work, brother (addressed to any person labeling their models as "Pro" and "contest ready").

If somebody posted a model on this forum and propped it verbally as this seller has done, they would get ripped to shreds. Most of us are humble and just like to build and display, hoping others will enjoy.

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Yeah the guy put himself out there, so I guess he gets his turn on the "internet barrel", nice that you're all doing it here behind his back where he can't see it tucked safely behind your keyboards. Everyone going for the Internet Bravery Merit Badge this evening?

While less than inspiring, to downright sloppy, there are things on this forum that look far worse by a country mile, and yet have so much sugary praise attached to them you get diabetes just reading them. Builds with the finish of spoiled citrus, seams and mold lines, and engine wiring that would scale out to the diameter of garden hoses, and it's all lapped up as the next best thing here. If anyone here actually had their build critiqued they way you hypocrites are doing to this poor mope this place would burn to the ground in a bonfire of butthurt.

Whatever happened to the MCM mantra of "Don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"??

Y'all oughta be ashamed of yourselves! It's one thing to call out these auctions, everyone looks and sees the problems, and then moves on. But I don't ever recall one going into two pages of verbal beatdown to someone who isn't even here to defend themselves.

By "This is disgusting", who knew you were going to be talking about the behavior that was to come...psychic thread starter. <_<

I don't see anyone here bragging about being a pro and how awesome they are with all their experience. I've never put down anyone's builds, but when you start promoting how awesome you are, it'd better be decent. If it didn't have all that ridiculous self promotion, i never would have looked twice.

But you're right. The guy's not here to defend himself. Now I almost feel bad.

Edited by Quick GMC
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As soon as I build a perfect model...

The problem is in the self promotion. Have a little humility in your work, brother (addressed to any person labeling their models as "Pro" and "contest ready").

If somebody posted a model on this forum and propped it verbally as this seller has done, they would get ripped to shreds. Most of us are humble and just like to build and display, hoping others will enjoy.

Very well said Erik...

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Yeah the guy put himself out there, so I guess he gets his turn on the "internet barrel", nice that you're all doing it here behind his back where he can't see it tucked safely behind your keyboards. Everyone going for the Internet Bravery Merit Badge this evening?

So ... Invite him here to defend himself! I'd tell him to his virtual or actual face that while he is saying it's an "Awesome pro built Grumpy's Toy", his photos are saying "Yeah, not so much."

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Whatever happened to the MCM mantra of "Don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"??

Oh the irony. :lol:

But I don't ever recall one going into two pages of verbal beatdown to someone who isn't even here to defend themselves.



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In this case those who have bought the spray bombs that are being passed off as works of art bear a little of the blame as well.

In the case of the white Nova those pictures clearly show that there are issues with the paint; yet someone bid on it! The pictures show that there are issues with fit and finish; someone bid on it after seeing that too.

If someone truly knew what Bill Jenkins Super Stock Nova/Chevy II really looked like they would not have bought a Pro-Street Nova, but they bid on it anyway. If the bidder knew anything about the engines allowed in Super Stockers they would know that even Bill Jenkins himself couldn't get a tunnel rammed small block to pass tech for an SS classed car, they chose to bid on it.

Why? Even in my most sarcastic moments I couldn't come up with a smart Alec enough answer!

If people quit buying stuff that clearly looks like a garage sale refugee those who try to pass off this stuff as if it were the absolute best of the bestest. Maybe, just maybe they would go back under the rock from whence they came. Back to the model, if people keep buying these creations then their builder gets he self notoriety that they are going for. In their mind they probably feel that since their models are selling for as much as they are that they are putting out a quality product. Probably not, when you build something you can normally point out even the most minute flaw which would go unnoticed by all but the most critical person. There are all sorts of ideas on quality... I'm not going there all the low hanging fruit is gone!

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